Veeky Forums paint thread

Draw a historical event in paint, everyone else has to guess what it is. Bonus points for drawing it on your phone.

Nero burns Rome.

For bonus points tell me the year

Trudeau burns Fort McMurray


jews crash the wtc for insurance cash

Part of Kemal's secularist reforms, somewhere in the 1920s.

Oddly, this app I'm using saves pictures like they're from Veeky Forums.

Washington crossing the Delaware (?)

>swapping fezzes for fedoras
Still a little mad


Yugoslav Wars


This is what happens when Trump accidentally swallows some sea water.


Caligula declaring war on Neptune


That one missionary guy chopping down a sacred pagan oak in some northern country.

>Based Bonifatius


Cuckman invades the Holy Roman Empire

Chrysippus' tragic death.





