lets see it boys
from our own waywt
lets see it boys
from our own waywt
looks pretty good to me
Only a retard would post a fit pic next to a gravestone
she died quite young
like what the fuck was going through his mind?
>haha guys lets go to this graveyard to take pictures of our cool outfits!
Where is the logic
disrespectful af
tryhard manlet shit
shit fit but in what way is it disrespectful
The cingiest part is using a graveyard as a backdrop for his fit.
>displaying full name on grave
>photoshoot at graveyard in the first place
>picture composition is total shit "hey I learned that one thirds rule now I'm a pro"
>that face'blur' symbol
>there will never be a tech runner re-release and there are no tech runners in your size
What really make this fit hilarious are his terrible knockknees. This looks like cosplay.
From /r/streetwear: this guy made a "Custom Off-White suit" by stitching a belt to the back.
of course he's asian
I'll admit that's kinda creative but I dont fuck with any of it
why do you browse r/streetwear
i'll never understand why so many anons here claim to hate streetwear but browse the reddit so frequently
makes me think that the majority of people here only claim to dislike streetwear because that's what they saw on Veeky Forums when they first migrated from reddit
I browse it to pad my cringe folder for this board
that's more pathetic than liking streetwear.
that should be against the law
Goes on a board he apparently hates for the purpose of adding to a hivemind echo chamber pathological circlejerk on a Vietnamese Etch-A-Sketch website.
What even is your life, Jesus. Pathetic.
nice sweater though. if you took off the hood and stopped being an edgy faggot who took pictures in graveyards, people would appreciate that sweater
that's fucking dope though
>those vans
kill the gooks
everything about this is disgusting, jeggings with a blazer + checkerboard vans?
fucking this. cringe threads are cancer. fuck off and die op
also both of the pics in this thread are fine, way better than the average normie and better than the waywt thread here even. you guys are delusional and bitter
you're a tasteless hypebeast if you think either of these 2 are better than a guy who shops at target
top this
>cringe general
>26 posts
>3 actual pictures
why did you need a thread to get cringe inspo
just look in the mirror
is that a guy? i can never tell with niggers
What is he doing
If IT was an actual attractive women I reckon it would've worked.
i didnt know Veeky Forums was full of low test faggots who dont know who teyana taylor is
Fucking lol what a faggot
literal monkey looking bitch
these are /pol/tards not Veeky Forumsggots. I would totally burry my dick in that bitch and who ever can pull it out would be crowned king Arthur.
Go back to Facebook, faggot
Pretty cringey.
>This 20 year old joke
Seeketh suicide
anything rick owens, techwear or goth are cringe
this thread is redundant
>didn't even spell berry right
>says it's everyone else that doesn't belong here
the blazer looks interesting, but it's a rip off and it doesn't even fit him. i wont even bother talking about the rest of the """fit"""
i made this
you can also get a dad hat
www.soleedus.me/store/ if anyone wants one
I like Teyana Taylor and even I had trouble recognizing her in 's picture. It's not a flattering photo at all.
She's not known for her fashion sense but her body is fire.
>jeggings with a blazer + checkerboard vans?
I'd wear that. That yellow stripe is shit tho.
t. proud member of kekistan
No one said you have any taste, user.
Butterface. Literally looks like a monkey.
Does anyone here have "one more from the back"?
hes a kike, he has no respect for christian graves
lmao why so mad fucking mongrel cuck?