Effay cars?

effay cars?


that looks like something out of saints row


i liek dem ornj carrs mai doods

it was ahead of its time

car design was actually based on saints row 3 models

poorfags need not apply


never to be realized
The Chicago Blackline

Veeky Forumsmes Bond



not a car, and only if you're female
only if you're rich asian college student
is this a fucking video game?that's not a car. read the title.









sit down

I'm surprised no one has posted it yet














>no 1992 geotracker
Veeky Forums is truly dead

>buys aventador instead of 918 spyder

Daytona and Superbird








Art hoe aesthetic







The only correct answers in this thread.
mercedes are shit old man-tier






Let's get some real cars in this thread...

Are 90's Jet Skis effay?


Is that the car used by cypress hill in their music video "lowrider" senpai?


Love it


>tfw not FABULOUS

it's time to make a change




348 is love
348 is life

We Veeky Forumsst now


Only if you're /prep/

[trumpets intensify]

overrated car, weebshit paintscheme
