
What is some /fa literature?

Glamorama, B E Ellis


Baudelaire's Fleurs du Mal

Finnegans Wake
Paradife Loft
Canterbury Tales (un-"translated")
Hobbes' Leviathan
Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
The Divine Comedy

>tfw you will never be in a violent romantic relationship with Rimbaud
>you'll never hold him close in a french hostel



t. college freshman

The age is correct but I've never been to college, user
(or high school after sophomore year)



This ,desu

l'immoraliste (andré gide)
so the wind won't blow it all away (richard brautigan)
distancia de rescate (samanta schweblin)
la disparition and un homme qui dort (georges perec)
la nausée and huis clos (jean-paul sartre)
le nœud de vipères (françois mauriac)
notre-dame de paris (victor hugo)
lolita (vladimir nabokov)

Don't listen to this moron. A translation is absolutely needed for first time reading if you want to come away with anything other than confused

I'm not well-read or bright but with some time and effort I can understand the original Tales pretty well. I'd sacrifice clarity for the beauty of the language any day of the week

you must be downplaying it man, you must be somewhat well-read to digest untranslated tales

I'm really not, I can count the classic novels I've read on one hand. My grandfather, dad, and I have always just had a knack for understanding language, especially wordplay. It helped me understand Finnegans Wake massively and it quickly became my favorite book I had ever read. Apparently there's some evidence of a link between language processing and bipolar disorder, which we all have. That may be why

interesting, never new of that correlation. are there any other pros to having bipolar disorder you can think of?

Not that I can think of, I mean there's always the idea that it's correlated with creativity but again, I don't know how true that really is

fair enough, well here's to hoping it doesn't affect you or your family too negatively user

Thanks man, my dad and I have actually been helping each other learn to deal with it this past year and things are really looking up

Pic related,
also any philosophy that isn't basic shit like Kant, Descartes, Nietzsche etc.

good to hear bro. by the way, what kind of style do you normally dress in then? trying to see how it fits with your Veeky Forums tastes


Books pertaining to fashion? Everything else:

Gide, Genet, anything thing else gay.

muh existentialism

poe is the original sadboy. will never forget the first time i read The Raven

Any classics will do just fine.

If you collect physical books, it generally comes off as more intellectual if you have more than one work of each author in your library. I've visited people with an unread Gorgias or an unread The Trial in their shelf. Not cool. At least if you have a small Kafka collection, it will seem like you enjoyed the first work and decided to delve further into the author. Everyone can read, not everyone develops taste and understanding. Reading is not Veeky Forums, taste and understanding is.

Read authors, not books.

Mishima was Veeky Forums as hell