Books, movies, TV shows, comics, cartoons, video games, anime, manga, board games, etc. Literally ANYTHING that falls into "Veeky Forums-core" or whatever you want to call it.
>/v/ Wall Street Kid Lemonade Stand Capitalism Plus Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon The Money Game The Money Game II - Kabutochou no Kiseki Famicom Top Management Top Management II Business Wars Aerobiz Aerobiz Supersonic Kabushiki Doujou - The Stock Speculation Matsumoto Toru no Kabushiki Hisshougaku Matsumoto Toru no Kabushiki Hisshougaku II Leading Company Kachou Shima Kousaku - Super Business Adventure Wall Street Raider RollerCoaster Tycoon M.U.L.E. Niji no Silkroad
>/tv/ Wall Street (this is almost anti-Veeky Forums though, but actual professional traders seem to like it) Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous The Secret of My Success (borderline, but worth mentioning) Working Girl (even more borderline, but the setting is vaguely Veeky Forums related)
For books I would recommend The Intelligent Investor Book by Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett although its a bit dated.
Joshua Young
the four spiritual laws of prosperity
Jayden Morris
Just watch nightcrawler and wallstreet.
Carson Gray
>/a/ Money no Ken
Sebastian Murphy
/a/ Daihyou Torishimariyaku Souchou Saigou Seikichi The Broker Economic Freedom and the National High School Cecil Investor Z Kabujikara M.A.X Nesage Ya (aka Price Cutter) Onna no Okane no Choujoushiki Saru! Money!! Tensai Family Company Working Musume Yami Kyun! Auction House
Lincoln Walker
>Veeky Forums Be My Guest by (of all people) Conrad Hilton
Legitimately one of the best rags-to-riches autobiographies ever. Should be considered essential reading on business (ethics and) ethos.
Christian Gutierrez
Does he explain how his great-granddaughter turned out a complete disaster?
Chase Gomez
Thomas Johnson
What are the best autobiographies? I wanted to order sam waltons but the reviews at amazon say that its only selfpromotion and no solid advice.
Ethan Jenkins
Can somebody link a pdf of this book please? Cant find an upload
Gavin Reyes
Just buy the fucking book you loser
William Bell
Can only buy it used from UK...was hoping for an easier alternative
Lucas Lee
Ask /r/ or Veeky Forums.
Xavier Cook
Nvm, just ordered it
Michael Morris
Halt and Catch Fire is an okay corporate drama about the early PC years.