How did the soviet union manage to have such high birth rates for so long while having women working and free abortion?

How did the soviet union manage to have such high birth rates for so long while having women working and free abortion?

And why do post-soviet states have so low birthrates?


Bump for truth

Because even sperm know capitalism fucking sucks and don't want to be born anymore.

Poor people tend to have more children.

But most Russians didn't get richer in the 90s, a large number even got poorer, and still their fertility dropped.

Soviet Union

Pick one

2.1 sustains a society.

The numbers in your chart show a country dying.

Nobody has ever recovered from a 1.3.

Because life was better compared to before, at least for a time. Imperial Russia was stuck with a much more feudal system then the West, so when the commies started to industrialize the country it was easier for many people to survive. Purging a few Million people doesn't affect birth rates that much if the rest of the population suddenly gains things like housing and basic medical care.

It's amazing that you're unable to comprehend what that guy is saying. The birthrate in Russia dropped following the fall of the soviet union despite worsening economic conditions and a poorer populace.

180 to 290 in 40 years is only a growth rate of .012.

I see a population chart for the USSR, and birthrates for Poland, Belarus and Hungary.

What do you see?

It's amazing that nothing in this thread shows that.

The Russian birthrates are also shown on the OP pic.

>I see a population chart for the USSR, and birthrates for Poland, Belarus and Hungary.

where did you learn maths?

Different mindset of society. People were more conservative.

The developed world is so fucked.

>And why do post-soviet states have so low birthrates?
Would you really want your children to live in a capitalist society? I don't. Making children in such conditions just feels selfish.

Where did you learn to read?

Are you retarded?

Because of the heroic efforts of this absolute patriot, ensuring that a healthy and large next generation would be born.

Uneducated people do, who tend to be more poor. In the United States, the baby boom occured because of economic prosperity. But women in Uganda have 5.8 babies per person.

Your sorry as would live on potato and vodka in soviet russia

It's because children are fucking expensive in developed capitalist society's.

Be more retarded pls

but how was it different during their socialist past?

>How did the soviet union manage to have such high birth rates for so long while having women working and free abortion?
By treating them as breeding machines.

I don't get it. Wasn't he the head of the KGB? How did he help a new generation be born?

Haha women were freer in the Soviet Union than America circa 1955

They hit the sweet spot of having to pay for developed nation infrastructure but there was no work so kids became burdens. This is happening in eastern Canada right now.

The fucking Marxists on this board are a delusional joke

that's nice and all but can you explain why post-communist capitalist states have worse birth rates than back when they were communist?

You could dump big loads inside vaginas and the government would make sure you didn't starve.

There was literally nothing else to do in a communist state other than bang your wife.

Nowadays, people have alternative forms of entertainment.

No porn whatsoever in USSR states up until Perestroika.