I want to be successful like Donald.
I want to be successful like Donald
ask dad for $1 million plus connections in nyc real estate
ask your bank for a small $1mil loan and create a failing business
How's sitting in biz fiddling at your tiny dicks fellas?
Asking the wrong group of people op. None of these faggots know how to be successful.
stay positive.
be generous (donald gives employees in his hotels $100 bills randomly and they love him and work way harder)
dont drink or do drugs or pretty much succumb to any addiction in excess
have a strong personality and a strong 'reality' (this is how he can troll the fuck out of people and their admonitions dont even phase him)
think BIG
visualize your success
How do I become like Donald? I must know
This would be excellent bait if this board wasnt dead.
>11 billion net worth
>failing business
I know how your future looks from here
Ok faggots, let me see what YOU will do out of 1 mil.
How many millionaires are out there? Millions.
How many of them achieved what Donald achieved? ....
I think what i have achieved is far greater than him.
I came from an extremely poor family, was almost homeless at 20, and am now a multi millionaire at 28.
Donald doesn't know shit about real life. He's had a silver spoon up his ass since birth.
I call bullshit. But fuck it. What do you do for a living? Also how did you turn your life around?
Why do alt-right cucks always get so triggered when someone insults "muh infallible emperor xd"?
You guys are easier to troll than berniefags
>lets see what you do with one mil
Hand me some then. Id love to have one mil handed to me in my twenties.
>every millionaire tried to go for one b
who would lie on a kenian stockbroker board, amirite?
Even if it's true - congratulations, you're better than Trump. But millions of people who bitch around are not.
I'm not even alt-right. But false information triggers me, that's true. People act as if he had everything when he was born already, yet that's absolutely not true as can be seen through a quick research.
Are you really implying that every millionaire could easily earn billions if he wanted to?
If they really wanted it and had 40 years, yeah.
>I'm not even alt-right. But false information triggers me, that's true. People act as if he had everything when he was born already, yet that's absolutely not true as can be seen through a quick research.
All anyone said was "Get a million dollars for free" and you got butthurt about it.
Are you trying to associate yourself with Donald Trump because you think his success will rub off on you or something if you whiteknight for him?
don't over-rationalize everything, especially not discussion.
why are you posting on Veeky Forums? to become rich?
ever talked to people in your lives? if so, why?
these are ridiculous questions, we could go on to say that humans should stop interacting, since 98% of times nothing useful comes out of it.
Just as for a $6 million "loan" from your father.
>I think what i have achieved is far greater than him.
>Next president
Sour grapes taste so good huh
>next president
>being this delusional
ask dad for a loan
get into real estate
become a youtube celebrity, since it's the new equivalent to being a reality tv star
Oh look, a Reddit.
Without backing up your statements, your comments are just a shitpost in a shit sea.
i want to see tax return otherwise he's not a billionaire
Just buy some Trumpcoins
>don't over-rationalize everything, especially not discussion
W... What? What does this even mean?
>don't over-rationalize everything
>we could go on to say that humans should stop interacting, since 98% of times nothing useful comes out of it
On a net basis, his net worth is about $5 billion (According to Forbes magazine; Trump claims twice that). That means on average, his various business ventures have been spectacularly successful. When you start with a minus $900 million net worth—relatively late in his career, and move to $5 billion positive net worth—you had to have made $6 billion to do that. That is one hell of a lot of money in a relatively short period of time.
A reader described Trump as top 1%. Not even close. In a good year, my wife and I are top 1%. Trump is in the 324÷7 billion of the world. Forbes says he is the 324th richest person in the world. Seven billion is the world population. That is the top 4.62857143e-8 a.k.a. .0000000462857143 or in %: the top .0000046%.
The guy is way, way better than almost everyone in America at something most Americans tried to be good at: building a high net worth and a strong business. Efforts like buying lottery tickets, going to college and grad school, buying stocks, investing in real estate, starting a business are all evidence of trying to move in the same direction Donald tried to move.
Don’t even think about dropping any sour grapes on me—that you could have had a $5 billion net worth if you had wanted one but you didn’t want one.
You can't do it like him, you don't have the connections, experience, of assets. You could become as successful as him potentially, but just not in the same way as him. Sorry pal. Look elsewhere at this phase.
Buy Ether, simple as that
1100% increase and potentially more, 1 mil would be 10b by now. Donald's networth is what? 4.5b?
I want to suck Trump's cock and make it cum deep inside me.
I already dicksuck him metaphorically by shilling for him on /pol/, the real thing wouldn't be much of a step up.
Hard work, working a hundred hours a week, sleeping 4 hours a night until retiring in your 70s
Kek, 1000x poorer.
>muh achievements
>1 mil would be 10b by now
Oh your math is so bad lol. You sure you want anything to do with cryptography? I think you should try to invest in something more simple and not math based.
All of that is fairly decent advice though even if DT doesn't do it.
Im sure if someone gave you a million you'd be able to turn it into several thousand million and not blow it on stupid shit
16 other republicans thought the same thing a few months back.
Make sure your born to a dad with $250million then.
Find yourself a better rich man to idolize this one looks way to similar to the last mad man.
>Get past the minimum investment barrier by more than a tenfold
>a 5x increase
Start by having an IQ of 156.
Then write the seminal book on negotiation.
Then develop crazy persuasion skills.
Then get your hands on a million dollars.
That's all it takes senpai.
>turning 1 million dollars into 4-10 BILLION dollars is called making a failing business.
If anybody could turn 1 million into 4 billion, then every corporation in the world would be hiring these people as CEOs and every company would be worth billions.
Mate that's not nearly as rare as you think. My brother was sleeping on the floor of his uncles living for for 4 years doing his college degree at Berkeley, with only one set of clothes and no money to afford text books, he's 29 now and pulling in 6 figures a month. And even he has tremendous respect for Donald Trump.
>genius persuader
>hugely successful
>tremendously charismatic
>world class leadership skills
Even if you're deluded enough to think Donald Trump won't be president, he has reduced the effective pool of choices down to HIM and Hillary. He has the power to MAKE someone else president by dropping out in 6 months. He reduced the pool of candidates for nuclear launch codes from 17 to 2.
So go kys and you're rags to riches success story that is literally dime-a-dozen in America. I think the real reason you hate Trump is that when he MAGA there will be way more rich people and you'll be a less special snowflake.
No. He had a million dollar "small loan"
He also inherited hos fathers wealth when he died
How does that dispute my point? I wrote get your hands on a million dollars. It doesn't matter how you get a million dollars, what matters is that you get it. I never understand this "small loan" point fags keep making. A million dollars is a million dollars, being loaned a million dollars is still a huge deal. You can't just walk into a bank and ask for it.
1 million dollars is a small loan. i make 30k a year and was able to secure 120k in loans for two investment properties within a 1.5 year period.
Ok so lets break it down
he says it was a "small loan" but it looks to be 20-40 million, plus another 40-80+ million he inherited in '99 when fred (his dad) died + he was put in charge of his dads company (nepotism) and given access to all of his fathers credit lines and resources, including personal contacts (this was way back in the 70's)
That meme about him being worth more today if he'd just invested in index funds isn't completely correct (because we dont known the exact numbers as I pointed out above with the large ranges)
but any fucking dunce who grew up rich (meaning they wouldnt blow it all immediately like lottery winners) could take connections + a 250 million dollar companies credit line + 60+ million dollars and do well.
So this whole thread is fucking retarded.
I agree , he's charismatic and yadda yadda but guys like that are a dime a dozen - car sales lots, realtors, door to door vacuum salesmen , these guys live mouth to mouth on their ability to upsell - donalds not like the casanova of persuasion
so thats all i'm saying, he isn't special, he's not brilliant - what sets him apart is that most billionaires are too classy to debauche themselves and whore themselves out like he does (lots of buildings use the "trump" brand but arent controlled by him - they pay him to use the name)
he's nothing fancy
Is this how you cope? anyone with connections and 1 million dollars can turn it into whatever.
The hard work is literally making that first 1 million from nothing, which is why we are stuck in lower-middle class for life.
The point is that every one of us gets "small loans" some time in our lives. It can be 25K from a dead father or grandma leaves us a 10K gift for college.
What one does with the money is what makes one special. Do you piss it away on booze, do you invest in penny stocks, or do you create a flower shop that becomes your cities #1 flower shop and then start making 300k profit in a year? Well, its Veeky Forums so nobody is making a flower shop but thats just a metaphor.
1 million is a small loan *in the world of New York real estate* I mean if you take 20K for your flower shop that was a small loan for a retail shop but enough to become great.
I guess my point is, when you get your opportunity, seize it like Donald did, don't obsess over his numbers, just use his example and possibly you will do much better than him.
>and they love him
Go to sleep Donald.