New name thread because the other one just had hit the bump limit.
ITT: Rate the effayness of each other's names. Post their meaning if you can find it.
My name is Gabriel. It means the Strength of god/ God is my strength/ Power of god. If that doesn't allow me to go on crusades I don't know what would.
Nicholas Sanchez
Iorwerth. >tfw
James Richardson
this is such dumb shit and i dont even know why the mods allowed it
like why are these threads reaching autosage for something not even about fashion
>inb4 we're rating the e-effayness of each others names
stop using Veeky Forums for something not related to fashion. fuck off
Adrian Perry
>Iorwerth (Welsh pronunciation: [ˈjɔrwɛrθ]) is a Welsh name, composed of two elements: iôr meaning "lord" and berth meaning "fair" or "handsome".[1]
sounds pretty effay to me
Josiah Bell
t. Gavin
Julian Green
My name is Robert. It means famed, bright; shining.
Not a very effay name
Jackson Morgan
Isn't that a last name? Sounds going to hogwarts tier.
Effay enough, but be sure to carry around the english boarding school attitude.
Probably a Humbert.
Camden Nguyen
Grayson Torres
You sound like a Glenn
Anthony Cruz
Colton, i was named after my dads Colt rifle he shot a coyote with the day my mom found out she was pregnant.
Brody Edwards
You should go full bear with that name.
Carson Mitchell
Is this your dad.
Xavier Watson
Being a bear is not really in the cards for me.
t. 5'11" 145lbs
Kayden Perry
Close, needs to look more Albanian
Jeremiah Smith
Reminds me of bully for some reason.
5'11'' Is not short, don't listen to the internetlets. But robert is pretty circus strongman-tier.
Just slap a yugo-war headband on him and a poorly pieced together AK with fake colt markings.
Colton Parker
Cooper Hughes
Kosova është shqip!
Owen Nelson
Leonardo Benjamìn I won
Ayden Jones
I don't think I'm short, I just know I'm not really going to bulk up at all.
Andrew Roberts
Ryan Parker
You can always change your name.
Jordan Baker
Too much work at this point.
Logan Reed
My name is Omar. It means eloquent speaker and first born son.
I don't know if it's that effay
Liam Scott
One of the non mud-tier muslim names. Would gladly befriend an Omar.
Matthew Jenkins
Pretty effay as long as you look like an Omar
Robert Hughes
Easton Price
What does Omar look like?
Jayden Cook
Nathaniel. The most effay name there is.
Nolan Mitchell
A well groomed arab man in his mid to late 20s who drives a BMW, beard is short and well maintained.
Isaac Green
Literally this. A worthwhile dark skinned fellow.
Ethan Long
well fuck. im a lightskinned black guy who cant grow facial hair for shit.
brb killing myself
Robert Nelson
Lightskinned black dude is within the range.
Jacob Taylor
I mean, close enough i guess.
Dominic Williams
Wyatt Bell
Why tho.
Ryan Morales
>cant post my name here or ill get doxxed because mum thought she'd be original and giving me a gayass name no one in my country has, and no it isn't anything asian either
Wyatt Nelson
Connor Howard
That is some fourth world shit right there
Christian Adams
Julian, sounds pretty gay imo, but atleast it's effay I guess?
Kevin Sullivan
Same here. Mine resembles/includes a very common name though, but it has a nice little twist and they added a couple of letters to it at the end.
Every time I tell my name people are like: "what"? Or they just change it into something completely different or use some weird French pronunciation.
What a sick joke. What a tough world to live in.
Logan Gomez
Isaac Mitchell
Tino ;)
Levi Brown
Oliver Lee
The name of a swarthy Mediterranean man who wears a jacket three sizes too small and drinks colorful cocktails and still gets laid every single time he goes to the bar.
I'm Devon No, it's not "de-VON" Pronounced like the English county
Grayson Hall
Tfw I'm a fat Atlantic side celtic northern spaniard skinhead who wears shirts 1 size too big because I am ashamed of my fatfuck body. I drink beer, straight vodka and solid color shots that have stuff I would rather not know for the most part. I never get laid.
Devon pronounced correctly sounds bronx-like.
Do you feel a sexual attraction towards bread-covered avian-based, cooked in oil, food products?
Carson Scott
Haha Im also retarded the you was from mobile to an user post because using other app and it wasnt a response to me, fuck. Tino is spot-on, though. Im not named Tino, its just a nickname a guy named agustin I knew had.
Isaiah Reyes
Post name no one cares about you enough to dox.
Levi Morris
>tfw my name is joe
Why did my parents have to give me the most average name?
Kevin Cruz
apparently, it's one of the most hated names
Ian Watson
I don't like it but it's not as bad as you guy's
Hunter Perry
Vincent >Vincent s derived from the Latin name Vincentius meaning "conquering" (from Latin "vincere" - "to conquer").
Brayden Green
Female, name is Teddy.
Lincoln Torres
>Marlow it means driftwood. fucking driftwood. great!
Alexander Phillips
My name is Olin
Christopher Morris
My name is adrian
it is mean adrian
William Jackson
My nam jef
Wyatt Richardson
Christian. Bully me. Nah Make it oilin and its better Marlow is actually sick No Effay as fuck Boring Boring Holy lord boring Sure thats not too bad Nah Nah Yeah is effay for sure Eh Ebin Fuck. Yes. Nah Omar don't scare. Effay. Fuck yeah nice man, I have a Benjamin also. Woo woo Kek Cool Only ever known homosexual Roberts...
Adrian Garcia
means lord of the house.
Jayden Nelson
Christian is like the "nice guy" name
Never met a Christian that's an asshole
Gavin Edwards
Evan Green
I'm Enzo. I think it means Lord/Kinf of the House too, as it's the Latin version of " Hendrick " .
These are effay IMO, even if Omar in French means " Lobster " ( it's not written the same way but does sound like it )
Xavier Howard
>mfw I never get a positive response
Henry Wright
These threads are fucking stupid. Are you guys going to change your names or something?