Im a highschool who has just straight up failed and now that i am going to community college i wanted to know, am i stuck looking like a loser until i get into a university or will i always be a loser? I wanna be a lawyer someday
Im a highschool who has just straight up failed and now that i am going to community college i wanted to know...
>am i stuck looking like a loser
weight train, get muscular
No, you might even come out ahead of people going to uni.
Half the debt, higher GPA because the classes are piss easy.
You will miss out on being a degenerate at uni though, such a shame.
Why cant i be a degenerate at uni if i transferred?
You will be a real loser if you fuck up again in community college. At least you know what you want to do I guess
I graduated at 18, took three years off to sell drugs, went to CC at 21 and now I'm transferring out of state at 23.
It's the way to go. Better GPA, way cheaper, you don't have to deal with being a freshman at uni
By the way, your highschool scores mean nothing after you go to college. I graduated with under two years of credits and a GPA under 2 because of an individual educational program and I'm transferring to one of the best public universities in the US. Just don't fuck up now.
Losers care what others think. Everyone operates on their own time. I was a musician until 27 and then became a cpa. Different strokes.
Fuck no you're not a loser, user. You're beating the system. Get all your electives out of the way at a steep discount, graduate with an actual credential, be selective about taking classes that will transfer at your target school, keep your GPA high so you'll qualify for the tuition discounts that many colleges offer CC grads. You'll have the opportunity to explore electives without blowing huge money, and by the time you transfer you'll have firm career goals that you can completely focus on. Go visit your friends at their colleges and act like a freshman degenerate without having to worry about disciplinary sanctions. If you're worried about feeling like a loser, you'll feel a lot better next semester when you see one third of your HS classmates at CC after they fucked up at their other colleges.
As a person who went to a public ivy, UCONN, I laugh at community college retards.
>he goes to community college
>public ivy
community college + side hussles = good 5 year plan
Be a cunning motherfucker and outwit people like this, OP. Fuck the next two years, worry about the next 20. If you fucked up in HS, trying to get into a university before you're prepared may very well have disastrous long term consequences. Starting at CC is the way to go.
you only look like a loser because you think you look like a loser. There are a bunch of losers out there that people for some reason think are cool as fuck and have something going for them when really they don't.
>public ivy
see this is why we have morons who think they're professionals
What is literally wrong with community college? Its 85 dollars a credit vs. 520. You have to be a fool to do university now, if they made a special community college for all 4 years you'd do that too.
All you really need is internships in your junior year anyway.
Only thing you miss, and I admit, its HUGE is the easiest pussy you'll ever get in your life between 18-20 from freshman girls who discovered beer. They might call you a rapist anyway though.
Besides that, fuck it.
College is stupid. Your intelligence is set by the time you are 5 years old, and even at that point its 80 percent correlated to ur parents iq
Im a princeton grad, when i first took physics in 7th grade everything was a joke to me. I could have learned physics before i learned the alphabet. Almost everybody else had trouble with physics tho, at age 13. I didnt build my brain to end up at princeton, it was just where i was going to end up. My dad goofed off in hs and college, to the point that the med school admissions told him he would probably fail out of med school, and he became valedictorian. Cataclysmic bitchslap to those at admisdions who believed grades were correlated with intelligence. Of the interesting ppl ive met in my life, very few gave a fuck about grades. They just wanted to learn. Your intelligence will only grow if you challenge yourself constantly with heavy math and science concepts. The concepts in english and history are juvenile. English and history are fun, but the reason im able to type this on a computer that im holding in one hand is because of equations. You cant build an iphone without equations, but you can build one without artsy fartsy linguistic elegance. Most 5 year olds have as much mastery of language that is necessary to explain a heave stem concept. The gauntlet is understanding the concept.
Main point is that there are a ton of ppl in america who think they deserve 100-200k a year bc they made sacrifices and worked their little brains into the ground. Thats not how this worlds going to end up working tho. Economics is slowly hunting these people down and knocking them off their cloud. Most americans who make 100k+ have an analogous person in asia who is both smarter and harder working but earns less in a year than the american earns in a month, or even a week. This is sadly going to end soon. People will be payed what they deserve. I personally cant wait for the egos of cocky americans to implode.
t. Dumb Chinaman who cannot wrap his head around the universal language; English
Life as a highschool must be rough. How are you even typing?
actually not chinese,,,, its extremely hard for asians to get into top us colleges bc of negative action (the opposite of affirmative action) ....- if they took ppl based on grades/sats, the top schools would fill up with asians, and have 5 percent white ppl
Don't throw away this opportunity user. Stay sober and fuck pretty bitches. But study hard.
Nobody will care about your high school grades or the fact that you went to community college. Nobody is judging you as hard as you think they are. They're more concerned about their own lives. Anybody who picks on you for going to CC is obviously projecting their own inadequacies.