>mfw I fell for the buzzcut meme
>mfw went from a 7 to a 2
Help me lads now I look like I live on /pol/ and plan on running over a few muslims with a jeep
Mfw I fell for the buzzcut meme
lmao dude you look so fucked
>Help me lads
how? we can't make your hair grow back. just wear a hat if you think it's that bad. also on Veeky Forums we post all questions like this in the existing fuccboi general thread to keep our board less cluttered. I would suggest you head over there but as i said they probably don't have much advice either. just wait and grow it back out.
pls help me
What the fuck can I do to fix this?!
Let it grow
Looks good bo
You look fucking inbred, I don't think the issue is your hair, mate.
shave your face.
>went from a 7 to a 2
post before
Might as well accept it, you have a receding hairline anyway.
this. There would be no use growing it back anyway
Either go full bald or grow hair. You didn’t cut enough so you just look like a 30 year old dad with a receeding hairline.
Might aswell try to go bald all the way when you're at this stage and if you don’t like it let it grow.
You look like Zayn's non-Middle Eastern cousin with more upper face and less lower face.
You better wear a big hat for like 3 months. Other than that, you're fucked for the time being.
if its any consolation you were never a 7
I can't believe you'd do that to yourself. Buy a baseball cap. It will grow back.
you were a 2 before and after
Seven six two millimeter full metal jacket.
literally the stanley of buzzcut threads, fuck off, it looks good.
Not short enough, bruv
More upper less lower - what does that mean
And you just did not see my now from the side, I am SO middle eastern.
this is me before it happened
What the fuck happened to you
more like 4 to 2 but it's w/e
What does Stanley means lol
here's the compliment you're fishing for you massive faggot
You look like Ross Geller: Douchebag Edition
You should take a pair of tweezers to your head honestly relieve yourself
also kek
That's real nato
yeah u were never a 7 lmao
Dude you can't get a buzz with a receding hairline. That's like the number one rule of getting a buzzcut you Karl Pilkington looking motherfucker
fuck man a couple months ago I had buzzcut, white shirt, black shorts, and all black high tops and I couldn't tell whether I looked like a /pol/tard or a punker. I think it was the former because people kept giving me weird looks.
whyd you get an edge up, you stupid wigger
you look like a medieval peasant
but im a baldlet anyway so can't talk too much shit
>Middle class
You shouldn't try to be different
Tfw i have a shit hairline like yours but i have chest length hair
I thank you for making me reconsider shaving it all off
Not universally true!
I like the way I look with my hair buzzed even tho I'm receding.
OP looks like shit
Lmaoing at the washing machine in place of the dishwasher
o u got me laffin
fuckin lol op you are such an ugly faggot this is your only way out.
your mom and dad are brothers
lmao that's dank
where do americans keep their washing machines?
i love the buzzcut meme though
you look like quasemodo though
You were never even close to a 7. You look like that Maoist Naruto tranny.
Face isnt sharp enough to ever pull off a buzzcut you prick
>banging esmeralda
fine with that
killing lefties and mudslimes is actually pretty effay af.
>receding hairline
Dude there is nothing you can do at this point, the damage has already been done regardless of you growing out your hair.
everyday i thank the lord I wasn't born white
everyday i thank the lord i wasn't born a nigger
OP you look like a fag both ways, you look less faggy now that your head is shaved off desu
>This is white in Shitmerica
>from a 7 to a 2
Fucking lol you are delusional. More like from a 4 to a 2.
would look good if you took it down to a #1 or no guard, this just looks like you've been lazy with cutting it and let it grow for like 2 weeks
This, op, THIS.
Time to stop giving shit my man
You both should hang out together and call your little group 'Downey and the Nigger'
buzzcut only looks good if your face is at least a natural 8. At that point anything you do with your hair will look good. If you have an average or below face (like you) you're better off sticking with safe normie cuts that distract from and compensate for your face rather than emphasize it. It's like the male version of the pixie cut.
I think you mean Nosferatu.
Any delusions of thinking I could pull off a buzzcut have been staved off by this post.
Repeat to self 3 times
>I will never look as good as James McAvoy
>I will never look as good as James McAvoy
>I will never look as good as James McAvoy
in the laundry room
kitchen is for food and dishwasher
fuck no u reminded me of this nightmare i hate you
What is mine natural score then?
Average at best.
if it's my lazy eye i can fix that, i know a surgeon
If it's any consolation he's actually a fairly cool guy. He did a Q&A on lolcow I think.
honestly you look better with less hair
Pvt. Pyle is that you
Make sure you don't get BTFO by antifa desu.
whats that gay ass pose hahahh
you literally look like you have down syndrome
how does he know it was anti/fa/