Anyone on Veeky Forums launched or worked with a startup that failed? What went wrong and what would you do for your next venture?
Startup Failures
I love this thread, but for some reason I couldn't post on it before
#1. Depends
Lil bit of 16 and all of 18.
We were getting interview offers left and right, but never bothered to answer the calls.
>Food Lab
>#19 - Over 50% women
>#20 - Lots of managers but no leaders
At least I got 2 years work experience in the field which really helped to get another job
>single founder
I'd rather fail than let those fucking "business men" who got a 2.0GPA with a BA in business,who want to take 50% of my work and be my boss. Such worthless leaches can gas themselves.
Yeah it really depends. I'm technically a "single founder" because I don't need anyone else at this stage. If you're a single founder you own 100% of the business and you can use that to your advantage.
I started a moving business that failed.
I just offered moving services without the truck, to the customer still had to rent the truck themself.
People wanted the truck/person combo and I didn't make a single sale.
It wasn't anything I did, just not a good business model.
The business I started after this worked out.
Why didn't you just get a truck?
And what business did you start after?
I worked as a Biz Dev for a startup accelerator in China. I still consult for them when I'm free.
The biggest thing that kills tech startups is that Engineers are literally the most retarded people alive. They have no sense at all about bringing a product to market. I would honestly love to say that it's the Chinese lack of creativity, but in all reality engineers at our accelerator are coming from all over the world and they all just cannot find a way to get product to market.
The bottom line: Engineers in startups never have the user in mind.
Additionally, young engineers are so fucking lazy and complain constantly. If they had a good work ethic and shut up most of the time, a 6 month project would only really take 3 months.
A truck would have been like $30k or more and I did not have it.
I became a home contractor.
you don't need to buy a new truck
Give me a job
That probably wasn't a new truck price. Have you ever priced commercial vehicles? The difference is similar to that between residential and commercial real estate.
Agreed. I put up with management at work. I won't tolerate it on a personal project.
I do have a non-technical startup that failed and is winding down. A friend of mine wanted to join as a partner but I couldn't in good conscience let him in until I was in the black. Unfortunately I never got there, and didn't see ever getting there, so I preferred to close up shop rather than risk our friendship.
I started a business selling cloaks.
That's it.
Just cloaks.
>it's a nice side income anyway and helps me vent my teen-larp side.
Are they invisible cloaks? Like you just send ab empty box? That's a great idea.
Engineers are definitely a lot smarter than the average business guy. I'm not even going to argue this point. What I do agree with entirely though, is that we do NOT have the business mind set. Our brains are wired to optimize quality in function of time and if we are free to choose we would probably even rather sacrificies more time than optimal to make a better product.
We care about the science and the technology, in the end we don't give a fuck about your company and how much money you make. We could easily calculate what would be the optimal quality and time to make you the most money, but why would we? We get payed the exact same amount and we like building GOOD stuff.
The trick to deal with us people in a business is make sure you give us DIRECT orders to cut corners wherever possible to deliver the product to market faster. This technically means you will have to save more time and money on later changes, but from your perspective that's not a problem, because now you have an income which you wouldn't have if your product wasn't on the market.
It's in our nature to optimize the technology, not the profit. Always give us clear and direct instructions not to do this and keep asking us if there are unkosher shortcuts we can take to deliver the product faster.
whats the name of the accelerator?
i am a brit in china and am making my first app. i would like to look into what options are available for investment here in china. i can do it all myself (without investment i mean) but i would like to find out more. I'm not in a tier 1 city, so there isn't much biz action here.
for some clarification. the app is part of a business that would have a core theme and a few different apps that provide different services. i don't like to call it a startup, a business being formed, yes. but startup doesn't sound right to me.
We just started a new round, and we don't take individuals, only teams. You also need to have a business plan. You also need to be on site, so if you're not in a tier one city then we aren't going to take you, we don't provide housing or allowances.
If you're just one guy developing an app, look up People Squared, they have co-working spaces all over China. All I'm saying is no accelerator is ever going to invest in a freelance app dev.
>you didn't try hard enough!
This is what they tell MLM shills
Just keep throwing shit at the wall until something sticks. People use things because they think other people use them. You're not creating anything of use--you're trying to start a trend.
>We care about the science and the technology, in the end we don't give a fuck about your company and how much money you make.
This is exactly why we constantly fire engineers, usually foreign ones, they always have a problem with management. You may be good engineers, but majority of young engineers are unprofessional and disrespectful.
Also, they are retarded. I can't tell you how many times I have to show them how to do menial tasks, like locking doors, using the metro, using ATMs, and the kicker, I had 3 engineers approach me asking how to sign a non-compete agreement where there was literally a place on the form that said SIGNATURE.
I've been to a hardware accelerator before and I've seen the shit they're making. They spend years making incremental upgrades to their projects, things that only add a percentage of a percentage's worth of positive changes. This is why engineers who have value-adding mindsets get picked up at unicorns that pay 200k a year.
I constantly have to remind my engineers that if they get a product to market faster, the user then sets a sort of heirarchy of needs for the product for later versions, this way the engis know what is more critical to change. But NOOOO, they don't want to make other versions, they want their first version to be super special snowflake and magically successful.
Which brings another thing up. At such an early stage in a company, engineers have no fucking clue about handling their finances, they'll blow through their first round of financing on shit that can't be manufactured, and they constantly ask for ridiculously powerful workstations that they don't need. And trust me, they don't need a 64-core workstation.
Engineers are fucking autistic.
>I have to show them how to do menial tasks, like locking doors, using the metro, using ATMs
What the fuck kind of reality do you live in? No really, where are you and where do these people come from?
I'm constantly traveling around Singapore, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Chongqing.
And it's not because it's in China that things are so different that they need help with it. Everything here is in English and is actually easier than other systems in the US.
Most of these retards come from the US, CAN, and Australia
I showed up in China four years ago on my own and I got around just fine. These people are just fucking man-babies.
> Hiring bad programmers
Yeah, sure paying low and excepting over work. If the idea works out, the owner gets rich as fuck and I am sitting on my average to above average pay.
He lives in fantasy land where lying to get a business loan for a product/service he knows nothing about entitles him to be worshipped by the unwashed engineer riff raff.
new goes for way more
>Always give us clear and direct instructions
Yeah, expecting clear instructions from the flighty, disorganized buzzword fountains that pass for management these days? I want some of whatever you're smoking. Management doesn't know anything, least of all how to effectively utilize a good programmer.