Are painted nails Veeky Forums

are painted nails Veeky Forums

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No. Stop being a faggot. Your father is ashamed of your ass.

Women: Yes

Men: No

im a girl you faggot cuck

youre an old ass pedophile

holy shit fuck off

Except no one believes you.

If you want to pass as a girl, stop saying "faggot" or "cuck". Also, a new fake identity might help.

faggot cuck

I can't wait for you to get hate crimed.

are you done?

but my dad paints his nails

>im a girl you faggot cuck

and an ugly one at that

wrong again cuck

You look like a 12 year old boy, I hope you like pedo dick.


^ 15 second video of me explaining that they're fake

Buzz off

Where's he getting all these new pics of you from?

He's posting old pics of me with short hair. I think he also got pictures from people who pretend to be my friend and then leak them :/ For the most part he just uses old pictures.

wtf is this tripfag camwhore shit I just wanted a thread about nail polish

They'll stop posting eventually when people stop responding

It's a guy pretending to be me making these posts. He doesn't actually know shit about nail polish. While I think it'd be nice to have a thread about it, I don't like having someone use my pics and pretending to be me while insulting strangers. It's not cool to have people think you're a bitch to people when you're not.

get lost attention whore

How do I know that? I tried waiting and he won't stop. It's been over a year now.

I'm not trying to attention whore I just really want this person to stop.

On men? unless they've been painted on by your qt daughter who you love dearly, then no

First pic isn't even your hand fuck off

fainr enough, you proved me wrong

They replied implying that they were OP and then posted pictures of me. You're right though, I don't think that it's my hand unless I forgot that I took that picture. I have the same gloves.

Why not tell the shitbag impersonating a teenage girl to fuck off?

Why are you responding to him? Read the thread, he's some dude pretending to be a girl.

they're not op

They acted like they were here. Sorry for the mix up, maybe they just hijacked the thread and pretended to be OP since they "corrected" the gender.

they didn't use the trip and the OP image was ripped from r9k (and is a manhand lol), it's just a hijack

Oh thank you for letting me know! I was confused.

Yes, if you're a grill or a guy who is charismatic enough to pull it off without being a fuccboi like the posters here

the fuck's a fuccboi

haha wtf thats fucked

>dark hair
>grey eyes

you're cute

Are you a literal retard or is this your first day on this board?


How about the chipped look?


All these fucking newfags

fucking this

Girls use this words too, are you 10?

who doesn't?

reminder for the summerfags

stop attention whoring!

Is everybody's dad this stuck up about minor faggotry?