If you woke up in your present location in 1913, how would you go about stopping WWI from starting?
If you woke up in your present location in 1913, how would you go about stopping WWI from starting?
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I'd just kill Hitler and let the war happen. We learned a valuable lesson from that war and if it didn't happen and technology got to develop even more before the next big war it could've been even more devastating
I'd just go find Lenin and try to use what future knowledge I have to help ignite the world revolution and transform the whole planet into a soviet republic.
I'm in Austria, but I'm French and I don't speak German.
I would have a hard time.
But I think the best way would be to kill some of the leading figures of the right wing of the SPD... Or so I would like to think because I resent them, but after checking, it seems that the reichstag would still have voted for the war if the socialists had voted against.
Then I don't know. I guess I would hide in Switzerland and let it happen. And I would try to kill Stalin before he can wreck the Russian revolution.
That's more important than WWI anyway.
Untangle the traffic jam that diverted the Archduke towards the assassin.
kill yourself
This. The war must happen for various reasons. It's open to debate what kind of direction the nazi party would have taken without good old 18.
The piece of land here wouldn't exist, so I guess I'd have to go for a swim.
I wouldn't stop the war. I would just wait for Nixon to be born then rape the ever loving shit out of that feeble infant.
The war has already started. YOU CANNOT STOP THE ORTHODOX CRUSADE
And chapter 2 of pic related
t. butthurt bourgeois pig or fascist
>If you woke up in your present location in 1913, how would you go about stopping WWI from starting?
Polish-American here in metro Detroit, and I wouldn’t.
I’d do what I could to use my future knowledge to acquire as much personal wealth as possible, then use that future knowledge _after_ WWI to help Poland prepare for the inevitable WWII.
Go to Serbia and kill Gavrilo Princip.
Is anybody who opposes your equally oppressive regime a "fascist"? At least with fascists the boogeyman changes
I wouldn't, I would rather go explore 1913 Chicago desu.
I would wake up in new Zealand, so I wouldn't be able to do much, maybe try and kill that coward Churchill, and try and unite Europe against Bolshevikism
Kill MLK's parents. See what happen to civil rights movement if he's never in it.
I would just tell that serb in the black hand to go to a different café after failing his first assassination attempt. That way he doesn't have enough blond luck to just walk out of the café with his target right in fucking front of him in an open carriage.
I would also kill Hitler and Lenin since I'm pretty sure Lenin would still go into hiding in Germany if the Tsarists had even more power and support.
I would also try do something about the Armenians. Not sure how, but I'd somehow attempt to mitigate the scape goat effect with rationale....pretty lost on that one desu.
If a war DID eventually break out. I would encourage Spanish involvement, for the funsies ecause fuck you Spain. I think I'd attempt British neutrality via somehow creating a non aggression pact between Belgium and Germany in exchange for military access....maybe throw in some concessioms like Artois and Picardie. Idk. That last part is a bit sketchy.
I would rather see the joint powers of Europe focus on carving up the "ottoman Empire" as a means of fostering good faith and economic competition, further imperliasm, fuck over the Turks, (hopefully) stop the Armenian genocide, and create some form of a Kurdish state to be ruled imperially.
Oh and I think if Britain remained Neutral the USA would not intervene.
I'm also a multilingual American (english, german, italian, and french) and being that my nation was neutral and isolationist. I could have a decent shot as unbiased figure
Also I'm in München so I would be reasonably central and I could easily kill Hitler and get to the Balkans in time to misdirect that Serbian cunt and save Franz the inbred knave
I would reunite the slavic people under one flag and bring back the Serbian Empire
Congrats on an uninteresting answer and unrealistic goal. Poland was literally. Once again. Getting carved up by superpowers on both sides. Their militay couldn't beat one let alone both of them.
Poland also had a lot of fascists and I don't think they were anti-Nazi until the blitzkrieg happened.
You should also remember that personal wealth you accumulate will go to shit anyways becaus of the 1929 stock market crash.
...probably just more militant if Malcolm X still gains support (in that case probably more).
But MLK was just one of many NAACP members/associates that could be used to further the movement.
Dubai? Netherlands?
I mean that's pretty off topic and strange. Any reason why? Just to see his jowls as a baby?
This question relies on one person to be able to change global events in a way that it impacts such a large event. Even if you were able to circumvent the assassination of Fernandez, the mounting ethnic and nationalistic tensions of the era would mount and eventually expode in to war.
And also the time travelers paradox also applies here
Wouldn't stop it. Ferdinand was cucking the literal daylights out of Germany-Austria, trying to pull a modern day EU. That was was inevitable, and killing Ferdinand WAS the move that was supposed to prevent Germany's collapse.
In retrospect, it worked. The Armistice was struck, and allied soldiers never reached German soil, and Germany retained its sovereignty. Probably would have been fine if not for Versailles Treaty.
Are we still siding with the commies we know butchered millions of their own citizens over the guy only rumored to have killed muh six million? If Hitler had died early, that war was happening anyways. Bolshevism was igniting throughout all of East Europe. Hitler's great sin lied in not buying into Bolshevism (see German Civil War of 1918-1919)
Except when they actually, you know, beat the Soviets in 1920.
I'm in the USA but I probably wouldn't be able to do shit because I'd die of smallpox.
>be german historian in germany
>remember the fucking cafe in sarajevo where assassin dude was chilling prior to shooting
>haul my ass there in time
>brawl with serbsubhuman-assassin for gun
>acquire gun
>shoot Franz
>watch the german nations eat themselves
I'm a litteral who in the arctic. Do I just do anything?
>Be Somali in America.
I'll act like I'm the indian ambassador or something and go join the Mullah.