What are your personal requisites for working a paying job?
>keep my dignity
>not advance something I contempt
>support something I feel is right
>not support immoral or unethical acts
What are your personal requisites for working a paying job?
>keep my dignity
>not advance something I contempt
>support something I feel is right
>not support immoral or unethical acts
u sound like a queer boy
Sounds like you're a Bernie cuck on welfare
Sounds like you're an enlightened genius. Veeky Forums is gay.
I think having a McJob ay some point would be great life experience, stop making excuses for your unemployment you lazy fuck
As long as I make bank I don't give a fuck.
I'd be a fucking professional pet strangler if you paid me enough.
You mean working for someone else?
It would have to be a hell of a lot.
I hate that shit.
I would do murder for hire before I would do something I consider to be demeaning.
Enjoy being a batista at a fair trade coffee shop though
I bet you find enough dignity in leeching off the work of your betters though.
That's a funny way to spell "serfs", wagie. Better not let your boss see you on Veeky Forums!
>a batista
> £8/hour
> Decent working conditions
> Doesn't make me cut my hair or bend over backwards for customers
> Under an hour's commute
> Stable company that's not going to go under any time soon
> 8 hours a day maximum
> Not working weekends
> No rush-hour commute, or at least flextime so I can avoid it
> Management have to fit a set of personality requirements for me to work for them; I can see a bad manager a mile off.
> Either on the job training, or using my existing skillsets
I have a tolerable job that pays fairly well and has good benefits already. I'm not trading it in for 10 hour days in a warehouse for less per hour, or for a shitty fast food job.
I also have a car to support and get bored/restless pretty quickly without some sort of regular activity to do.
> someone orders in Starbucks language
> Powerbomb them through the floor
> 'Can I just get a coffee?'
> German suplex through a table
Make money.
Never think you're above any job. Your picture implies you're too good for McDonalds. That's not dignity. Keeping your dignity is not sucking cock for money. Working at a shitty fast food joint teaches you a number of important lessons. You find out you put in time, you get paid. You also find out you don't want to be doing that for the rest of your life.
>paying job
...what other kind of job is there? If you're not being paid for your work, you're volunteering. If you're not working, it's not a job, it's passive income.
>keep my dignity
Nothing is more undignified than wasted potential. If you're not working but you could be, you're wasting your potential. If you lost your job and are actively seeking employment, that's one thing. If you're not working because you're actively pursuing growth of knowledge, that's respectable, to a point.
Not working but sitting at home farting around because "muh dignity" is the most undignified activity I can imagine. Have some respect for yourself, and strive to reach your potential.
>not advance something I contempt
>support something I feel is right
seems oddly similar to #2
>not support immoral or unethical acts
this is (or, at least, should be) #2 & 3.
This whole post reeks of "i am very smart" type thinking. You're not a special snowflake, you're not above working, no company owes it to you to meet your criteria for working until you've demonstrated that you have a skill they would want to hire you for, or at the very least, the potential for skills they would select for hiring.
>short/enjoyably length commute
>good people to work with, can't find this out until after a month or so of work
>pays well for the effort/skill/time
>laid back
The last point is really important. Although I do not want minor/major fuckups to go unnoticed, you don't need to be reminded and hounded over little bullshit for literal days after it happened.
>office space was right
/biz would disagree
studying though?
>Pay = Work
>High potential on the job skills
Pay me more than the fuel it costs to get to work.
My list;
>entertaining/interesting subject material
>good/knowledgeable coworkers
>good work/life balance
>good pay
>advancement opportunities
>as little petty bullshit or office politics as possible
I work in info sec, so as long as the company is taking steps to improve their overall risk profile, the morals aspect takes care of itself, for the most part.
>Never think you're above any job.
>Working at a shitty fast food joint teaches you a number of important lessons.
I didn't notice this was a "things poor people say" thread. Nice ones!