What aesthetic do you want to pull off when you're old?
What aesthetic do you want to pull off when you're old?
holy shit that old guy is based. BASED i say xD
libcucks btfo once again. good sir, may I post this on t_d? they love spicy trump memes too XD
anyone have some good rare pepes?
BASED old guy
Big Boss in MGSV rocks the mullet crazy good, but mullets on anyone irl look stupid.
Trying too hard
I'm probably not going to be able to plan very well for a time 40 years ahead but screw it
I think I'm gonna go for Anton Newcombe's look in my 50's and Vladimir Lenin in my 60/70's.
Why do you need to derail a thread. It only proves how up upset you are. This is some underage shit.
why do you have to act like a victim? we both know why the thread was created with this image in the first place.
>derailing the thread
you're just mad your /pol/shit was called out from the first post
Didn't make this thread. Try flying off the handle more.
Old people are made for hobocore.
When milennials are old will there be grandmas and grandpas wearing skinny jeans and pink hair. Would be so weird to see.
Probably some manner of gopnik
full rick all the way
All rick all the time
i'll have to develop a drinking problem in the meantime
>implying im going to be alive when im old.
None. I'll be dead before I hit 30
i think im going to wear sunglasses at all times. iv'e never seen an old guy with sunglasses on who didnt look cool.
I want to look like a wealthy, retired columbian drug lord. All white w/ no socks.
the best way to look as aesthetic as possible when youre old is by developing a drinking problem while staying slim
trust me on this one
>When milennials are old will there be grandmas and grandpas wearing skinny jeans and pink hair. Would be so weird to see.
that kind of stuff looks hella trashy on people older than 25 so they will just look like gutter
As if I was a hippie when I was younger but without actually being it. I'll basically be a poser when I'm older.
The aesthetic of an old bald gaylord. Oh wait, i'm pulling it off pretty good already.
full rick
is this from there will be blood?
gosha naturally :)
pulling it nicely too
Right, because only well-adjusted adults like Trump.
I think it would look good with a beard (like Big Boss), but usually anyone who has a mullet is a scrawny faggot with no facial hair at all
If I make it that far I'll dress like a professor. If I start balding I'll have to grow a beard.
one ULTRA RARE pepe for you my good sir!