When I was 21 my parents offered to buy me a car or give me cash as a reward for getting a 1st in Chemistry (US expat living in London), I have no interest in cars or driving so I picked cash, they gave me 25000 USD (before people accuse me of being a 1%er we're actually middle class I'm just an only child with generous retired parents). I partied with it for about 5-6 months then got around to investing it (also lost time finding a decent brokerage firm and getting verified blah blah blah), I was always huge on finance so I made careful choices of firms who's revenue, dividend, and growth history I liked and made sure to build my portfolio on: Weapons, Engineering, Entertainment, Food, Tech. Basically what I believe the safest investments you can make in America, so with the remaining 21k I had I ended up in Feb with:
20 shares of AMZN
20 shares of LMT
50 shares of DIS
100 shares of NFLX
100 shares of SWHC
25 shares of PEP
All well establish companies with market caps in the billions, none of them gimmicky newfangled shit. Those shares today are worth 39919 once you include dividends. In Feb 2016, after all my cautious growth I decided to take a speculative investment, because of my background in Chemistry I knew I wanted to invest in Lithium, (my dissertation was even on the applications of Lanthanides in electrolytes for Lithium ion batteries), I didn't want to invest in third world countries because they're too corrupt for my liking so I went with Australia. I bought 100,000 shares of GXY in Feb for 14000 AUD, this appealed to me especially because 14000 AUD was half my profit from 2014-2016 so I knew if I lost it all I'd still have profited overall. My total net liquidation today is 60918 USD.
My question is why is Veeky Forums constantly recommending meme-y investments like cryptocurrencies or tiny pharmaceuticals or random IPOs, instead of focusing on safer S&P 500 companies with proven track records? Are you really that concerned with high-risk quick money?