Official TTNP thread!
> Stock halted at $7.07 @ 2:49.
> Awaited FDA approval.
> FDA approved @ 3:05
> Pre market @ $8.00
To the moon we go!
Official TTNP thread!
> Stock halted at $7.07 @ 2:49.
> Awaited FDA approval.
> FDA approved @ 3:05
> Pre market @ $8.00
To the moon we go!
Other urls found in this thread:
Tomorrow's high/low?
$7 and $10.
This aint going under 7$ we moon men now
>third TTNP thread
Veeky Forums was right again!
Will open at 11
Close at 15, maybe 14 for profit takers on long weekend
Expect massive dump in the morning after a massive spike.
Wake up early so you can sell at the spike as people buy in, and buy more after.
You need to realize there are a lot of people only buying this stock to sell friday, and Monday is a holiday. Just look at after hours
This is the chief reason I'm looking to get out of RH.
If I sell in the am, I'd have to wait until Tuesday to get back in.
Sell spike, buy dip, hold till tuesday
With RH, I can only do one on Friday. Market is closed til Tuesday.
Why? Did you use up your day trades or is it volatile or something? Does anyone know what the threshold for volatile stock warnings on robinhood is?
Woohoooo! I had day trade protection enabled. Balls to the wall!
You can only make 3 day trades in 5 trading days. I think it'll stop you from making a 4th so you don't get flagged as a day trader.
No, he means all his money is in TTNP right now so he has nothing to buy the dip with.
It takes 3 days for funds to settle.
>Decided to buy more TTNP
>Markets already closed
I feel angry
If you have a pleb account
I've got instant, but always got the volatile block when trying to buy back in the same day.
Hopefully I just fixed that :)
So we're agreed then
Sell tomorrow morning, buy dip, hold tuesday?
Does anyone know the nature of the conference call? I hear rumors it could be an acquisition.
I need to get instant. If I convince at least one friend to get it do you think that will be enough to put me in a place where I can get it in a reasonable amount of time/
I think someone on Veeky Forums said if you invite a friend, you get put into the top few thousand, and you get approved with a week's time.
>tfw trying to convince a friend of mine RH isn't a scam
no nigger dont do it you will flag your account with a fourth trade and lock you out for 2 months,
you cant daytrade with instant or less thn 25,000 in account,
day trade protection there to protect you
I got instant 5 days after inviting one person.
protect you from the SEC authoritarian regulations i mean, not from yourself of course
wait, so please explain this
You can't sell a stock and rebuy in the same day with RH, even if you have extra cash lying around. I'm not talking about buying it with unsettled funds.
I'm not really familiar with it, the protection is on even before your first of three day trades for that week?
Cash accounts can do whatever they want but have to wait 3 days for settlement.
Margin accounts can trade with unsettled funds but need to be above 25k to be able to engage in pattern day trading (>=3 day trades per 5 days)
8.55 premarket...
Ya this bitch will have a huge spike in the morn.
It will hit around 7 something once between 10 to 11 and never touch it again.
10+ at the end of day.
am i too late?!
Times to watch:
930 - 10 will be buying time
10 - 11 will be selling time
11 - 12 will be stagnant
After noon - 2 will be all buying and stagnant till close.
Screencap it bitches.
Personally I'll be closing half my positions on Friday.
Hold till 15
I'm that fag that bought 598 shares. Going to set a tight trailing stop for my entire position during the morning runup.
It's going to look like this
>not selling at the top, buying at the dip, selling again, and buying some more to hold till the acquisition on tuesday
I will be. But half my positions at that time will be what I vested.
So sell around 10am?
Did I get in? First time investing in meme stocks or stocks in general kek
$$$ ttnp$$$
market is closed, so no, it's a pending order.
make sure you do a limit order at the price you want to buy in (now probably above $8) or wake up on time tomorrow and put your market order in then.
I think RH tells you that orders put when the market is closed fill when it opens at 5% more than the last price or something.
Welp we have some analysis in following the FDA approval.
> $52.50
> $30
> $11.25
Now this is if big pharma doesn't buy em' out of course.
> pic related
Official paste:
I invited a friend and then was placed into the top 10 as of last night but now I'm backing up to the 100's. Not sure when I'll be let in..
Someone said this happened to them and about 5 days after it gave it to them even though they were around 200.
9.48 high pre-market price
It's not too late to buy in to TTNP
Yesterday's stock got frozen at 2:50 PM EST until closing. The only jumps we've had were after hours and premarket.
This means a grand majority of people haven't been able to buy into it and will do so.
Buy in tomorrow morning! And then expect the sell off.
Moon launch in 4.
we're live, boys!
kind of rocky
man fuck this, i was all excited for a fucking moon launch
On Wednesday and AH yesterday you had people selling at any sign of rise.
They're just dumping. Wait for it.
sikkk launch guise. your 20% gain lasted a whole 30 seconds.
Remember when I told you the approval was baked in?
Uhhh it's down lower than 8...
Welp looks like I'm holdin 600 now.
g8 b8 m8
Good buy price right now tho.
This would be accurate if it were flipped updside down
People don't want to hold over the three day weekend and because of a mystery announcement on the 30th.
The real gains are coming Tuesday.
I bought in before the dip. Holding till tuesday. I should have waited longer
Not gonna test 49 at all.
literally LMAOing @ everyone who sold early
this is why you keep your cool. Panic selling rarely pays off. Even then, just sell some of your shares, not all
> get in at 7.07
> sell at high of 8.47
> buy at 7.89
It sometimes pays off.
Should I go to sleep for a few hours or keep watching
Come on $9 let's go
It will be dipping under 8 soon her.
Sleep is 4 plebs
nah senpai
Sold all positions.
Some serious bullshit.
Came out $74. But still like wtf bro.
I'm getting burned so hard right now fuggg
So you guys arent in the least curious as to what theyll say tuesday?
Its not like it can be bad news, lmfao.
Weak hands.
Why not buy the dip? 7.50 soon.
Bought 7.55 & 7.51.
Kinda wet.
This stock is a piece of shit and you know it. Cratering through the floor within the first hour of trading the day after FDA approval. What a fucking joke.
Come on you stupid bitch.
I see 3 greens.
Make my stars happen.
Now I'm +15.
I'm such a pussy ass bitch.
Rising sun all day.
+15 autism?
Not sure why all these cucks are so eager to sell with a meeting on tues that can only be good
Tfw buyout
Plz don't be mad. You're scaring me.
What would happen if this was the case
All my shares bought for 9 zenny?
It's a conference call. Do you have any idea how many of those happen every week? You seriously think a god damn conference call is going to make this stock do anything?
> Conference call scheduled on Tues.
> autism at its finest
This company is easily worth more than 140M when the product hits the market.
Sit tight pupper
>Literally trading algorithms driving the price down
>Plebs on mongolian rice exchange emporium blame the product being shit
Ya I think if HST wasn't a thing, this stock would def be in a difference position.
What's HST? I'm assuming not the stock
High speed trading.
They say it keeps prices level, but I personally believe it creates indecisiveness and volatility.
Next test point 7.84...
Up 13 and I'm hard as a rock.
look at that upward movement
has anything ever looked so bullish?
Ah I see. Just did a quick Google search and I guess it makes sense computers can trade efficiently.
I see a happy bullish hammer @ 1 min.
But 5 min tells a diff story :'(.
The correct term is HFT. High frequency trading.
It's not HST because speed is only a small part of the story. The real problem is how often they're trading (hence frequency). Algorithms see your order flow, jump in front of you by nanoseconds, buy the stock, and then sell it back to you at a very small profit. Doing this hundreds of thousands of times every single day nets them billions per yer. It creates no new value, they're just another pointless middleman.
There's arguments that they're detrimental and arguments that they actually help keep the market liquid. The main thing you should take is that they're not going anywhere. HFT and algo trading is here to stay and only going to get bigger.
So what do you do? Start actually investing instead of hoping to skim some cents off another meme penny stock. It's not easy but nothing worth doing ever is.
>But 5 min tells a diff story :'(.
Thanks for the pump! Shorting with $700~ profit, gonna close if we see an uptrend.
I'm guessing this is why day trading hasn't been an actual thing since the early 2000s.
It is hear to stay, but I sincerely wish that it wasn't.
Don't worry sweety, it's testing 7.55. But 7.55 is a support and wont be going under that today.
I'm just speculating, so don't take my word for it - that's just what I see.
I'll just stfu.
Wooo! New low of the day!
You guys realize these types of threads show a perfect opportunity to short, right? From this and MGT, I've made enough to buy the wedding ring my wife likes...
Did anyone here actually hold this piece of shit?
>buying into the wedding ring meme
Bear detected
>Implying marriage is financially intellectual
>Implying you're married at all
If she's already your wife, how cucked are you that she needs another ring?