I am the boss of a bunch of old boomers and they do not respect me in the least despite I have a great record. This one guy get PISSED like I don't know shit. Wtf is wrong with these old assholes?
I am the boss of a bunch of old boomers and they do not respect me in the least despite I have a great record...
Fire them and hire millenials
Maybe it's your English skills.
I experienced a similar problem.
You can't do anything, they're bitter you're smarter than them.
Exert your authority as needed and fire those who speak out of turn.
Attitudes will turn in a hurry, or at least be moved to private discussions.
Fuck em.
Call them out on it like the stupid niggers they are and fire them.
Fire the most retarded and annoying one, the rest will jump in line quickly. Boomers are natural wageslaves.
You likely can't fire them and hire younger because of age discrimination. So arrange to transfer them to different departments. Let someone else deal with their shit.
Or have IT check to see if they are surfing the porn and fire them for that.
Jealousy is an ugly emotion. If you were their age, they'd be jealous too. Just not AS jealous.
considering the quality of your post, OP, maybe you're just a dipshit. Ever consider that?
Boomer detected
Put LSD in their coffee for the lulz.
Not trying to be a dick, but it's probably your attitude.
You have to manage old people different than young people.
You gotta respect their "wisdom" and listen to their input.
Just the way it is user. If you lead by example, I don't think you'll have a problem.
With older people I always start with the elephant in the room and mention it's obvious that I'm much younger than them, and want to do what I can to support them in their jobs. A manger is there to support the team, not "boss" them around.
> boomers
I sell a lot of products to boomers, and many of them I can clearly see with new Mercedes and gold watches. They often try to give me, "hey man can you cut me a deal, we're trying to live off our retirement savings etc.. my wife just got a hip replacement etc..." I love marking the price up and sticking it to them. Feels good.
It's my money now you greedy fuckin generation.
How do the younger workers feel towards you?
Grow some fucking balls. Ever consider that?
You're doing God's work user
This, male boomers almost always surf porn at work and they always think they're completely anonymous, hell half of them don't even turn on incognito mode on their browser.
>Boomers are a greedy generation
>Haha, I know, I'll just raise the prices on them and be greedy
>that'll show those greedy boomers
I'll never understand why you kids despise your grandparents so much. I mean what kind of generation HATES their GRANDMA and GRANDPA? Seriously, wtf is wrong with you..
t. Xer