Friend calls Odin the god of thunder

>Friend calls Odin the god of thunder.
>Correct him.
>"Sorry I don't know totally useless knowledge about Greek gods."

How do people tolerate others who don't see the value of history?

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Mythology isn't history, dumbass

We don't. We don't tolerate ignorance. If you choose to, then so be it.

Sorry, I'm leaving out some context here. That's what the conflict eventually ended up, him saying that knowing things such as the culture and religion of historical people's was not valuable.

The unenlightened lack strong souls and possess an overwhelming focus on utility. You can be nice to them, but you'll never find real kinship.

Theres no difference, you fleak.

Mythology is narratized history.

Odin = Ouranos = Varuna, fun fact

>How do people tolerate others who don't see the value of history?

not knowing totally useless knowledge about Greek gods isn't history lmao

I quoted Rumi once at a party and got looked at like I was crazy

You're a retard

No user, you are the retard.

Mythology is a great insight into ancient psychology.

What is valuable?

Never quote.

Jupiter, or rather you patre, is equivalent to Zeus the thunder God. Asatru and Hellenism seem to have lots in common with varying Slavic paganry glueing them in between, the more north you go the closer they are to Asatru, the more south you go the closer they are to Hellenism.

Now for the real brain buster, Romuva is similar to Hinduism and neither is similar to Tengrism which is the religion of the Turkic people said to have invaded India and brought Vedicism.

Why only the Nords gave so much importance to Odin? I always found it very contrasting the simple nordic people putting the God of Wisdom, Death and Justice before all others, while with the more refined greeks it's the Thunder God who killed his own father.

Most Nords worshiped simpler gods like Thor and Freyr.

Odin's position as the top could be explained by the fact that Germanic kings also functioned as priests

The old ways were conquered by the new, that's the symbolism there, before Zeus I think the head God was Chronos, god of time. You can mull over those implications yourself.

When the Greeks entered a dark age, the new group of Greeks decided to begin a new and shame the old gods. This is identical to how Catholics called old gods demons and the practice of "enthusiasm" demon possession.

This too. Polytheism is generally a lot less strict. In the end these religions are rarely about genuine beliefs.

Cool delusions

Bingo. I'd look at Snorri Sturlusson's view on the topic.

I seldom even correct people on theology apart from Veeky Forums unless they are explicitly looking to learn, and I actually believe that God exists.

You have no room to correct anybody about anything. You're always wrong. Why would you wear a trip if you constantly spout objectively verifiably incorrect information?

No, actually, I amend my opinion, you could probably correct people if they're not being big enough of a faggot; that you have on lock

I have a sister who is exactly like that. I knew lots of stuff abut greek gods when i was a kid, and she said "That knowledge is totally useless!"

Fucking nerds

Other people also fuck and have a life in general,they don't spend all day studying history and such

I used to believe this shit, that stupid people have fun lives and get laid every night, while smart and geeky people are sad virgins who never leave their home. I've always been a nerdy guy, and I thought my fate was to be forever alone.

Why is this lie perpetuated so?

What's interesting is that it seems to have similarities to Shinto and stuff like that.
(For example, compare Gün Ana to Amaterasu.)
>Amaterasu (天照) is a part of the Japanese myth cycle and also a major deity of the Shinto religion. She is seen as the goddess of the sun, but also of the universe.
>Gün Ana is the common Turkic solar deity, treated as a goddess in the Kazakh and Kyrgyz mythologies.
>Gök Tanrı created the earth with rays of sun light, thus, Gun Ana took part in the creation of earth. Solar rays are also considered to be "strings" between the sun and the spirits of plants, animals and humans.
>rocks, trees, rivers, animals, places, and even people can be said to possess the nature of kami.
>There are natural places considered to have an unusually sacred spirit about them, and are objects of worship. They are frequently mountains, trees, unusual rocks, rivers, waterfalls, and other natural things.
>[Tengrism] involves shamanism, animism, totemism and ancestor worship.
>Early anthropologists called Shinto "animistic" in which animate and inanimate things have spirits or souls that are worshiped. The concept of animism in Shinto is no longer argued.
>巫女 ("Miko" - Shinto shrine maiden) a compound of the kanji 巫 ('shaman'), and 女 ('woman').

>Gok Tengri - God of Sky. Creator of everything. Tengri was the main god of the Turkic pantheon, controlling the celestial sphere.
>Amenominakanushi (天御中主 "All-Father of the Originating Hub", or 天之御中主神 "Heavenly Ancestral God of the Originating Heart of the Universe") is, according to the Kojiki,[1] the first kami, and the source of the universe according to Shintoism.[2] In mythology he is described as a "god who came into being alone" (hitorigami)

I'm an ignant American, and mildly a weeb, plus I got all this from Wikipedia, so I'm probably wrong though t. b. h.

You should've killed him for disrespecting you and your knowledge.

well if you are socially able and not always spouting history and stuff like this you can obviously pull it off

Plus you've got a cache of good quotes and shit. If you hide your coursework, you'll sound clever.

And if a qt recognizes are more obscure line that's dropped, as long as you aren't being a fucking autist about it, there's your in.

your friend sounds insecure

tell them there is no value in anything and all knowledge is equally useful, or useless