What's Veeky Forums's stand on fedoras?

What's Veeky Forums's stand on fedoras?

A noose

Oh, look, another "fedora" bait thread picturing a Trilby!

Veeky Forumss stance on anything is the same. If you're attractive you can wear it. If not you can't.

trilby's better

>speaking on behalf of Veeky Forums
>being inaccurate

after all the memery, it's current status

>you have to be bruce willis / brad pitt / johnny depp tier to pull it off

you can pull it off if youre fashion god like reviewbrah desu


All rimmed hats are off-limits. Check back in 20 years

this is...

not all, just fedoras and trilbys

I still wear fedoras/trilbys often despite the memes

Trends come and go, real class stays the same...



If you are aiming to be a meta hipster or be one of the few to get your feet wet with memecore then go right ahead. If you care about how you look then dont even think about it.

Hijacking bait thread to ask :
Are straw fedoras effay ?I live in an island and see a lot of people wearing them.I have one I bought an I'm thinking of wearing it next summer

I make sure to always post trilbies when I call people fedora.

They're good. I have one for the beach.

i have the white one but i love this, so did my fiancee

But what's the stance on a good ole fashioned billycock?

Only if you are a mortician or physician


No current clothes are cut to go with a hat. No current haircuts are complemented by a hat. Fashion, in varying degrees, must bundle with purpose. Which this whole class of clothing now lacks.

A Straw hat might be possible on a beach because it is bundled with that limited purpose. But otherwise, you probably aren't wearing a suit to a job, and if you were that suit would look goofy with it.