Any NEETs interested finding a job in your area. I'm doing this free of charge out of boredom, and to see where it goes, if it goes anywhere. Just tell me what city you live in, any skills or interests you have job related or not (no need to inflate here since I'm not an employer) animu and vidya counts as interests. Also anything that might prevent you from doing a job, crippling anxiety, physical problems etc.
Any NEETs interested finding a job in your area. I'm doing this free of charge out of boredom, and to see where it goes...
Other urls found in this thread:
Chicago IL, zip code 60604
Will do anything over 15 an hour
No schedule conflicts whatsoever
I have a high school diploma and will be a freshman in college fall 2016
Fuck it. Worst you can say is you got nothing and I'll be where I am now.
Zip 01082, just don't want to be stuck in the service industry fellating a bunch of white trash and rich cucks for what barely counts as a wage. Graduated high school, good with paperwork and doing basic research, can handle a lot of simple calculations all at once, and handy at going through a couple billion pages of info hunting for the smidgen of important shit. Blame pen and paper RPGs for that shit. Obligatory animu, vidya, fa/tg/uy knowledge and hobbies. The sort of "smart" that's popular on Veeky Forums which really isn't all that smart even though you might know a lot of things and be good at figuring shit out for other people, I don't know how to describe that in a better way.
Crippling anxiety is a polite way to put "the more people I interact with the closer I come to killing myself" I think so let's go with that.
already have a comfy job to get me through college that pays $15 but why not
Majoring in accounting still at a CC
ex disney cm so i have great customer service skills
looking for something in the finance field that isnt selling life insurance (primerica)
I forgot to say in the OP to mention if you need help with a resume and cover letter. Just to clarify things, I'm just helping with job search and I have no connection with any employers.
Are you fine with manual labor
I'll see what I can do, is there any area you'd like to work in in particular? not guaranteed though.
Are unpaid internships out of the question for you
Morgantown, PA. Zip 19543
Skills: Farming I guess.
I'll do anything except blow jobs.
Toronto. Website development.
I guess I'm socially awkward and can come off as acting unnatural.
This thread. I like it.
Here's some farmwork I found
Yes I love manual labor
As long as I get money shit's a-ok.
I lift dw
What frameworks and languages do you know, do you have any type of portfolio
Painters USA apply in person ASAP, Pay starts at $18 hr, can't be scared of heights
1415 Centre Circle
Downers Grove, Illinois 60515
Sure I can hop in with no background in industrial painting?
I'm down to be trained tho, thanks pham
Yeah you should be able to with no problem, just so long as you have a license, ss card, and can work safely and follow directions. If they ask for experience and you don't have any just put down that you mowed lawns, or furniture moving or some other thing that can be done independently. Make it believable.
depends on the hours and who it would be with. im all for gaining some experience in the finance field but i would need to be able to keep my job while also attending school
Orlando, FL 32816
I graduated almost a year ago from a state university with an IT degree, almost 4.0 GPA and internship experience.
I guess I just got complacent playing vidya and watching anime.
what skills do you have, Bachelors IT degree?
I'll be moving to Austin in about a month (without a job). What are some places that will pretty much hire anyone, introvert autists included? I have work history, but it's quite sporadic and in very different industries.
>Macon, GA
>have high school diploma
>worked one year in retail
>weak as fuck, so nothing too physical ... would prefer office work
>just need monies
Thank ye, kind sir.
are you willing to work in sales
I will continue this tomorrow if this thread doesnt 404, if not my email is ruskochev At G mail dot com
For the posters I didnt respond to, I'm still searching for available jobs.
I'm not a very persuasive person by nature. Manipulating people isn't a strength of mine, and I'd feel scummy for doing so. Maybe if it's low-pressure and a product that I can believe in–otherwise probably not. I'd really rather just not interact with customers.
I'm going to bed too, but I'll be back around 10:00AM EDT. Thanks.
Towson, MD 21212
HS Diploma, 2 years of Community College(no associates)
I like jobs where I can interact with people, but also ones where I am doing things and not just standing around. I'm friendly and mostly sociable. I love books and learning new things, and I like to garden and take hikes.
Not very built, about 6'0 145lbs
Really struggling financially right now. I think I'm just about willing to work anywhere if it means I have a job. Can't do the ghetto though, that is my only qualm.
Thank you.
Not a NEET but I can't seem to find an internship for the second half of summer as a Computer Engineering student.
I live in NYC
pls help ;_;
Student. High school grad. I like cars, trucks, business. Cant do food industry.
84045, with only high school diploma.
Really anything that isn't a paperwork job would be great, but I can't be too picky.
If your still doing this op, you seem nice.
I am an extremely good public speaker. Miami.
85020 phx az, literally anything, can do computers pretty good making them and such, and am not retarded, understand a lot about communications law and what not which would be good here for.. reasons.
not to mention telephone systems.
i drive a hard bargain.
i can easily train retards.
i can easily lift 50-100lbs above my head for over five seconds.
good at people, 110%, stern but fair.
prior experience in real estate, and a relaxed it environment.
not a sperg.
my iq is high enough to make every day an existential hellscape but not quite high enough for me to just magic all my problems away.
... help!
Zip code 18337, milford pennsylvania.
recent college graduate, looking for any job that can put out $25k a year or more, don't care if it's manual labor or not, as long as it's less than 35 minutes away by car. skills include social, business, finance, sales, marketing, hardware. interests are traveling, games, and just entertaining people.
Free schedule.
No interests.
Might have depression, but working keeps me distracted from it, anyway.
Don't mind putting in upwards of 70 hours per week if the base pay is 15 an hour or higher, otherwise I'll stick to below overtime.
No real skills, but willing to learn. 2 years college experience, so basically gen ed.
38128, TN. Don't mind a bit of a drive to any of the greater Memphis area.
I'm a chef, pretty good at my job. But decided to quit my full time job and go back to uni. Needed to find part time work in my profession. So I went to an employment agency here in NSW Australia, gave them my resume and they sent me out to interviews they thought I'd go well at. I liked the first place they sent me and I got the job. It's been about 6 months now and I'm closer with my boss, turns out he had to pay the employment agency $2k to find me. All they did was read my resume and send me the address to turn up for the interview, and they got 2k out of it. If you enjoy this stuff and your good at it. you can make money from it OP
Don't forget to write a cover letter in the email body with your portfolio linked in.
OP here, if I haven't replied to you I'm still searching, I'll try to respond to everyone by mid next week.
I never would have guessed it was that lucrative, I'll definitely see where I can get with this.
your best bet, a lot of times when construction companies ask to apply in person, they're just looking for warm bodies. This kind of work will definitely keep you distracted and out of your head.
Be sure to sound confident in your work ethic and if they ask about experience, say you did heavy yard work or something. I couldn't find any mechanic jobs, but those emission/oil change/tire service places are the best way to get your foot in the door since you lack experience, if you ever see them hiring.
Please can you help me if I live in Brussels, Belgium?
I'll see what I can do, what are your skills, interests? Anything area of work you looking to get into in particular? Anything you'd rather not do?
I'm going to bed soon, but I'll see if I can get back to you tomorrow
I'm good with English, I would like to work in call center or anything else behind a desk in Brussels.
Also I've never worked before so I need a job that doesn't ask for previous experience.
Thanks in advance!
My only work history is at a shitty factory making barely any money for doing 12 hour shifts of tedious gruntwork. I just want to move to anything 11+ an hour that isn't 12 hour shifts. I don't have a resume or CV and would have difficulty writing one by myself.
I can deal with people on a support level but I'm not good at being persuasive or dishonest. My interests include /k/g/fit/v/out. I don't make mistakes after having the proper method or protocol explained. I have a hard time understanding nonverbal cues from people. I am good with numbers but I am not socially adept.
Thanks for this thread.
holy shit please respond, i wanna manage a morgage servicing call center or something, you literally dont have to hire it guys with me and i am big enough to take the most uppity of nigs down, but i always resolve things peacefully.
like come on ive been waiting for this to fall into my lap for the last 3 years
Vancouver, WA, 98683.
I'm 19 next month, good with my hands, starting an engineering degree in the fall, have a long background as a physics/math student, played Viola for 10 years, have been editing video for 5 years in professional software, have been animating for 6 mostly using photoshop, I've been playing video games my whole life but recently gotten out of it.
I won't claim to be any good at any of that shit,
I used to have horrible social anxiety, but I've gotten over most of the hurdles, and while I'm mildly uncomfortable in social situations, I have no problems being a normal human being around people. I'm decently strong as well.
I just don't have anything that can actually go on a resume besides a 3 week CIT thing I did a couple years back at camp collins and some DHO/school orchestra shit.
I just want a first job, but it all feels so innacfuckingcessible, like even fucking McD's wants me to submit the resume I don't have..
ITT: OP uses Google
I don't have a portfolio ;__;
> Free of charge
> recruiter gets 20% of money
>27 unique posters ITT, on a very slow board
Wow, this board really is full of NEETs roleplaying.
Fort Smith, Arkansas, 72901
Interests are video games, animu, and Im trying to get into fitness.
Biggest problems I would have is that I dont have very much work experience outside of a job I had during high school for about two months. Have highschool diploma as highest form of education. 20 years old, male, drivers license but no vehicle. I think this is all the information I can provide about myself, will answer questions though
>no response
Guess I have no choice but to move.
33131. Just got a hs degree. Got into a Sales job that requires a bachelor's, really don't know how. I'm worth it cuz of my sales skills. One of top two salesman.
>mfw I work at a brokerage
>mfw I open investment accounts
>mfw I don't even know how stocks work and that's all I talk about.
Would you believe the pay is shit. And I'm under 22
Fairfax Virginia 22030
Higschool / 2 year of college
Currently working at toysr us at 9$/hr
Custom toy maker (make action figures and articulated anime figures that rival figma)
Can do anything art/graphic related digital and physical
Not ugly turboautist
Wasn't gonna post but since this thread needs a bump I'll do it.
No high school, no GED, no experience. Needs to be within 5 miles because I don't have a car so I'm either walking or taking the bus. (Anything $12+ though I'm willing to go further) It also needs to be part time. I'm not particularly fit, but I can lift 50 pounds and the like. I'm not well shaven and not very attractive so anything that requires a 'professional' look I probably won't qualify for. I'll be surprised if you can find anything that isn't the standard "Team Member" at McDonalds, so I don't think my interests really matter, but if you need me to post them let me know. I should also add that despite the fact that I'm a NEET, I'm a social person and can communicate well. Oh, and I'd prefer a job where the hours are more suited to my schedule then theirs, but this isn't a requirement. Because of restrictions with the bus though I can't work between 10PM and 6AM.
Actually, I can probably go up until midnight. And I can also do temporary.
>No high school, no GED, no experience
If you're under 25 your best bet is your local Job Corps
Why does it need to be part time
> I'm not well shaven and not very attractive so anything that requires a 'professional' look I probably won't qualify for
This is a horrible way of thinking, you have no excuse to not shave and be able to present yourself decently
I am under 25, so I'll check that out.
Needed to be part time because I don't trust myself to fulfill a full time job directly after being a NEET for several years.
75102 Dallas, Texas
making $18 as a marketing manager
Bachelors in Finance
working on masters
work skills include IT and marketing
If you can't find me something without finance or accounting related then fuck it.
but i am sick of where im at
definitely consider job corps then, you'll get a GED, a license if you don't already have one, and learn some kind of skill
CS degree from 2015,
Currently working part time at wood cutting warehouse,
Got a 3 mo internship under my belt.
Interests include audio engineering, soccer, and recreational marijuana.
I am also working on a software project for my uncle with 2 other people.
I fell for the STEM meme and now I'm paying the price with my 12k debt.
no experience
will do most stuff for minumum wage
Bloomington, california 92316
Preferably something that starts at $18+. I have 3 years warehouse and contracting experience. Interests are vidya, hiking, lifting , boxing and reading
I also have a diploma if that matters
>STEM meme
Move to the jobs you incompetent idiot
You got off easy.
It'd cost me 100k to finish school, up from the 15k it would have cost if my parents didn't meddle with my affairs.
>my iq is high enough to make every day an existential hellscape but not quite high enough for me to just magic all my problems away
ugh I know that feel famalam
miami fl 33146
i enjoy manual labor
or desk work
i have computer skills and can easily talk to people
at least 10$/hr
Columbus Ohio zip 43026
>Tfw this is probably just a data mine
I'm probably slightly autistic and I just really love cars and chinese cartoons
I pretty much just want a comfy $10/hr security job where I can just drive a truck or cart around and pretend I'm dagumi
I just need to make ~10k a year at home. I don't really give a fuck what.
I've looked for multiple things and most are still in a location or scam. I am in the sticks with decent internet helping my grandparents in their retirement for the next year. Would like some extra spending money for upgrades and what not.
Jensen Beach FL 34957
>~100 WPM typing speed
Looking for something that's better than the paltry $8/hr I'm making. Got terrible communication skills, probably in part due to anxiety. Also have T1 Diabetes.
Zip: 26508
Have a Specialized Associates Degree in Information Technology
2 years experience in the field
Full availability
Preferably something that doesn't involve fucking help desks or field service.
I have amazing customer service skills and communications skills.
Please make it anything over 13.00/hr
I have anxiety, and the panic attacks happen mostly when I'm in public. So getting a normal job is not an option.
Could you give me some advice on how I can find remote jobs?
(I live in the European Union)
Radcliff ky, 40160
Associate of applied science for chemical engineering
Preferably a job with 20+ an hr
b0ss pls respond
London UK
I can write very well and be convincing, no grammar or spelling mistakes, fast typer.
I am good at gathering information and organising it, if that makes sense. So I like making lists out of relevant information I find online (like resource lists).
I'm learning front end web dev and know basic HTML and CSS (but I assume not good enough).
My favourite hobby is lifting, it's the only thing I actually enjoy.
Also I can't get a "physical" job until December due to some injury which doesn't prevent me from working but makes me look disgusting so I'm not going out looking like that.
I also have very bad anxiety, but I assume I can get over that if forced to.
Thanks OP, please halp :)