Pure Class

Should I shave my mustache??
My family keeps making fun of me, but I think it looks like pure class.

Like my uncle is constantly laughing at me
but this man is 70lbs overweight, wearing walmart jeans, WWF shirt that he has had since 1990

So what should I do Veeky Forums ?

Moustaches alone haven't been popular on young guys for a while. Not the worst I've seen, but groomee moustache/beard combo looks better on most people unless you have a specific look going (i.e. hipster)

You seem like you'd pull it off if you wore the right "classy" clothes, though, not anything neckbeard-tier. With a stache comes great responsibility considering clothing. You can't really wear saggy clothes with something like that on your face. Anyway, you look overall good, so I wouldn't shave it

It suits you my dude, you got the classy "hipster" look.

You look like a 1970s cop. All you need is a leather jacket and some jeans

How old are you, OP?

There's nothing really wrong with the look, your mustache itself is just very weak and poorly defined. If you're in your late teens or early twenties you might have to wait 5+ years before you can grow a proper mustache. Your uncle is probably more amused at the "little boy trying to grow facial hair" vibe rather than the actual look.

And some aviators, don't forget the aviators

*breaths in*

>WWF shirt that he has had since 1990

effay as fuck

you definitely don't pull it off

*breaths in* and *inhales* are the same thing you fucking retard

hello, newfag

lmaoing this post rn

Grow it again later when you can grow thicker mustache and the middle completely fills out.

Even slightly patchy mustache is not a good look.

Otherwise, I think it suits you.

it probably wouldn't look so bad if you had a hair cut that doesn't make you look like a nancy. i have a pretty big stache muhself, but i also don't style my hair like a dandy.

Looks like you glued a cheeto to your face

Keep it

Bruv that shit looks stringy and gross. Revisit in a few years.

dont let it grow past the edges of your mouth. you will look a little 1920s but its better trust me. the less wide on your face really changes the entire appearance

Sleazecore thread's thataway johnny

Does anyone really have hair growing inside their actual philtrum? I always feel like it must just be a combover in every case.

little empty in the middle but it's alright

And it doesn't suit to everyone.

Be lucky you don't look like a pedophile. A lot of people with mustaches do.

This isn't OP, this is me from the facial hair thread a few weeks ago. Shaved the mustache but have been lazy about shaving the past few days.