Why do protestants believe that masturbation is not a sin?
Why do protestants believe that masturbation is not a sin?
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The reason Americans are circumcized is because some protestant nutjob thought it would prevent masturbation
>implying onan's sin was spilling his seed in and of itself and not disobedience to god and not providing offspring(thus guaranteeing his inheritance)
isn't jerking off a selfish non-reproductive act? How can God approve of us doing something just for the sake of earthly, flesh pleasure?
Isn't it because it was considered more hygenic in the past? And also a result of jewish influence on american culture?
>Define sin
sin = disobedience to God
You mean earthly pleasure like shitposting on an Annamese DOS help netpage? I dunno.
did you just try to answer my question by asking me another question?
I would assume that Veeky Forums leads very easily to sin, but if done in moderation and with precaution, is not a sin in and out of itself. It is just a way to communicate anonimously after all
holding an ultra-leftist position on trade-unions or the national-question according to Lenin
In Hebrew, Greek and Latin: literally "missing the mark"
In English, the word "sin" comes from "to be guilty of crime"
I don't know how anyone can believe it's a sin with fucking sexy ass paintings like that circulating.
No. It was popularized in America because Kellogg thought it'd stop kids from jerking off. He also tried to push for girls to have their clits removed, but that never caught on.
Yes. Is there a problem officer?
I asked why you think Dog the Sodom hunter will send me to hell for spanking the monkey when you're in Grand Central Degeneracy Station still shitposting.
You claim that you are here and take this shit in through moderation. Stop lying to yourself.
>Grand Central Degeneracy Station
this is a blue board. There is no degeneracy here
>You claim that you are here and take this shit in through moderation. Stop lying to yourself.
I don't take any shit. I was simply speaking on general terms. Personally, I take no shit whatsoever.
You seem to assume that because you are a degenerate, everybody is. That is not the case.
[citation needed]
IF someone thinks masturbation is a sin
THEN they are not Protestant.
That is just so wonderful.
AND as always, thank you for shitposting here on Veeky Forums.
>This is a blue board so there's nothing degenerate
O I am laffin.
You don't have to be a degenerate to witness degeneracy
Male suffering and female benefits in action.
Everyone knows that using the mouths of altar boys does not count as masturbation and therefore not sinful.
Actually protestants are extremely against following the Jewish law as they consider it an affront to Jesus' ultimate sacrifice. Also, the whole hygienic bit is only if you don't ever wash your dick. The American practice of circumcision is pretty ironic.
like smelling a rose? eating chocolate?
99% of the things we strive do are of no actual practical value outside of the "selfish pleasure" it gives us.
This is why Christianity needs to die already, it equates pleasure with sin. It hurts no one to masturbate, but hurts billions to say it's sinful. Go fuck yourself.
billions of people have claimed to know the will of god, and billions of contrary accounts have been given.
Given basic common sense and look at these accounts, you're a complete imbecile to think its will, if it even exists, is knowable.
>like smelling a rose? eating chocolate?
No, like smelling thinner and eating shrooms
Pleasure isn't wrong , what's wrong is disordered pleasure
>like smelling a rose?
How many people do that everyday, several times a day while going on websites where they spend at least 30 minutes a day watching videos of other people smelling roses?
>eating chocolate
if you eat 10 bars of chocolate a day, then yes, it is a sin, otherwise it isn't.
>99% of the things we strive do are of no actual practical value outside of the "selfish pleasure" it gives us.
Selfishness in itself is already a sin. The point is that masturbation in and out of itself is something wicked. A sterile act that goes against the purpose of sexual lust, which is procreation and bonding, not endorphine addiction and temorary remedy to loneliness.
>, it equates pleasure with sin
It equates twisted pleasure to sin. There is no sin in having sex with your wife.
Ask yourself this: can you stop masturbating? Can you now decide to never do it again? If the answer is no, you have an addiction.
>there is more than one religion so all religions are wrong
I don't remember jesus saying anything against shrooms
I know what you mean, senpai.
The most Simplistic one I heard while studying theology was a selfish act.
>Jesus and the priest checking dat ass
If masturbation is a sin AND Jesus didn't sin THEN did Jesus have wet dreams?
>at least 30 minutes a day
a couple hours tbqh
Let me rephrase this: IF Protestants think that masturbation is not a sin THEN do Protestants believe that Jesus masturbated?
Catholic here.
You don't need to have wet dreams to ejaculate in your sleep once in a while. It is a biological need due to sperm dying and needing replacement, it is not triggered by psychology. You get wet dreams because you have concupiscence and it is in your nature to sin. Jesus didn't have that so he didn't have wet dreams either.
>You get wet dreams because you have concupiscence and it is in your nature to sin.
[citation needed]
The correct answer is that we are sinful beings and everything we do, say, or indeed think is sin. The point does not become identifying sin, pointing to specific sin, but the realization and confession to a higher power you are not righteous, you are not perfect, you make mistakes.
I know there are plenty of people who point to behaviors and say "that's a sin", but Christians are one thing first, and that is "people". People screw up, people make mistakes. The one unifying ideal behind it all is Jesus' message, and that is always the most important thing to hold on to and believe. The rest is interpretation.
Romans 3
9 What shall we conclude then? Do we have any advantage? Not at all! For we have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin. 10 As it is written:
“There is no one righteous, not even one;
there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.”[b]
“Their throats are open graves;
their tongues practice deceit.”[c]
“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”[d]
“Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”[e]
“Their feet are swift to shed blood;
ruin and misery mark their ways,
and the way of peace they do not know.”[f]
“There is no fear of God before their eyes.”[g]
19 Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. 20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.
>earthly, flesh pleasure
What, like food?
People become addicted to the brain chemicals that are produced when they eat. Of course one must eat, but we're all guilty, every one, of eating for gratuitous pleasure.
And that's just it. We can't "not sin". The point is not to endeavor to stop sinning, because we can't possibly do it. The "point" is to realize we're all, to some measure, self serving, and be humble to God for our sinning nature.
Does this give license then to sin uncontrollably? That's the common argument against Luther's words in the Reformation. The obvious answer is, when you realize you're doing it to be hurtful or self serving above the interests of others, consider how you're going to be genuine with God when you confess. If I go about just doing everything bad, how can I be honest with myself and honest with God I'm sorry for it? I can't. God sees this in our hearts, too. And yeh, we're even going to push that envelope sometimes. God's grace is mighty, Jesus' sacrifice was perfect. Love yourself and others and take care of each other.
Without food you die, you can't compare the two. You can eat in moderation and not sin, but you cannot masturbate in moderation and not sin
it's simple logic
Why do christards of any stripe think the rest of us care about their idiotic internal squabbles?
You can't exist and not sin.
I say "you" because you're not Jesus.
God gave me two hands and a weiner. Im going to stroke it like god intended.
If you don't care about it, why are you typing here? I don't care about purple sparkly unicorn pegasus creatures, so I don't jump in threads to discuss them.
It must affect you somehow to chime in.
k. I hope you're very happy with that? Not sure how it's a reply to what I said.
I love sniffing cocaine off muscular black tranny's silicone tits while fisting a dog and shitting on the Bible
And so, you're disingenuous illusion is shattered
this seems like complete damage control. The point is not to be perfect, but to avoid sin.
Do you masturbate? Yes. Do you keep on doing it even though you know it is a mortal sin? You are a reprobate. Quite simple, really.
and? You don't do any of that on Veeky Forums, so I am not a witness to your degeneracy
>The correct answer is that we are sinful beings and everything we do, say, or indeed think is sin.
If a woman gives birth, is the act of giving birth a sin? I should hope not. If the child takes a breath, is breathing a sin?
There are people sicker than this who God has forgiven in his grace because he realizes they just can't do any better, they are broken. You think it's funny to put yourself in the bin with people who just can't do better, I still think you're a human being and would treat you, even with dog poo hands, as a human.
I understand it "seems like damage control", just as I understand it seems like justification "to sin". You're missing the point. We sin, anyway.
Yes, we're all born with the curse of original sin. You can look at it literally, you can look at it as a psychological self-serving nature to please ourselves, work to put ourselves in a non-suffering state. Indeed, every person born "has this", with greater or lesser capacity to learn to make self more comfortable.
Look, before we go further, and I know Wikipedia is not the end-all, be-all, not a great reference always, but I'd like you to consider this, please.
This is what Lutherans believe about sin.
"The key doctrine, or material principle, of Lutheranism is the doctrine of justification. Lutherans believe that humans are saved from their sins by God's grace alone (Sola Gratia), through faith alone (Sola Fide), on the basis of Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura). Orthodox Lutheran theology holds that God made the world, including humanity, perfect, holy and sinless. However, Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, trusting in their own strength, knowledge, and wisdom.[75][76] Consequently, people are saddled with original sin, born sinful and unable to avoid committing sinful acts.[77] For Lutherans, original sin is the "chief sin, a root and fountainhead of all actual sins."[78]"
You sin anyway. You can't help but sin. You're saddled by sin in everything you do. Your to not point to sin and say "that is sin" but to realize you do sin and show humility to God and be repentant. That is what we believe. There's not really 2 ways about it.
>Why do protestants believe that masturbation is not a sin?
Don't protestants believe masturbation is a sin?
It means viewing porn, friends, all that sort of things.
( continued)
>You sin anyway.
But it is like we use this to be so denigrate to live on this conscious/ non-conscious border.
Because something is not working out.
So, take this text. It should cover it in any way thinkable.
(I don't mean anything sticking to me by mentioning it)
1 Corinthians 6
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
12 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
So basically how can anything mentioned in 9-10 be considered forbidden?
Why are people so caught up on what is a sin, and what is not a sin, when all sin was forgiven at the cross before any of us were born?
1 John 2:2 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.
Correct. We are not sinners because we sin; we sin because we are sinners.
Er..Chaos, destruction, confusion, running helter skelter, barbarianism, mass hysteria
That is why this letter to the Corinthians
>So, take this text
>if you eat 10 bars of chocolate a day, then yes, it is a sin, otherwise it isn't
so as long as I masturbate in moderation it's ok? not everyone that masturbates has a porn addiction fampai
You can spend your life caught in a vicious cycle of sin-repent-confess-penance if you want.
It's what the devil wants for you.
Me, I'll enjoy being saved, and walk with my God.
You're sinning against your own body.
How much do you want to hurt yourself?
>we are sinners.
But this is so cliche and leading nowhere.
It is like if a constant part somewhere it is more some sort of dynamic thing. Or it has more to do with some sort of dynamics that should be in life then series of mistakes. And is more of an unconscious thing.
Still there can be series of mistakes. They would rather be conscious then not. And can even be very big. This must be what can get to hell. Because it has clear elements of double crossing matters.
I'm not being hurt at all, plus it stops me from having wet dreams. I prefer not to wake up with my underwear slimed. it only takes up a few minutes out of my day
>porn addiction
>>if you
At this moment you can't have a porn addiction because the whole subject has a problem. Or it is dangerous to place any guilt or motivation to change it on self.
It is a same kind of thing as eating anyway.
Unless you would Have to do it very half hour to an hour, clearly disturbing daily life it is in no way an addiction.
How would you say that what is mentioned in verse 9-10 is basically forbidden?
>So basically how can anything mentioned in 9-10 be considered forbidden?
Because Jesus didn't come to do away with covenant, but to make a new one. The old rules still exist, the 613 mitzvot and God loves obedience. But to do it correctly you must do it all, and no one even can do it all, primarily for the reason there's no more temple to do the appropriate temple things since 70ad.
Maybe it comes down to this. If every thing you do it solely for your meal ticket in heaven, you're probably doing it wrong, you're doing it for yourself and your future security in heaven. If that self-centered line of thinking is the best you can do by God, performing works here to assure your heavenly position, I'm sure he realizes this and His grace is big enough even for you.
We "should" be doing what we consider right. How can we, in a pre-meditated fashion, intentionally break rules then be genuine with ourselves and genuine with God when we confess and say sorry? We can't. We're sinful beings. Even our intent to do right is saddled by that original sin. We're to realize we sin and do the best we can to be honest with ourselves and honest to God, knowing we will always fall short. It does not mean "do whatever the heck you want", although honestly, we're all doing whatever the heck we want anyway, we should try to show a little obedience and the key to doing that is in the Word.
The point of all of this is not to make you loathe yourself. God wants us to be happy and live our lives in this place He created for us. He doesn't want us to fight with each other, either, over things which should be between the individual and God. Your sins are not my business, unless it somehow affects me adversely, and I might quite likely sin against you in return. This is true in the reverse, I vs you. This is not the point of salvation. Jesus is the point of salvation.
How exactly is masturbation comparable to either of those?
AAAAAHHHHH I'm so very shocked. The whole church, catholic, protestant, evangelical they are all so very much mistaken.
I mean look at this church. It must be the best functioning church in the world. Still they are all about masturbation and porn if it comes up.
Not sure how this is a reply. Everyone does it wrong. Pointing to one and saying they do it wrong is like pissing in an ocean. People do the best they can, from what they understand.
But this way you would only come to terms with this error in the church.
Was this you too?
This. Ow wow wow
no. these are me.
missed this one. this one was me, too.
Yes. There is. Your heart endlessly pumps wickedness throughout your entire body. Without your volition, or permission, or control.
All sin begins in the heart, and your heart is working against you. Unconsciously.
Sin is not a mistake; it's your failure to be like God.
You are hurting yourself. Eventually you will see that, and hopefully stop.
All sin is like that. Front loaded pleasure, lingering guilt, pain and shame.
All (Me)
Saying that anything mentioned in verse 9 and 10 is basically forbidden, is the same as saying that the writer undoes the great commandment and with that the fulfilling of the law.
True or not?
Listen, double crossing this or other important matters is a reason for going to hell. Saying this is ridiculously unfriendly. In how it sounds. I'm not. But Christianity as a whole has a mistake.
To me this looked like trying to double cross the discussion by sowing confusion.
Masturbating has actually been proven to improve your health.
Maybe you're confusing "things I should and should not do", and "what I might do to not attain salvation". Real Protestants do not believe there's a specific act you will perform which will somehow undo Jesus' sacrifice and God's perfect grace. Now, after this there's a significant branch in understanding, because some believe your name is in a book before you were born, some interpret you much consciously confirm and adhere a set of born again actions. Are you trying to get to the bottom of whether I subscribe to monergism or synergism? I'd argue monergism, because an imperfect, sinful being cannot possibly come to some conclusion on his own he's suddenly saved because he said so. Jesus says so.
Is this what you're worried about, your acts here, whether you will eventually go to heaven? God makes works for us to perform. Your acts, the acts of a sinful being, can't be perfect enough ever to assure your place. God decided that.
As has drinking one glass of wine on occasion.
So, drink 10 gallons a day?
Please stop using the word protestants and start using the word Christians. Thank you.
If it were truly what we do that mandates our position in heaven, there'd have been no reason to send Jesus. You didn't, and you don't ever, save yourself, but you come to the point of realizing that's been done for you. IF you don't want it, I can't imagine that, but that's on you, I guess, between you and God. I actually have trouble believing a person can even choose to put himself in separation from God, because we can't truly, fully grasp the ramifications of such a decision to make an educated choice, the person must be sick and broken, and God must know this. However , we're told some are not elect , and I'm not about to play around, acting judge, what exactly that means in God's will, because I'm not God.
I'm pretty sure no-one in this thread is arguing that EXCESSIVE masturbation isn't a bad thing. Feel free to prove me wrong, though.
I believe people can be christians without being of the protestant denomination. The thread is specifically asking what protestants understand in dogma.
I believe all catholics and other orthodox, all protestants, and indeed any other "whatever" which holds Jesus as Christ is a christian, hence "christian". Not all christians have the specific view of protestants, not all christians you might believe to be protestants are protestants.
I masturbate 15 to 20 times a day. AMA
I think it is very interesting to discuss this with you. But I'm a little afraid you could use the power of still partaking or not. As far as I know this is a thing.
I'm interested in changing the whole of christianity. This sounds megaloman. But I'm just open to it and 2. what kinds of mistakes christianity has. All in all something is reasonable. I would be looking for other people to do this. Though always staying as something that is part of. It can't be about a new denomination.
I know, I had it at other places, that a response it always circling around the Most Important Issue.
To refine it:
Christ says:
The great commandment
Matthew 22
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
No matter what you do it can't be false, a sin. Because this fulfils the law.
Matthew 5
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
This is clearly very logical, livable. A good idea. No problem.
So tell me how anything on itself could still be called a sin.
>All sin is like that. Front loaded pleasure, lingering guilt, pain and shame.
I don't feel any guilt, pain or shame from masturbating. people only feels those because they believe it is sinful, there is nothing inherent to masturbation that causes those emotions.
If you really wanted to make a new reformation, " I " think (though of course I'm not perfect, but it seems...) you'd find some way to make some great acquiescence, under a banner similar to "unity doesn't need to mean uniformity" (Ravi Zacharias), wherein all (read ALL) christians could meet under the commonly held ideals of Jesus, as in his sermon on the mount.
Honestly, though, it might do more harm than good, given our sinful nature and seeming incapacity to not hold our understandings, pride, above others and deep fear people have of making the wrong decision. In the end, I'd "probably" say things are going about exactly to God's plan and though it seems strange, there's a deeper meaning somewhere.
>So tell me how anything on itself could still be called a sin.
Are you really going to make me type stuff I've already said? Everything we do is "sin", we can do no other because we are sinful beings. Even when we think we're not sinning, there are things we've left undone, which is also sin. I didn't stop to give food and care to every person I saw walking down the street I thought might be homeless and destitute, yet I respected my parents the last few days. Did I win? Nope. I sinned.
>Everything we do is "sin", we can do no other because we are sinful beings. Even when we think we're not sinning, there are things we've left undone, which is also sin. I didn't stop to give food and care to every person I saw walking down the street I thought might be homeless and destitute, yet I respected my parents the last few days. Did I win? Nope. I sinned.
I think this is a sort of common view in christianity. That maintains this mistaken thing. Basically it is very repressive, especially to others that are interested in being part of the common spiritual house. Or in other ways. It is a sort of deasly view on this. And how far does -out of free will- go in this?
Thinking about it, this is not based on an imprisonment, but on this sort of thing:
>Are you really going to make me type stuff I've already said?
I do it too by referring to a previous post. So you saying this and my referring looks sort of, I don't know. As far as I know replies to the question()
can have any sorts of repressions in them. So I say this is now sort of neutralised.
This repressiveness that goes against what Christ says or is of good taste or leads to things that actually work well is common, I think, if it is about this question.Can you tell me why this is?
These people think fapping three times a day to loli porn is normal.
You don't get it.
There are no protestants. There haven't been for 500 years.
Who's picketing the Vatican? What organization stands against Rome? Where are the evils of popery being revealed?
No, the catholic term "protestant" is designed to keep Rome as the center of Christendom.
They're pagans.
Fair enough. All I'm saying is that, whether it's a sin or not in MODERATION masturbation isn't bad for your health.
>I'm interested in changing the whole of christianity.
Christianity is and always has been and always will be the vocal confession that Jesus is Lord, and the belief in the heart that God raised Him from the dead.
That will never change.
It is ''''deadly''''
>So tell me how anything on itself could still be called a sin.
"Sin" means "to miss the mark", i.e. to be an archer, shoot at a target, and miss it completely.
The target is "be perfect, as the Father in Heaven is perfect".
For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23)
Then you're a reprobate, a psychopath, or 12.
If masturbation happens the same way urinating or defecating do, sure.
If it requires the lust of the eyes, fulfills the lust of the flesh, and is done out of the pride of life, it's literally every type of sin at once.
I don't see it as repressive, I see it as a matter of fact and integral in the practice of confession. If I'm understanding what you're saying correctly, the "repressiveness" is from humans' understanding of scripture and how they wield it to make others feel icky and themselves feel superior. That's not a good way to treat the bible. Jesus never said he was going to deny anyone for being icky.
I can't think how else to answer that, if I understand it right, than to say "There's Jesus, and then there are the ways people understand the bible". I mean, that's really all it comes down to, that's all that sects are, schisms, interpretations all of it. The Word is the Word, what we have will always be, while we're on Earth, how we subjectively view the Word. That's why we should believe in the Spirit (of the Word) and be as obedient as possible, while still enjoying life, being good to one another, and moving forward.
And that's all an idealized presentation. Very few, if any, will actually ever do that right.