Why are white people called white when their skin color is closer to pink and why are black people called black when their skin tone is brown?
Why are white people called white when their skin color is closer to pink and why are black people called black when...
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This is literally like a question you ask your Dad when you're four years old.
There's a containment board for this shitposting
Quite a lot of Africans actually are black/blue though.
Oh, and you do see "white" people that are quite literally white, rarely seen on men though barring illness.
>blacks are brown
Nope. Originally Africans were really BLACK. As in REAL BLACK. This is probably because they were in the sun most of their lives. The new BROWNS are those who wear clothes and those who are products of interbeeding programs.
The SEA are brown. The mexicans are brown. The arabs are brown.
Africans are BLACK.
u wot
I'm frankly more interested in where fucking East Asians being YELLOW came from.
Looking at them, the Northerners seem to be pale while down south, they're very lightly brown
Its most likely due to the fact that Asians self-identify their (Sinic-influenced) civilization with the color: yellow.
Which, in turn, is based on the 5 cardinal directions and their associated colors in Chinese geomancy/mysticism. Yellow being the color of the middle.
He's the guy that coined the theory of five colors. The whites(europeans), the blacks(africans), the yellows(east asians/central asians), the browns(SEA/pacific islanders), the reds (american indians).
Its considered racists now, but in his time, he was a LIBERAL that believed every race were equal. He was against scientific racism, however his research was used against him by those who took scientific racism to heights. kek
>why are black people called black when their skin tone is brown?
I don't understand the question?
Black people have black skins.
Where are Middle Easterners, Central Asians, and Hispanics placed?
Nigger does this looks pink to you?
Yeah, people who have REALLY dark skin kind of start looking dark blue, kinda like blueberries.
Most don't look like that. Many have slight tans or are just pink. Pic related isn't something you can find.
Faintly, yes, with some similarly pale blues and a very light beige.
No white, whatsoever.
White people are called White because White people chose to call themselves white. Black, brown, yellow and red people are those colors because White people chose to call them such.
Whites confirmed for color-blind.
Anyone else just called other people by names, not colors.
Didn't the Chinese called whites "whites" too?
White people are light skined
Black people are dark skinned
You absolute fucking morons.
This just in: Asians are white due to their light skin.
Guizi? No, that just means "foreign ghost/demon/ghoul/goblin/unpleasant person or entity." Applies to disliked foreigners. It's also an insult.
Whites have bee interchangeably called the following:
Lit. "Redheads." In use.
From the Arabic, "Ferenggi." Meaning "Franks." Archaic.
Not to mention who or what was white to the Chinese changed over time. In the ancient days, to them the likes of Iranics, Arabs, and Europeans were all """""white."""" Now only Western Europeans are.
This just in: tomatoes are a fruit not a vegetable.
its kinda funny attually,
In irish gaelic black people are called fear gorm,
With translates in to Blue man,
i think it has to do with in irish black man means devil
I'd say between the colours,
so Middle Easterners are located between blacks and whites so their grey,
Hispanics are between white and brown so their light brown
Asians/Arabs/Abos don't fall under this definition because our contact with them was much smaller.
Honnestly how old are you?
Actually a lot of people just consider Arabs as white tbqh
Arabs as in ethnicity or Arabs as in culturally (i.e Arab countries)
Because ethnic Arabs are not white. Many people in Levant and NA are white tho.
In Arab nations the average Arab describes themselves as white.
Learn context.
your skin looks like cured pig skin(which is tasty).
And yes, i know i sounded creepy and/or a cannibal.
The first humans were either the Khoisan race or people related to them, and they aren't as dark as you might think.
Why are the darkest people either from or near Sudan?
The beauty of Khoisan's must be preserved, bantus go home to Congo!
>our contact with arabs was smaller
They literally border us.
Thats where the human race began and where hominids began losing their coat of body hair, revealing black skin which you would find if you shaved a modern chimpanzee, no racism intended
What species of chimp? Because the common chimpanzee is fairskinned, while the bonoboo is darkskinned. Gorillas are blue-black, and orangutans are tannish when shaven.