Unpopular Veeky Forums opinions threads

ITT: post your favorite unpopular historical opinions, I'll start.

>Germany as a whole was far better off without the influence of the degenerate Romans, and was in many ways (if not all ways) superior.
>WW1 was caused primarily from the aggression of France and Russia. Germany had little to no involvement.
>The First World war was not anywhere near as bad as people like to portray it as and that myth of it being "hell" was brought on primarily by cuck liberal propaganda in an attempt to attack nationalism.
>The Romans did far more bad than good, and destroyed Europe.
>Napoleon and the French revolution were a mistake all they did was spread degenerate and cuck ideals throughout the civilized world.

Other urls found in this thread:


go back to /pol/

Are you retarded by chance?

Not an argument.

WW1 was by far the most brutal war the West has fought. The Eastern Front in WW2 comes close though.

WW1's horrors come from the density of artillery per kilometer/mile.

You need to read "Storm of Steel" by Ernst Junger, "Poliu" by Louis Barthas and "There's a Devil in the Drum" by John F. Lacy.

In addition, read "Steel Wind" and "The German Offensives of 1918" by David T. Zabecki.

Source:Former artillery officer myself

On the topic of Rome; their legions and their effect on Western Civilization echo through out history. Even Imperial and late Nazi Germany would seek to capture bits and pieces of her legacy for their use.

The Barbarian world was largely tribal in terms of dividing lines. Rome obliterated all that trash. It allowed for the devolpment of Europe and for ideas to travel from place to place for the first time. It essentially gave us modern civilization.

I do agree about the French Revolution though.

I post on /pol/ too, edgelords like you give the rest of us there a bad reputation.

Care to explain how you came to these opinions that are clearly unpopular?

None of those are "unpopular".

fuck off retard

>in an attempt to attack nationalism
It does that on it's own. Over and over again citizens were brainwashed into sycophants of a belligerent government, from which we reaped the two bloodiest war we may ever see as a species. Thanks a bunch.

Yet the batshit racial supremacy type nationalist formed the only barrier between the civilized world and those that openly considered human life as a resource.

>WW1 was by far the most brutal war the West has fought. The Eastern Front in WW2 comes close though. WW1's horrors come from the density of artillery per kilometer/mile.
Most people enjoyed WW1, Ernst Jünger is just one of the many. WW1 really was not bad at all. The real reason that liberals are so hellbent on having it portrayed as a literal killing field is because it was a war fought purely for nationalism - every man, fighting for the honor and glory of his respective empire. That's why they hate it so much.

>On the topic of Rome; their legions and their effect on Western Civilization echo through out history. Even Imperial and late Nazi Germany would seek to capture bits and pieces of her legacy for their use.
Hitler always felt closer to his ancestral German roots than the degenerate cuck culture of Rome. Rome always feared Germania - which is why they refused to advance after getting demolished at Teutoburg Forest. All that Rome did for the western world was bring big, filthy cities and democracy. All of which only promote degenerate ideals which people unironically believe were good in any way, shape or form. Germans lived in small connected tribes and fared far better without these great markers of "civilization".

>Most people enjoyed WW1, Ernst Jünger is just one of the many.
I take it you haven't actually read Storm of Steel then?
I suppose, also, that it would be way too much to get a citation for your "most"?

>degenerate, cuck

How many posts was that 3,4?

I agree, they're retarded. And this is mediocre /pol/bait

>one sociopathic dude lucky enough to not get crippled in the war had fun
>getting your shit blown the fuck out for weeks is totally fun guys

Kill yourself, or simply go back to your containment board. Why do you newfags think that loading yourself with /pol/ memes qualifies you for historical discussion?

Also can we finally abolish this cuck idiocy already, it officially devolved into a retarded buzzword for everything someone does not like on earth.

USSR was really progressive for its time.

>WW1 was caused primarily from the aggression of France and Russia. Germany had little to no involvement

t. Evola

Your pol is showing user

You are a laughable person.

You can just tell when someone has come from /pol/. Crawl back to your containment board naziboo

>implying pagans praying to trees and sacrifying young babies to them were better than the Roman Empire
>implying Germany didn't invade Belgium and pushed Austria to declare war on Serbia
>implying WW1, with its thunders of artillery, its massive hungers, the Spanish Flu and the combat gas wasn't the bloodiest and most terrifying war ever fought
>implying the Roman Empire isn't Europe itself
>implying Napoléon Bonaparte was bad when he is the cause behind nationalism, and the birth of your beloved Germany

Learn History, please

Bizarre example Jünger and Storm of Steel were regularly censored for being ProWar and erroneously proFascist. That's why so little of his works were ever translated.

He was voraciously involved in WW1.

>The whole "Judaism got monotheism from Zoroastriamisn" thing is a serious meme, brought about by a largely unwarranted assumption that Zoroastrianism circa 6th century B.C. was identical to Zorastrianism much later during the Sassanid era, almost a thousand years later.
>Everyone who thinks that Japan surrendered because the Soviets attacked Manchuria is an idiot.
> Religion threads have a place on Veeky Forums as long as idiot proselytizing can be kept out of it (which I realize it probably can't)

>"I spent a day googling and now finally I can see the truth behind the history of mankind."

Lad, you're misinformed about ww1. I'd like to hear you explain why you think France and Russia were the instigators. As far as "it's not as bad as you think", I think you're allowing ww2 and your political agenda to bend your view far too much. More French, British, and Italians died in ww1 than 2, and in some cases dramatically more died. 200,000 Americans died in one year(compared to ~450,000 in all of ww2). 900k men died at Verdun. 1.2 million died at the Somme. 900k died in Germany's last ditch offensive in 1918. Over half a million died at Gallipoli, the marne, and the third battle of Ypres. Another 300,000 died in Serbia. The bloodiest days in French and British history were in ww1. None of the battles in western Europe during ww2 come close to these casualty figures. ww2 makes the first war look better because the eastern front and the Chinese theater swell the casualty figures to ridiculous heights. But for the west, the first world war was much worse.

Rome fell because of increasing economic class division.

This isn't an opinion. This is obvious bait.

>>WW1 was caused primarily from the aggression of France and Russia. Germany had little to no involvement.
you mislabeled the thread
it says unpopular
but you meant retarded

Joseph McCarthy was right and the United States bureaucracy, academia and media lied about him because they didn't want to face the fact that communist infiltration led to disastrous results such as the loss of China.

t. Germaboo

Where's the list then?


>WW1 was caused primarily from the aggression of France and Russia. Germany had little to no involvement.

Fischer didn't die for this.

Right wingers love hierarchy and want to be ruled, and yet leftists are the cucks.

Explain this to me.

>Most people enjoyed WW1, Ernst Jünger is just one of the many.

Interesting claim. Back it up, because there were plenty who found the experience utterly horrific. Otto Dix comes to mind.

Jesus, like Moses, is a made up myth that people canonised to claim historical legitimacy of their favourite cult.

romans in ww1 ?

I know right? Truly our lost and misunderstood benefactors.

>Unpopular onions
The protestant reformation was a good thing
Protestant demonimations are the true faiths

>seriously using the word cuck when talking about your opinion

: ^ )

Immediately disregarded.

Only the bit about Russia and France causing world war 1 is worth discussion. Other than that, hang yourself

So Veeky Forums, who cause world war 1, and why was it France and Russia?

You mean that part where France, after Franz was killed, ordered all its divisions near the border with Germany to retreat so as not to provoke a war?

is this bait

Oh great, another tard. Where do they spawn from?

Nice buzzword

All parties were equally bent on war.

>WW1 was actually swell
Are you retarded? Apart from WW2 and maybe the Tai ping revolt it was the worst war a human beeing could experience.

>Rome was Bad
Kill yourself

>Napoléon was Bad
Kill yourself

>cuck liberal propaganda
>degenerate and cuck ideals
That's some weak ass bait, my friend

I was more talking about when France offered a blank check to Russia to interfere in a matter that was none if it's concern.

>it's an unironic /pol/ poster who can't stop saying cuck


After Germany did the same to Austria-Hungary?

The same Austria-Hungary that sent its ultimatum to the Serbian government with the demand to completely bypass the Serbian legal system? Wewwwwww

>There was legitimate suspicion that the Serbian government was involved in the assassination
>"It's cool, we'll investigate impartially, no worries :^)"
And Germany only acted because if Russia sucking it's nose in

I think you might be on the wrong board.

>As the German ambassador to Vienna reported to his government on July 14, the [note] to Serbia is being composed so that the possibility of its being accepted is practically excluded.

The Royal Serbian Government will furthermore pledge itself:

1. to suppress every publication which shall incite to hatred and contempt of the Monarchy, and the general tendency of which shall be directed against the territorial integrity of the latter;

2. to proceed at once to the dissolution of the Narodna Odbrana to confiscate all of its means of propaganda, and in the same manner to proceed against the other unions and associations in Serbia which occupy themselves with propaganda against Austria-Hungary; the Royal Government will take such measures as are necessary to make sure that the dissolved associations may not continue their activities under other names or in other forms;

3. to eliminate without delay from public instruction in Serbia, everything, whether connected with the teaching corps or with the methods of teaching, that serves or may serve to nourish the propaganda against Austria-Hungary;

4. to remove from the military and administrative service in general all officers and officials who have been guilty of carrying on the propaganda against Austria-Hungary, whose names the Imperial and Royal Government reserves the right to make known to the Royal Government when communicating the material evidence now in its possession;


>5. to agree to the cooperation in Serbia of the organs of the Imperial and Royal Government in the suppression of the subversive movement directed against the integrity of the Monarchy;

6. to institute a judicial inquiry against every participant in the conspiracy of the twenty-eighth of June who may be found in Serbian territory; the organs of the Imperial and Royal Government delegated for this purpose will take part in the proceedings held for this purpose;

7. to undertake with all haste the arrest of Major Voislav Tankosic and of one Milan Ciganovitch, a Serbian official, who have been compromised by the results of the inquiry;

8. by efficient measures to prevent the participation of Serbian authorities in the smuggling of weapons and explosives across the frontier; to dismiss from the service and to punish severely those members of the Frontier Service at Schabats and Losnitza who assisted the authors of the crime of Sarajevo to cross the frontier;

9. to make explanations to the Imperial and Royal Government concerning the unjustifiable utterances of high Serbian functionaries in Serbia and abroad, who, without regard for their official position, have not hesitated to express themselves in a manner hostile toward Austria-Hungary since the assassination of the twenty-eighth of June;

10. to inform the Imperial and Royal Government without delay of the execution of the measures comprised in the

foregoing points.
The Imperial and Royal Government awaits the reply of the Royal Government by Saturday, the twenty-fifth instant, at 6 p.m., at the latest.

Keep in mind, Saturday at 6PM was 48 hours after the demand was sent.


>unpopular historical opinions
The turks improved constantinople.

as a turk i can say this was true. Not anymore though, we fucked up.

>>WW1 was caused primarily from the aggression of France and Russia. Germany had little to no involvement.
this isn't an unpopular opinion, it's just straight up incorrect

Cortes did nothing wrong. It was the Tlaxcalans who are to blame for bringing down the Mexica hegemony in the central valley

>Most people enjoyed WW1

World War 1 was not a result of France and Russia, it was Austria's fault.

Austria annexed Bosnia in 1908, and created resentment against the Habsburgs

They are unpopular because Jewish portrayed media does their up-most to suppress it. I am among the few that are fighting against them.

Blue-Pilled cuck detected

Nearly every soldier back in the day were proud to fight and die. Brave young men signed up in the thousands to do their duty for the honor and glory of their fatherland. This is why media is so hellbent on portraying it as if it was terrible at all. People die in all wars.

>"one sociopathic dude lucky enough to not get crippled in the war had fun [...] getting your shit blown the fuck out for weeks is totally fun guys"
Ernst Jünger is one of the bravest people, he was not sociopathic if he had the right idea on how the world is supposed to be - fighting ones up-most for the glory of their respective empire, Dying was not even that horrible at all, anyway.

>"implying pagans praying to trees and sacrifying young babies to them were better than the Roman Empire"
Germans were much better that Romans, because Germans were closer to nature, as everyone should be nowadays. All that Romans brought was cuckoldry and degeneracy in the shape of "civilization"
>"implying Germany didn't invade Belgium and pushed Austria to declare war on Serbia"
Germany did not want war at all, although war is glorious they saw fighting as a waste of time. They were attack by the Jewish controlled Triple Entente.
>"implying WW1, with its thunders of artillery, its massive hungers, the Spanish Flu and the combat gas wasn't the bloodiest and most terrifying war ever fought"
More bloodiness does not make it terrible, it just means that brave men sacrificed more gloriously for their country.
>"implying the Roman Empire isn't Europe itself"
The basis of Europe came from unconnected German tribes, nearly everything the Romans did, they did by copying others.
>"implying Napoléon Bonaparte was bad when he is the cause behind nationalism, and the birth of your beloved Germany"
Napoleon was overrated and a surrender monkey like all french. He got beaten by Germans, like Blücher. Napoleon could not hold a candle to generals like Friedrick the Great or Rommel.

>sh-shit, he found me out
>h-haha stupid libcuck

>blahblahblah they wuz patriots
So? that had nothing to do with my point.

>Blue-Pilled cuck detected
Have you got any real arguments or are you just going to carpet bomb buzzworks like the Meme King of /pol/ until everybody decides it's not worth talking to an absolute fucking mouthbreather and leaves?

>Germans were much better that Romans, because Germans were closer to nature

>hurr durr muh nature le noble savage

The Romans were 'cucks' while conquering the known world, leaving behind poetry and epics, creating architectural marvels, while the Germans ran around with spears in the woods doing their scary ooga booga magic to harness Wotan's power.

kek I prefer the 'cuck' Romans by far.

>More bloodiness does not make it terrible, it just means that brave men sacrificed more gloriously for their country.

War is only glorious when it's fought for actual good reasons and not some retarded 'muh borders' shit like 50% of wars.

>The basis of Europe came from unconnected German tribes

KEK. There's a reason Latin was the language of the educated and well-bred for centuries after the fall of Rome. There's a reason rulers all over Europe called themselves 'Emperor'.

>nearly everything the Romans did, they did by copying others.

Kind of like how the Germans were so proud of their 'close to nature' culture that they desperately imitated the Romans? By the time the Western Empire fell the Germans in the area were effectively Romanized.

>Napoleon was overrated and a surrender monkey like all french. He got beaten by Germans, like Blücher.

Napoleon beat the Prussians and Austrians dozens of times in several separate wars. Any one of those times he could have dismembered their countries and dethroned their monarchs, but he was merciful enough not to. They beat him ONCE and then shipped him off to an island.

>Napoleon was overrated and a surrender monkey like all french. He got beaten by Germans, like Blücher. Napoleon could not hold a candle to generals like Friedrick the Great or Rommel.

>le Rommel

Rommel is a meme general idolized by edgy American Naziboos who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Even in his own time and military he was outclassed by men like Manstein and Rundstedt.

Please stop posting.

By the way

>le romans so scared of badass germans after teutoburg they wouldn't expand after teutoburg is a meme too

A couple years later, Germanicus went in, smashed the fuck out of your beloved Rhine niggers, retrieved the eagles lost by Varus, and went home.

>That's why so little of his works were ever translated.
Storm of Steel has two translations and many English editions that I know of. If there was a genuine pinko agenda you'd expect his post-WW2 """"degenerate"""" works would see widespread publication.

>Rome always feared Germania
The Germans who posed the greatest threat to Rome always had Roman training and usually Roman military experience. To say that they didn't benefit culturally from trade and proximity to one of the greatest civilizations in history is incomprehensibly retarded.
>Civilis (though Batavian)

You're just parroting edgy opinions to try and fit into that shit board and are revealing yourself to be entirely uneducated, no surprise there.

>They were attack by the Jewish controlled Triple Entente.

>Tsarist Russia was controlled by the Jews

Imagine being this hopelessly retarded.

The Earth is flat
Finland was the true discoverer of America.
Native Americans are just Chinese Immigrants who made up some history
The Holy Roman Empire centered France and invited gunpowder
Jesus conquered Minor Asia as well as Egypt before getting beaten back by Caesar who then went fourth to unsuccessfully trying to conquer Ukraine and Kazakhstan, getting beaten back by Finns and Koreans

I can't even type right now...

Enjoying fighting and enjoying the conditions of that fight are not the same. I enjoyed putting 60 mm mortars through a door. Who doesn't like seeing 155 mm rekt a compound? Thats pretty fucking cool. Adrenaline feels good. It's a drug and some people can never break themselves of it. Unlike the other poster, I never got the feeling he really "liked" it. I got the sense that he did his duty. He liked the adrenaline but I didn't think he loved fighting for fighting sake alone. I think he would have preferred to avoid WW1.

I did not enjoy being a shitty country where the smell was so bad that my nostrils burnt out. If you read the book, you'd have paid attention to the shit conditions he found himself in from time to time. Junger also makes careful note of his fallen comrades as his story progresses. I doubt they were far from his mind as mine are never far from mine.

>Most people enjoyed WW1, Ernst Jünger is just one of the many. WW1 really was not bad at all. The real reason that liberals are so hellbent on having it portrayed as a literal killing field is because it was a war fought purely for nationalism - every man, fighting for the honor and glory of his respective empire. That's why they hate it so much.

That's not why it is so hated. It is hated because it flung the best of a generation into a grinding battle of attrition. It was reverse Darwinism at its finest. The best and brightest of Europe perished in Europe's own self-immolation. Then to add insult to injury, the sacrifices were nearly made meaningless because there came about a round 2.

>Hitler always felt closer to his ancestral German roots than the degenerate cuck culture of Rome. Rome always feared Germania - which is why they refused to advance after getting demolished at Teutoburg Forest. All that Rome did for the western world was bring big, filthy cities and democracy. All of which only promote degenerate ideals which people unironically believe were good in any way, shape or form. Germans lived in small connected tribes and fared far better without these great markers of "civilization".

That's objectively wrong. Hitler admired the Romans to the point that he constantly replicated their classical style of architecture. Not to mention his foundation of the Waffen SS as a Pratoerian Guard. Then you have his appointment of Himmler, a man with a classical education, to help set up his state security apparatus. The Romans emphasized martial duty and tradition. Even during the Republic, Rome was not a "democracy". Marius and Sulla both were proof of that. Let us not forget to the Roman mauling of the Germanic Tribes under Caeser. Who built the world's first wooden suspension bridge to go genocide snowniggers. Or the brave Marcus Aurelius who fought a 20 year campaign post Teutoburg (150 years later) to bring the Germanic Tribes to heel.

Let's not forget that it was a small divided provincial Germany that was the play thing of larger powers. It was not until Germany united that it controlled it's own destiny in any sense. Your "small connected tribes" is the same idealistic dream that teenagers who dream of the abolition of Capitalism dream of.

I urge you to actually read stuff instead taking infographics on /pol/ as your only source.

>Unpopular Veeky Forums opinions threads
More like bait /pol/ threads amirite

>They are unpopular because Jewish portrayed media does their up-most to suppress it
Can't go a minute without some SJW bitch on facebook talking about how glorious the Roman Empire was.

>Veeky Forums gets baited for the umpteenth time

Step up your game, guys.

or see my picture

>Rome always feared Germania
Good lord.

*Until the knuckle dragging peasant named Stalin stole power

>communism works

you massive faggot.


>Dying was not even that horrible at all, anyway.

>aggression of France and Russia.
So it's almost like a war of northern aggression... I see.

That's a pretty popular opinion.

>I am among the few that are fighting against them
well you sure are an enlightened individual

>i'm going to ignore the fact that Napeleon revolutionized warfare because muh Rommel memes

Adding to this user.

Guess who Rommel wanted to succeed him in North Africa?


declassified KGB+NKVD documents show otherwise, his efforts not only failed to stop infiltration but actually made it easier as soviet operatives were easily able to manipulate the red scare to denounce red herrings

cortes alone was not to blame for the fall of the aztec empire, they certainly sowed the seeds of their destruction but to say he did nothing wrong seems a bit excessive to me

>like 50% of wars
i c wat u did there

That's not "unpopular opinions", it's just commonplace stupidity.

>Dying for your fascist leader bull

How does it feel to be a cuck?

>most people enjoyed WW1

Confirmed for being an American that never had a grandmother to scold him over how horrid the war was, and how dehumanized her father had been by it.

>>The whole "Judaism got monotheism from Zoroastriamisn" thing is a serious meme, brought about by a largely unwarranted assumption that Zoroastrianism circa 6th century B.C. was identical to Zorastrianism much later during the Sassanid era, almost a thousand years later.
Don't forget the whole "Judaism got monotheism from Atenism" ultra-meme

>Friedrick the Great

Memes aside, why is the monarch that was saved only by Russia's good graces a figure that remains idolized to this day.

Do /pol/tards have to inflate his worth because he's the only german of note from the German from the XVIIIth century?

>I never got the feeling he really "liked" it. I got the sense that he did his duty. He liked the adrenaline but I didn't think he loved fighting for fighting sake alone. I think he would have preferred to avoid WW1.
That's definitely my reading of it too.

sun yat sen ruined china

>the holocaust was a hoax (actually not an opinion but a fact)