Trumpvoter here. Should we redefine what rich is? I feel like strangling obama when he refers to ppl making over 250k a year as "obscenely rich". Thats really not that much money for a well sized family. I dont think taxes on them should go up. If your making serious money, however, like what i call "fuck you money" aka 10 million a year +, then you really are making enough money for it to be reasonable for u to pay more taxes. Its not reasonable for the waltons to pay the same tax rate as a 250k'er. If youre making a billion a year, yeah, paying 50-60% tax is still going to leave you with a few hundred feet of yachts per year, which is alot. What do u guys think?
Trumpvoter here. Should we redefine what rich is...
Flat tax is the only appropriate kind of tax. There is no point in continuing to raise taxes on the middle and upper class, but never stopping their abilities to create tax shelters. This only harms successful individuals and does nothing about Apple and Walmart keeping billions in off shore tax shelters.
There should either be an income tax or a sales tax, not both.
There should be a constitutional amendment to forbid property taxes. This is essentially "paying tribute to the kind"
You should also be able to opt out of social security and medicare taxes, on the agreement that you cannot receive any of their benefits while opted out.
The maximum that anyone can receive welfare should be 18 months within a 5 year period
Single mothers must be required to sue to the father before they can receive benefits. Too many couples don't marry just to take in benefits.
Tax income over 50k, the 1st 50k is tax free. A steady increase from 1-20% stopping at 500k.
This doesn't include state taxes.
People who arent appalled by the concept of property tax are bona-fide shit eating inferiors.
So.... Property tax....
So if i go to the country, buy a little land, and build a mansion with my own bloody hands, someone from the government COMES ALONG AND TELLS ME IM NOT ALLOWED TO LIVE IN THE HOUSE I BUILT WITH MY OWN KEK-FUCKING HANDS.
So, you were saying property tax is reasonable? Or even more to the point, you were saying property tax is RATIONAL? Pls explain why, i have a 140 iq but thats apparently not enough to understand....
Fucking government shit eaters.
"Omg trump supporters are crazy! Where do these crazy trump supporters come from?"
Think about cuck-fondling property tax, and you will figure out why ppl are angry.
Jesus fucking christ
Realistic way to fix America:
1. Socialize medicine
2. Flat tax with a generous deduction ($25k for single people, $50k for married couples)
3. Roll both sides of the payroll tax into the rate of the flat tax
4. Remove corporate income tax, replace it with a VAT
5. Privatize social security; essentially turn it into a government-matched 401k
6. Tax long-term capital gains at the same rate as income, with a lifetime deduction of $2,500,000 that is recalculated annually on the basis of inflation (e.g. if you make $500,000 in long term cap gains year 1, and inflation is 5%, your remaining allowance next year is $2,100,000)
the reality is that less than 1/20 ppl earn that much money and they're mostly 50+ professionals who have already raised their children. you cant be in touch with reality and say that 250k isnt a lot of money.
the average family makes 45k a year.
if you don't tax the majority, they will lobby government for ever larger transfer payments to themselves.
If you make less than $50k as a married couple with children, you already don't pay any income tax.
Now, payroll tax is a different story. But the rich don't pay that, so it balances out.
why do people campaign for a flat tax.
progressive taxes on the very rich (above 1 million) and tax breaks for people who make under 45k would stimulate the economy
a flat tax is essentially just a tax break for the rich. trickle down has been shown not to work at all
I also think corporations should not be legal persons, and advocate a removal of the corporate tax
furthermore, all income should be taxed the same. the rich are fucking people over with lt cap gains tax.
This is why we have bernie sanders. These people view government as a redistribution machine, not as a body-politic/corporation which provides public goods to everyone, at cost to everyone.
A flat tax doesn't have to be tax cut for the rich. You can tax everyone at a high rate. A flat tax is good only when a government is bound to it, so the poor majority cannot vote to take wealth from the rich without bearing a burden themselves.
so, taxing everyone at a high rate
this basically punishes the poor more than the rich, since the poor have a greater need of their money for survival, and the rich are simply giving up their disposable income
> 250k a year
Unless you have 4 kids or more, $250k is plenty of money for every family member to have what they need and most of what they want. Furthermore you get a huge tax break for each kid, so....
> flat tax
you flat tax idiots never cease to amaze me. We currently have a graduated tax system and we STILL have a huge gap between rich and poor and a problem with lower class income. Going to a flat tax would literally bring us back to 1200's England with Royalty, Nobles, and everyone else.
pic explains
The idea is that you're supposed to get a benefit at least equivalent to the amount given to the government in taxes, just as in a private transaction. If the poor don't like it, they can vote to reduce public spending.
>If the poor don't like it, they can vote to reduce public spending.
that's not how a republic works...
politicians determine spending
referendums are always nonbinding and merely a suggestion, except maybe in cali
furthermore people shouldn't be able to vote how much taxes are. they will always vote to lower their own taxes, causing a tragedy of the commons with respect to public spending
They vote for representatives who determine the tax rate and how tax dollars are spent.
Note that the rich man pays about 40 times or $100,000 more than the poor man.
>Note that the rich man pays about 40 times or $100,000 more than the poor man.
and it's fair
I'm all for business but the rich man literally has money to burn. Fucking over the poor seems like a common tenet of conservative bullshit like a flat tax
It's not morally correct to take 50% of an individual's income, just because they can afford it
the money for public works has to come from somewhere, and it is morally correct to take it from those who can afford it
You point out the issue with democratically levied taxation here.
The poor vote to pay no taxes and to pass the burden to the rich.
Paying taxes isn't going to fuck over the poor because they will get in kind benefits that surpass the amount of tax that they pay. It should be es for the government to provide this level of service to them because 50% of tax revenues would still be financed by the rich.
You wouldn't be saying that if you spent 15 years in school or are working 80 his a week to manage a business
>tax cut for the rich
Do u inferiors think if you call a persons money the governments money enough it will become true?
I earn 10 dollars curing cancer. The governmet takes 4 dollars from me instead of 5. The difference is MY MONEY, not the governments money.
Call it feces all u want, your still a shit eating cucktastrophe
The flat tax is a meme. Doing it straight-up would undoubtedly be a huge fucking disaster for the lower classes. But if you add a sizable enough deduction, roll enough other regressive forms of taxation into it (such as payroll), and set the rate high enough, you can raise taxes while conning conservative idiots into thinking you've passed an actual flat tax.
>buy my own place
>scary broke for the first time in a long time since saving for that FUCKING 20% down
>finally end the landlord jacking my rent every yea. fuck ya.
>mfw property tax bills
>oh how nice County Treasurer wants to welcome me to neighborhood
> $4000 tax bill another one coming in 2 months
We could ease into it over a long period of time to minimize thesudden effects of lost income.
So if ur rich, a certain tax rate is low, and if ur poor, that same tax rate is "a high rate", according to you?
>Unironically voting in 2016
Fucking plebs the lots of ya
>morally correct
Hows middle school?
Property tax is literally the antichrist. fucking predatory government shit.
These tools who support property tax literally tongue punch their children and collect feces.
Anyone who doesn't make jack shit worth of an income thinks its ok to just dip deeper into someone elses pockets, I doubt you'd be spouting the same bullshit if it was your pockets being dug out nice and deep.
I myself and a poorfag by the way.
What shithole do you live in? Average family makes over 100k in the United states (average salary is 52k)
There was once a time where you had to pay income tax to vote, and civil servants couldn't vote. I guess things go down hill when you allow people who dont work to vote for the way the country should be run. I wonder why.
you mean 52k is the household average retard...also known as 26k each
Its morally correct to lower taxes outright.
The United States has to take loans on interest because everybody stores their money offshore.
The US federal government makes 2.4 trillion on income taxes and another 1.8 trillion on social security.
There are about 330 million US citizens.
That means the US government needs to make about 12,727 per person, including elderly and babies and disabled and NEETs and people out of work, to continue running at the current rate.
Ignoring increasing/decreasing the size of government programs, which will cause additional problems, any realistic tax proposal will need to be able to raise the current amount of funds and be easily expandable in case of a fiscal crisis.
$25K a year is plenty enough to SURVIVE
Sure you won't be able to buy the new iphone !
fucking retard
>6. Tax long-term capital gains at the same rate as income, with a lifetime deduction of $2,500,000 that is recalculated annually on the basis of inflation (e.g. if you make $500,000 in long term cap gains year 1, and inflation is 5%, your remaining allowance next year is $2,100,000)
This is horse shit and adding an exemption that most people won't hit doesn't make it not horseshit. It's just horse shit that fucks a small amount of people. Might as well burn some jews at the stake while you are at it for all the good it will do and how much you just love picking on minorities.
Federal budget is $3.8 trillion. There are about 250 million adults in the US. Every adult should receive a tax bill of $15,200 this year and there will be no other taxes whatsoever. No income tax. No sales tax. No corporate tax. $15,200 is the price to live in America as an adult this year. How is that not fair?
elimination of the middle class is a worldwide ongoig project
totally fair i would jump on a plane to murrica tomorrow
This is the obvious solution. In order to vote, you should have to pay taxes. Government employees by definition do not pay taxes, therefore should get no vote.
>this thread
idk my exs mom has about 900k saved and she throws fuck you money at cars and costco and opening up new pharmas
>seems like a common tenet of conservative bullshit
You mean like how characterizing people with more money than you as "having money to burn" seems like a common tenet of liberal bullshit?
Is this a joke? In this economy, making more than 50k a year when you're younger than at least 40 means you've done something with your life.
There are no easy paths to money anymore because all the markets have been cornered and "Walled off" by people 20 to 30 years ago.
So you're stuck either in low wage monotony or you have to work your fucking ass off to get into what we call "The Middle Class" if some group of people needs a particular skill that they are hard pressed to outsource.
New Definition:
You're only rich if you have at least 50,000 rare Trumpcoins.
I would not mind paying 15k if there was no other tax
Any entry level engineering job makes more than that at 21
Any trade makes more than that after apprenticeship
If I'm going to lose half of my income when I earn 250k why the fuck would I or anybody else want to make 250k to begin with when I would be better off earning less, in a lower tax bracket. I would be incentivized to be less productivity. Think of economic incentives user, you socialist cuck.
In a flat tax society it should be a lower rate for the rich because they end up paying more money anyway. And if they pay for all of their income then go and take vacations do they really deserve to fund some fucking losers anyway? Really it should be a quarterly society fee. You have an updated society badge you get just as you would a renewed license. No healthcare or police services if you don't have your stamp.