So I've got an interview next week at a major company and although I'm qualified for the position and have done my research I know I'm going to be extremely nervous. How do you guys handle sweaty palms or nerves for a job interview? I really don't want to mess this up since it will almost guarantee me a job once I graduate.
Job Interviews
Fuck your picture.
>get a job making nice $
>use $ to save and invest
>create enough passive income to never work
a) workout regularly
b) relax the day of the performance, don't do any prep. Just do things you find relaxing, leading up to the event.
You're welcome. These 2 tips will help you with any social performance in your life.
Posting ant pictures. I hope you never get a job.
Vetivere oil. I put a drop on my palm and rub it around and cup my hands over my face and inhale. Then rub it on my neck and chest. Super relaxing. Too much can exacerbate nausea though (if I'm already nauseous).
If I'm really having a panic attack, I take kava extract and pills. Damiana tea is nice too but it makes me pretty horney.
I also regularly take gelatinized maca root with cocao, ginger an rhodiola (Maca Boost is the name). Reishi extract I take mostly for asthma but it's good for the brain too. I also take a tablespoon of bee pollen every day, that's more for energy though, too much makes anxiety worse.
All together with exercise and a healthy diet these things seem to help my anxiety and all around mood and focus. None of that helps if you don't feel confident that you know the material that might be covered in the interview though.
> If I'm really having a panic attack, I take kava extract and pills
I find lifting heavy weights and diaphragmatic breathing helps me with that issue.
>>create enough passive income to never work once im old as fuck and can't enjoy shit
Shut up
Planning on retiring around 30 so ill be able to enjoy lots of shit
Beta blockers are rad
Have a few shots of gin to calm yourself.
Then, take an extra large bong hit to relax.
Might want to brush your teeth.
Just remember that your fear response is for fighting grizzly bears when all you've got is a pointy stick, or an armour-clad scimitar wielding arab. Realise that the interviewers are simply not as dangerous as the above.
>I really don't want to mess this up
I see. Stop doing that for a start. If you didn't care about this you'd probably not be so nervous. Stop thinking about all the ways it's going to suck if you fuck it up.
listen to your favourite stand up comedian beforehand
i aced my last interview and it got me the job. i prepared by:
A) taking the morning off work and getting dressed and ready at my usual time
B) bringing a pen and paper to the mall food court (brought some headphones for white noise to drown out other people)
C) writing ideas and questions down in regards to the job, reviewing the application to address specific requirements/skills/experience
D) eating a healthy snack before leaving
E) listening to dave attell (skanks for the memories) on the way.
in the interview, when i was stalling on a word, the interviewer just made a light joke and i played along, and it totally relaxed me.
just make the decision before going in that you are going to blow it out of the park. channel thoughts of negativity into positives, and be constructive in your answers. i brought my notes with me (which im not sure is either good or bad), and it let me review all my questions during the interview, so there was never a lull.
basically, i just prepared very efficiently and it gave me the confidence to succeed. whatever helps you feel better about your chances walking into the interview, do it. nerves will likely not even factor in at that point
klonopin or xanax
>used teabag on top of iPad
The fuck?
That will lower your inhibitions and make you say shit you shouldn't.
The beta blockers guy is right.
Frig off Randy
>using an Apple product as a coaster
I'm in love
Yeah, that was the point. Whoever organized that scene was a fucking genius.
>retiring at 30
Nigga you best have mad assets.
>Take a bong rip before the interview
>Fail your drug test.
visualize yourself having the job and believe you have the job
When I interview I take in a business card, hard copy of resume and cover letter, and a plain notebook and pen to jot down notes or refer back to notes. It assures the interviewer you are actively listening. I've never had anyone dislike it. It makes you seem organized and like you have a plan
meditation brah.
>Fail your drug test.
Wait, they still do those?
Get a drink