Hey Veeky Forums here is how to passively make money
1) Apply for a credit card with a $3k limit 2) Purchase 10 AMD R9 390x at around 2.8k 3)Buy up with the rest of the borrowed $3k a cheap motherboard, psu etc in order to get started with the mining 4) Start mining ethereum, 10 AMD R9 390X have a hash rate around 220 mh/s which you would earn around $750 a month 5) Once the month is almost over and you mined ethereum worth of $750 you repackage and return all of the graphic cards back 6)You take back the money from the graphic cards and pay back the borrowed money from the credit card plus the fees(10%-15%) 7) You earned $750 minus the fees from the credit card would net you around $450 net per month 8) Apply for other credit cards and buy new graphic cards from other stores and do the same thing over and over
$750 is possible with 10 R9 390x but you also need to calculate your electricity costs
Xavier Butler
Yeah running 10 of those rigs 24/7 will eat up your $450 and more, just like that.
Next brilliant idea.
Aiden Sanders
Not OP but I rent and don't pay for electricity.
Jason Hill
yes you are, you just aren't billed for it individually
Levi Hill
Yeah I think your landlord would realize when the fucking bill has gone up 3000% that his neckbeard tenant is either growing weed or mining autistcoins.
Jackson Russell
What can he do about that? Since he's not growing weed, it's not illegal activity and thus the electricity bill is included in the rent. So there's nothing he can do about it.
Xavier Bell
He can stop paying for your electricity dumbass. Usually if a landlord is paying your electricity for you, its an added bonus (i.e. not covered in the lease). There is no legal stipulation that your landlord has to pay your utilities. If he sees you are taking advantage of it he will just shut your electricity off and sue you for the exorbitant costs. I am pretty sure a judge will award in his favor most of the time too because clearly you are running a business out of his house at that point and using it for a purpose he never agreed for. Judges aren't stupid.
John Campbell
what retard would sign if it didn't include electricity in the lease when he was going to include it anyways?
Justin Sanders
oh ok, so the only problem with OP's post is the free electricity? oh ok, no problemo
fuckin spaz
Nathaniel Sanchez
nah OP is still a retard lol
Jacob Bennett
>there's nothing my landlord can do about me running high powered mining rigs 24/7.
Oh, is that what you think? That's cute. You're a real hoot.
Chase Johnson
What if it wasnt mining rigs, what if you wanted 2 fridges? or running your AC 24/7? you make it sound like your landlord can just shut Your power off whenever he wants. riiiight. defeats the whole purpose of "included utilities"
Benjamin Gomez
>Hey Veeky Forums here is how to passively make money
> get tech job > get paid mid six figures > spend half of every day shitposting on Veeky Forums
wagecuck life is bretty, bretty good
Justin Jackson
Everything sounds good, but how efficient is it to liquify the mined coins?
Nolan Morris
The point is that it's a loosing battle. There is no way you're going to come out of that ahead. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Ayden Jones
Do you really think someone renting an apartment out is just going to shrug and carry on when his renter is costing him money?
Don't be fucking stupid.
Nathan King
What I don't understand is why would you return them? If they earn $750 per month just deal with the first 3 months to cover your investment and then keep making money from there. Why not like this?
Zachary Ortiz
another good point.
Jason Kelly
>get a job >make $5k/mo
Ayden Brooks
Do it at starbucks xD
Samuel Nguyen
Don't understand the hate for bitcoins. An old friend of mine makes a living trading btc. Apparently there's benefits to it when investing.
Anyway, I think it could be a stable currency, since it's primarily used to buy drugs illegally, and nobody is going to stop buying drugs, and the DEA/FBI isn't diligent enough to shut down all these black markets.
Alexander Taylor
You could use solar panels to fuel your graphic cards. A bit more of an investment, but then you wouldn't be shelling out the cash for electricity.
Sebastian Green
What job is that?
Sebastian Hughes
you forgot interest thats how i know you havent tried this yet
Anthony Russell
Logan Nguyen
>cabin in Alaska >warm it w servers >no gas bill >net approx $300 passive >always have a place to fish, hunt, browse deep web snuff porn >neckbeard becomes full body beard >return to nature bear mode engaged
Jacob Lewis
hey my country still have semi-communistic electricity pricing. Can you tell me, roughly speaking, how much this system will eat in kilowattes per month? thank you
Mason Nguyen
Wattage is a measure of flow. Kilowatts is simply how you measure your current draw. Kilowatts over time is how you measure your bill and overall usage. You're looking for kilowatt hours.
Aiden Reyes
Usually in the lease it says "reasonable use". If your electric bill one month suddenly skyrockets, they can claim it's "unreasonable" and make your ass pay for it.
Can you set this rig up at a library while you shitpost on 4 chins?
Jordan Jackson
If its an apartment complex they probly cant tell the individual power consumption of each unit. anyways you could just go through the ceeling and tap into power from other units so its spread out, really simple wiring.
Jeremiah Scott
but beyond that its a retarded idea to begin with unless you already have the rigs
Aiden Scott
Where the fuck do you live with a system like that?