why couldn't the Jews just leave him alone? All he wanted to do was create a classless social state of the highest culture.
Daily reminder that World War II was declared on Germany not because of muh treaty was broken, but because Jews wanted money.
why couldn't the Jews just leave him alone? All he wanted to do was create a classless social state of the highest culture.
Daily reminder that World War II was declared on Germany not because of muh treaty was broken, but because Jews wanted money.
I love how there is this dichotomy with Hitler and the Nazis where they did some horrible stuff but they also did some great stuff and the German people as a whole prospered and had great lives under them under the war.
Even if some parts of the Holocaust were exaggerated the Nazis still did some pretty bad stuff but at the same time in some areas they were really progressive and its funny to think that contrast.
>tfw if only Hitler had refrained from invading Poland then tensions would have gradually lowered and eventually all the territory Germany had absorbed up until then would have been seen as part of Germany and it all could have worked out.
Why did Hitler spout very anti-jewish rhetoric in mein kampf? Why did Hitler invade Poland? Why did Hitler go to war with the USSR? Why did Hitler ally with the utterly incompetent Italians, and the Japanese whom he probably hated deep down?
>classless society
Hi /pol/. Yes, that was a top goal of hitler, as he was a national SOCIALIST. Very good find xD.
>Why did Hitler spout very anti-jewish rhetoric in mein kampf?
Because they are anti-german nation.
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
Getting back rightful German territory and increasing living space.
>Why did Hitler go to war with the USSR?
USSR was massing millions of men on the border, and also increasing living space.
>Why did Hitler ally with the utterly incompetent Italians
Similar ideology, and ultimately were better than nothing.
>and the Japanese whom he probably hated deep down?
>Pride in one's own race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.
Not to forget the USSR was planning to invade Europe and turn it to communism if Hitler hadn't intervened.
Let's just not forget the Jews tried to start a communist takeover of Germany after the WW1 (See, "November Revolution") and illed over 15 million native Germans.
>tfw you realize Hitler did nothing wrong.
Someone doesn't know what National Socialism is
Are people here actually educated?
>believing in an international jewish conspiracy to achieve world domination
>basically believing jews have a hive mind
>uses /pol/
>calling other people who disagree with him "uneducated"
Is telling others to go to /pol/ the new "racist"?
There's actually no evidence that Trotsky invented the word racist/racism. This image is pure propaganda.
Cлaвянoфильcтвo, мeccиaнизм oтcтaлocти, cтpoилo cвoю филocoфию нa тoм, чтo pyccкий нapoд и eгo цepкoвь нacквoзь дeмoкpaтичны, a oфициaльнaя Poccия -- этo нeмeцкaя бюpoкpaтия, нacaждeннaя Пeтpoм. Mapкc зaмeтил пo этoмy пoвoдy: "Beдь тoчнo тaк жe и тeвтoнcкиe ocлы cвaливaют дecпoтизм Фpидpихa II и т. д. нa фpaнцyзoв, кaк бyдтo oтcтaлыe paбы нe нyждaютcя вceгдa в цивилизoвaнных paбaх, чтoбы пpoйти нyжнyю выyчкy". Этo кpaткoe зaмeчaниe иcчepпывaeт дo днa нe тoлькo cтapyю филocoфию cлaвянoфилoв, нo и нoвeйшиe oткpoвeния "pacиcтoв".
how dare you doubt the accuracy of /pol/ memes?
No, it's just like telling ponyfags to go back to /mlp/
This board is dedicated to history and amateur/professional/peoplewhowanttoetinto historians. By spouting some tin foil hat tier conspiracies and whitewashed history your making it clear that you do not fall in to any of those categories. From your post and that fact I can ascertain that you're a self indoctrinated moron who'd have more fun circle jerking with the rest of the tards on /pol/
have fun
>/pol/ "memes"
>Historical proof
Calling facts a meme must be a Marxist tactic too.
>Why did Hitler spout very anti-jewish rhetoric in mein kampf?
1. Jew origins of Marxism and Communism
2. Jews were destroying Germany by conspiring civil wars. en.wikipedia.org
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
Through the Treaty of Versailles, German land was given to Poland. German inhabitants living in that land went from being part of Germany to being part of Poland overnight. Those German minorities (30,000) were stripped from their human rights, mistreated and killed (pic related) due to the propaganda League of Nations bestowed claiming that Germany was responsible for WW1.
>Why did Hitler go to war with the USSR?
USSR was planning to attack Germany. Attacking the USSR was a preemptive strike.
Why did Hitler ally with the utterly incompetent Italians, and the Japanese whom he probably hated deep down?
Hitler admired Benito Mussolini.
Pride in one's own race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.
—Adolf Hitler, The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler, Note #5, (February – April 1945)
I felt, that in the mind of Hitler there was much of spiritual matters, transcending material plans. When I met the Führer he said that since boyhood he had been attracted by Japan. He read carefully reports of Japan's victory over Russia when he was only 17 years old and was impressed by Japan's astonishing strength."
—Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita (1940)
the first recorded utterance of the word "racist" was in 1902 and can be credited to a man called Richard Henry Pratt, who said...
>Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.
He can also be credited for saying "kill the [American] indian, and save the man."
>>Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.
>404: "racist" not found
>why couldn't the Jews leave him alone?
Because he didn't leave the Jews alone.
Care to enlighten me what Hitler had to do with this?
You're right. He had nothing to do with that.
Because the question in the first place was "why couldn't the Jews leave him (Hitler) alone" and that's the answer why the Jews hate Hitler. Not even taking sides here.
The better question should've been why can't Jews leave Germany alone.
>classless social state
He wanted a state where class was seen as less important than race. Who cared if you were a laborer or a professor, so long as you were German? Classlessness is the dream of oven-fuel commies.
t. nazi
Jeez I wonder who is behind this post
haha guys i saw a picture of a black nazi once so hitler wasnt racist and holoHOAX was a lie haha
Are you calling me a Jew or being ironic?
There's literally nothing wrong with racism.
pol manchilds are at it again
haha of course not dude hitler and nazi dudes said it meant like loving your country and peoples and stuff instead of being hateful and they certainly practiced what they preached :^)
Okay. Hitler and the Nazis considered non-whites to be inferior, and hated races that they considered to be threats.
I still don't see a problem.
well DUH haha they never actually hurt or killed anyone* because of it :P
*except for self defense against poleshits who were genociding german women and babies haha
They wanted Prussia back, and then they took the rest just for kicks.
And if they actually did gas the kikes, so what?
Ah yes, ebin PreuBisches Germanisches the 100% german holy land :^)
East Prussia is German clay. Butthurt Poles get out.
It was Polish and Russian last time I checked the map.
A problem that Hitler tried to rectify.
Whereas the Slavs *successfully* rectified the centuries-old problem of German encroachment on their lands.
After six years and millions of dead Russian peasants.
Zergrushing isn't a military tactic to be proud of.
>he fell for the holocaust meme
>le zerg rush meme
And if it were true, as far as I can tell, it worked out pretty well in the end.
Congrats, you got Communism instead of National Socialism.
Why did you leave out all of the articles from that era that use 4-8 million instead of 6?
Why are you ignoring the mainstream Holocaust death tolls that aren't 6 million?
Where is the part where you post some dude talking about eagles and lions in the camps and claim that this somehow discredits everyone else?
>pretentious claims made without evidence probably because of their own political persuasion
>thinks a certain way of political thinking is an insult of sorts
Yea, you want to know how I can tell you don't have a degree.
>inb4 bottomfeeder like humanities or communications
>muh degree in poz studies is totally legitimate
>g-gb2 Veeky Forums
Maybe the Nazis should have fought better.
I guess "zergrush" is something to be proud of :^)
I can't hear you over the sound of those ten million dead Russians :^)
>assuming the views of an entire race simply by virtue of their race
How on earth do you find "increasing living space" to be an excuse for annexing and exterminating the populace of foreign countries? There's the answer to your question of why foreign countries couldn't leave him alone.
It's also a historical falsehood that the USSR was massing forces against Germany. Though Stalin rightly distrusted Hitler he wasn't hoping for a war in the immediate future.
>It's also a historical falsehood that the USSR was massing forces against Germany. Though Stalin rightly distrusted Hitler he wasn't hoping for a war in the immediate future.
It's not a falsehood. It's the reason why the first months of Operation Barbarossa were so successful. The gigantic Soviet army got caught off-guard next to their border.
10 Million Dead Russians don't make a sound.
Quite unlike little Ingrid von Koenigsberg's screams of liberation.
>m-muh Nazis were genociding the Poles!
>haha Slavs raped a bunch of Germans
>omg why are you raping us wtf we never did anything to you stupid subhumans ///:^=(
>lel let's rape some random German bitch because of genocide we don't even know about
>n-no we're not subhuman
>let's murder some peasants because a whiny art student told us we are supermen
>n-no, we're civilized
We live in a country where Anglo Christians commit boarderline perdition on Fox News basically every day (at least while we've had a black democrat as president). I feel like you just justified the US government stripping citizenship from all American white Christians and putting into camps for relocation to Madagascar.
>the historical majority is complaining about being attacked, better get rid of them
Well, that's already being done, but you know what I mean. Also
>fox news
>Why did you leave out all of the articles from that era that use 4-8 million instead of 6?
Never forget the six gojillian
>We live in a country where Jews commit boarderline perdition on Fox News
fix'd that for you
We /pol/ now.
Also, I'll be the first to admit I had a major moment of dyslexia and mixed up perdition with sedition. I meant sedition of course.
I don't think slandering the president and questioning his legitimacy is "complaining about being attacked". Conservatives turn into a bunch of slimy subversive Jews the moment there is a "liberal" in charge. I mean "take our country back" sounds like a plainly seditious mantra if I ever heard one.
Many conservatives *are* slimy subversive Jews, so that makes sense. The Republican Party's primary function is to whinge about the Democrats until whites are electorally irrelevant.
Fuck's sake this whole thread is "you a nazi" "no u"
Y'all lefties calm down,you're deeply nazis inside,you just wanna outedge the edge (pol in this case) by acting leftists
As for polfags refrain from le great hitler le I post nazi shit on facebook stormfag behaviour and it's alright
Also,the fact that the jews lead the world and impose leftism in every sense nowadays,that is actual truth,you don't need to argue over that,have a nice afternoon
Like who? I can think of Joe Lieberman off the top of my head and the remaining dozens of notable conservative politicians and pundits I can think of are white and Christian.
I guarantee most of those are either (((white))) or shabbos goyim. Just at the front of my mind are Bill Kristol and Glenn Beck, but if you turn your coincidence detector on and scroll down a conservative news feed I think you'll find a lot more.
God damn it, I guess /pol/ ruined this board anyway. Germans are worse than niggers
do jews control the chinese or indian media for example? no? well then they dont control the media
user, that's retarded. Do you propose that everyone should learn Mandarin to get non-Jewish news?
no I never said that. Only stated that the jews control the media is a meme. But I know that won't get to you so drop you le redpill images and be done with it
>some Jews try to start a communist revolution
>kill allof the Jews
Of course this is assuming there was anything wrong with establishing a Soviet republic in the first place.
>Jews control all media outlets commonly consumed by the West
>b-but they don't control China's media so it doesn't count haha
I think you might actually be retarded.
Jews were, generally speaking, Communist sympathizers. Imprisoning them was as justified as America imprisoning the Japanese.
Hahaha don't look at your exploiters stupid worker they're the same race as you that makes it okay!
Nazism was such a pathetically transparent upper class bid for self preservation.
>Jews were, generally speaking, Communist sympathizers.
>I garuntee
Yep didn't need to read further than that. Don't forget your tin foil there, redshill.
>h-hierarchy is bad and unnatural, goy
>the factory laborer is perfectly equipped to run the country!
Get in my oven.
It's purely an anecdote, but if you've read Night, Wiesel notes that every Jewish home in his community was Bolshevist, and celebrated the advance of the Red Army.
Actually, he was briefly an SDP propagandist during that time. So yes, Hitler actually helped cause that.
>It's purely an anecdote
Oh i see, you are just a historical revisionist retard. Back to your containment board, come back when you actually have an argument with sources to support it.
>le proles are dumb and inferior
>go die in this war while the international capitalists we pretend to hate make billions from your death
This is why the Cheka was created.
Nah, I'll stay here. desu even the suspicion of Communism would be enough justification for me- it was enough to put away the Japanese, as I said, but Jews were actually commies.
>n-no everyone has the same capabilities
>there aren't n-natural leaders, every baby is le blank slate
Nah, I think I'll stick around. Even suspicion would be enough to justify imprisoning the Jews, desu. It was enough for the Japanese.
I've read night. There's nothing in there to say that everyone in his hometown were Bolsehvist, the closest you get is
>SPRING 1944 . Splendid news from the Russian Front. There could no longer be any doubt: Germany would be defeated. It was only a matter of time, months or weeks, perhaps.
>The people were saying, "The Red Army is advancing with
giant strides...Hitler will not be able to harm us, even if he
wants to... "
>I think you might actually be retarded
nice ad hominem but wouldnt expect nothing else from people like you
Karl Marx was a Jewish rabbi.
check the german civil war
>being this autistic over group identities that individuals never followed
I think the pic you posted was even more autistic
In that case I'd rather have this guy rule over Germany than most Gemans tb h.
"The proletarian revolution had degenerated to the Stalinist phenomenom. Germany was nearly going to transform to a bastion of communism which would have eventually paved way for a communist world society free of class, the state, and money."
>nazifags are actually triggered by this
National socialism was just nationalism with this:
as an economic policy. It was socialist in some flimsy social cohesion sense. Strasserism is the closest sort of "nationalist" """socialism""" you're thinking of, but it's still pretty far off the mark.
You simply cannot have a classless society and a higher authority at the same time - especially not a dictator. Is this not obvious? Don't you guys hate commies anyways? Why are you appropriating their lingo?
Literally "Hitler dindu nuffin, he was a good boy, he go to school n sheeit" the post.
Nothing changes the fact that Hitler's entire regime was a bunch of expansionist assholes who would have invaded and fucked up everyone's shit Jews or no Jews. They were a wolf in a den of sheep.
Hitler was a mad dog and had to be put down.
Only correct reply.
>Nothing changes the fact that Hitler's entire regime was a bunch of expansionist assholes who would have invaded and fucked up everyone's shit Jews or no Jews.
Hitler's own books and speeches?
hitler was a weeb
>shitty totalitarian government
>shitty economy (Germany would go bankrupt if not for the war)
>worthless literature
>worthless art
>worthless film industry
>shitty impractical architecture (muh huge neoclassical meme buildings! muh Welthauptstadt Germania xd)
>literally we wuz kangz of Europe
>defeated by bunch of slav niggers
The true master race
>muh poor Hitler
>muh masterrace
>muh Germany didnt do nuffin
>I am a victim of de jeeeeews!
>I am a proud and stoic defender of the hwhite race!!
Is there anything more embarrassing than being a /pol/tard?
You forgot
>we're totally better than those sjws! We don't get triggered by everything.
>happening predictions every 2 threads
>only one in maybe thousand predictions come true and even then it's only because of the vagueness of the prediction
>defeated by slavs
>couldn't conquer a small island nation even during the period when it was fighting pretty much alone
>produced no art or literature of any value whatsoever
>triggered by people with different opinions
>shitty economy
>totalitarian government
>no belief in personal freedom and individuality (one of the things that separates Western culture from most other cultures)
>ugly architecture (nothing but neoclassical crap)
Nah. Hitler screwed Germany over.
Typical fascist denial.
Original nazis were proud of their systematic murder of not just jews, but also unionists, socialists and Communists, gypsy/Romany peoples, slavs, intellectual dissenters, Christian dissenters, "defeatists", "decadent" artists, homosexuals and anyone who tried to protect or hide any of the above.
But these new nazis jump through many burning hoops, in a vain attempt to whitewash their own history.
We know who you are.
We know what you want.
Lovers of thanatos.