How many friends on average does a person on this board have? Just curious...

How many friends on average does a person on this board have? Just curious.. to be interested in fashion you must go out and wear it. Like what do you people do besides browse this board/work?

I have some friends, but non of them care about fashion, even though one of them is a model, he only does it to get some money in a side gig.

0. AS friends is somebody you go out now and then. Have 2 guys from childhood I talk on whatsapp and rarely see. Cant consider them as friends. Pretty pathetic, I know.

0. There are people around who share hobbies I see frequently but I don't want anything to do with them desu.

Friends with benefits aren't real friends just girls I call up occasionally


2 very close ones, gf, and another that I still hang out with from time to time but don't trust as much. It's a bizarre fucking group and I wouldn't want anything else.

sad fucks, the thread

0. I'm in some whatsapp groups mainly consisting of school friends. We try to arrange stuff but can never find the time to do stuff. Wouldn't consider them friends anymore anyway because we don't share the same interests anymore. They play games but i barely play vidya anymore. None of them are into fashion so the only time i get to wear my fits is when i go shopping on my own. Fairly new to Veeky Forums (lurked for a little over a yr and only started to take action in the past 2 months so a lot of people i know who haven't seen me will probably think i'm weird now because i look different. But in all honestly, without sounding self-absorbed, i kinda like where I am at right now in terms of friends or lack thereof. Doesn't bother me too much although who knows, it might somewhere down the line. Who needs friends, am i right?

Two real friends, both I met online.

always have someone I can call up and go out at any time of the day, so I can wear my new clothes.
it's fun

Who do you wear it for?

Not fashion related

Tell that to thinspo


I wear my clothes when i go out to buy more clothes

"How many friends do you have" should get pruned
At least the thinspo guys contain their autism to the one thread

I wanna know what the individuals are like who give their opinion on here. People can't really criticise if they aren't valued in the first place.

I'm Well like i said, I'm new to Veeky Forums and fashion in general. At the moment, I really am just wearing my fits for myself. I have never really had any hobbies in the past but now that I have taken an interest in fashion, I feel like the self improvement and just feeling comfortable in clothes makes me feel good. Maybe in the future i will turn into someone who feels like they have to wear fits for other people. I suspect that in the future, I will get bored and will feel like i have to wear my fits for others. Until that happens, I'm happy where i am

Go away

I have a fuckton of friends but the thing about having loads of friends is they are never around when life gets depressing. That's why I stay introverted and I'm trying to teach myself to live a life as fulfilling as possible even when there's no one around.
fashion became boring when I realised this. There's literally no point to dressing well unless you do it for yourself

Too many to be honest, I changed a lot in the last two years. I made a lot of friends in that time but I need to get to the point again where I spend enough time with the ones that really care about me and that I can depend on.


Once you're in your late 20's you'll see how useless friends are, same with girlfriends.

It's all about what you can do for them

Utter shut in and recluse. I haven't had a friend or a person i socialize with in about 20 years.

I only go outside to buy groceries. And I still think out my next day fit to go to the groceries.


I agonize what I iwll wear to the soup kitchen to impress the repulsive ugly ass old bums and hideous old hags.

This is the saddest question of all. It implies that fashion is always a code for identification with others and the fact that there someone has no friends to read your attire makes it worthless to wear it.
This being said, you dont need to necessarily wear something for your close group. There are millions of people out there and even though you don't know them, they engage in the activity of reading you attire and judging you by it. Come to think of it, you don't dress for the people that know you, but for those who ignore who you are and in which you wish to leave a unique first impression.

So no, OP. I have no social life, but Ill still wear what I damn want.

Not sure if thats actually you, but if it is, you look quite scary desu. Kinda like a serial killer. Also you stand weird, kinda like a girl with your legs like that. Reminds me of traps hiding their boi pussies behind their legs. Do with that what you will

O friends, just people i knew/know from college.

i am a famous skateboarder


I share commonalities with other people, like we talk about business, travel and fashion to name a few, but that doesn't make us friends. Tbh i dont need friends im rich.

How much we talking?

enough to live the way i want.

7 really close ones, the type that you can rely to be there for you even if you call them in the middle of the night. Can't really count how many others are the type to occasionally lunch with, but I'm not in continuous contact with, probably around a dozen.

Six really close friends and a large number of acquaintances, only one of them kinda cares about fashion and the rest are stereotypical engineer types, so usually t-shirts and cargo shorts with the occasional polo for work.

As for my style, I know it's kinda a meme, but I dress for me (I'm a suit fag, but only if it's in a situation where it's not completely out of place). I'm not trying to impress my friends with my fashion, and even if I tried none of them would care.

A lot of pretty close friends but I never get to out with then since they're all workaholics/obsessed with schoolwork/too lazy to go out/flakey

For me. Not everyone is a crowd pleasing poser like you.

your friends are shit. I had a lot of friends like that when I was a teenager too (which I assume you are). Get rid of all of them. Fucking purge your facebook and contacts on your phone. Find some people you have a real emotional connection with (you will know it when you find it)

i got a lot of people i know and am friendly with but only a few at school i consider close friends i am in my final year and its weird trying to grow friendships with people i feel like i mostly hang out with the same people even though i see a lot of people, i think a lot of people just stick to there own groups

this guy gets it

fashion is wearable symbols

3 very close friends. I can meet on a regular basis.

like two close groups. one is a mix of guys and girls and the other is just a bunch of girls. none of them like fashion which hurts but i just click with them even when their hobbies aren't the same as mine, great drinking buddies aswell so i don't have to do it in my room alone

welcome to Veeky Forums

u look good but lose the hat and grow your hair a little so you look less serious

It's just culture. Straight men tend not to have friends

Effeminate men tend to have a few

Women tend to have.many

I have two groups, about 4 or 5 each, one is a bunch of dorks that I play video games with and the other is all girls. I would way rather have 1 or 2 friends that are like family than what I have currently

i like bladee

i have 2 good friends from highschool, by now we live in 3 different cities, we still meet up almost monthly and go to a vacation every summer, fun times, i know them for 20 years now, those friendships are the strongest what you make in highschool

i have another friend from university, whom i meet frequently and do every kind of stuff, i guess he's my goto friend now

and there are people who you just go out with and don't do anything else, those i wouldn't call friends, that can be a high number, for me it's somewhere around 10

mind you i'm 34, many of you can call me dad



About 4 or 5 childhood friends whom I share practically no interests with but I know that will be friends for life and about 3 or 4 friends I've met after college and share a lot of interests but will probably forget about me as soon as I move

so in your opinion there are no group of straight men going out at night or enjoying common activities during the day ?

i only have school friends ;(

>0 friends
>never had a gf

My unique t shirt collection gets me comments when i go out.

i have maybe 4 close friends and countless people I use to be "good" friends with, you know, people that if you see you'll act all excited and familiar with but other wise you dont talk.

I think you look good, a bit serious but like you get shit done

Do family members that are friends count? If not then a couple

Have plenty of good friends. Don't care for most of them. I'm pretty sure I'm autistic

Good friends? 20+
My boyfriend I live with
I have 5 or so hypebeast/fuccboi friends who I go skating with
My Boyfriends best friends from college who are all programmers and mostly don't know how to dress themselves and ask me to take them shopping then think H&M is too expensive. They almost always only wear polos
And a bunch of people I went to punk shows with in high school

I have 6 close friends that I never mind spending time with. I have plenty of other friends that I don't see on a regular basis but I like to keep in touch with because of common interests. I try to hang out with people that don't drag me down.

>H&M is too expensive

This is great. Two of my close friends are programmers and I took them to H&M one time because they wanted to upgrade their wardrobe and they looked fucking mortified when they saw the prices. They both make a ton of money too.

My Boyfriend is the same way, hes a Pharmacist and outside of work clothes he has like three pairs of cargo shorts and a pair of jeans, hes the nicest guy I know but man getting him to buy clothes is like pulling teeth

girlfriend i'm moving across the country for and like 1.5 high school friends who feel bad for me because i failed so badly at making friends in college. bunch of old school friends i groupme about /pol/ shit regularly. assorted coworkers who all want to have sex with me that i string along for coke and pot

>1.5 high school friends


Sounds retarded on all fronts, man.

I just moved to a new city to go to school. How can I meet people?

All anons with friends and a social life must be purged.

Currently failing to make friends at college. The few I got to talk to failed some course I didn't so that's shit. Even then I don't imagine myself enjoying conversations with anyone there. I just don't like talking to people I don't already know I guess, which is a pretty shit way of being.
I have a handful of friends from highschool and we play vidya but rarely hang out, and desu I don't really like most of the things people do when they hang out like going to the coast or the mall. Hopefully I'll enjoy spending mroe time with other people soon because my current situation is pretty sad.

I have one good friend, if my boyfriend doesn't count. I'm quite extroverted and I have no problem making friends but I have a bad habit to cut people off if something about them doesn't feel right. But I'm happy.

kill yoorself fucking slav kike

myself, like anyone should. my "friends" don't even know jack shit about fashion ("why are your sneakers so big" legit quote about my geos) but I don't care.