Is the 90's coming back?

Are vintage 90's tracksuits cool? I've seen several a fair few people wearing these recently. Should I ump on the neo-90's bandwagon or am I already too late?

also this is a 90's inspo thread?

Too late boi. At least in Melbourne this shit's been going on for the last half decade.

dear god no

ID on jacket?


>if people in London / New York / Melbourne wore it, it's not cool anymore

these places are years ahead of small towns elsewhere, you'd get silly looks in every city besides Berlin in Germany for wearing this. Checked out lots and lots of vintage shops in cologne and only found two of those jackets, unfortunately 2 sizes too big

lmao no one's looking at you funny for wearing a fucking plastic track jacket get over yourself

Holy shit I forgot that everyone on this board lives on a cul de sac and doesn't follow fashion

90s trend started about 6 years ago. I'm not sure if you're actually a retard or just larping as one

How does one go about staying on top of fashion?

not by frequenting this shitty board.
This place is good for shitposting only, find your own style and take inspiration from new trends. Don't just follow the trends, you will never look any good and it'll be expensive af.

lmao, what the fuck happened to Veeky Forums

is this thread from 2009? is larping as a 2009er Veeky Forums?

>find your own style and take inspiration from new trends
But how am I supposed to do that? I have my own style already, but I can't exactly take inspiration from new trends if I don't know where to go to keep up with new trends. I'm already figured out that this board is shit, but I have no clue where else to go.

The good posts on this board are the inspo threads. Everything else is bait, kids learning how to dress, shitposting, and race wars.

i was exactly where you are right now.
go to big cities and look around you. talk to people who are interested in fashion.
If you can't do that, just go with your own style until you find something interesting somewhere in your life.

And don't dress for women.
Never ever do that.

they never left

I would pass on that trend user, pretty old news and it just make's the people wearing it look like all they care about is anything with branding and "vintage"

Not worth 10 bucks, get yourself something good

the 90's, 80's and 60's/70's have been coming in and out for the past few years now its annoying. Like youre literally just wearing shit that was fashionable in the past at a later date. I hate cyclical shit, just push fashion forward

post me some good shit then senpai
also no nylon for the love of god

Nigga where have you been for the past like 5-7 years?

>just make fashion worse!

fashion is a cycle, things will go out of style and come back again if you like it or not.
Ignore it or go with it but stop complaining lul

Kind of an old trend honestly. Atleast thats hoiw the hipster kids here in Atlanta dress do to the abundance of value village and goodwill stores here. I got a few of them but mostly hand me downs from my dad (is being poor Veeky Forums?)


Vintage Windbreakers have been in for years, literally years

OP kys

Hey op, dad hats are gonna be in style in about 3 years for you (since you seem to be running 6 years late).

I have a streetwear mag from 08. lemme look for some vintage windbreakers

fuggit I'll just the text; theres only one page of windbreakers




I live just outside of Birmingham (the one in England), but I was in London last week and saw some people wearing some things. Birmingham is complete shit and i want to leave.

Dad hats? Tell me more!

>OP kys







I'm from nyc and this vintage tracksuit trend is not here yet. Time to embrace my inner slav and get some


ok heres the windbreakers lol

I don't mind it if it's new takes on old trends, otherwise it's just unoriginal cosplaying

This actually has a lot to do with youth/street fashion trends. Styles become popular that are cheap and readily available at thrift stores, old enough that 16-20yr olds don't remember them and think they're exotic, but not so old that they're rare and expensive. Then, like everything, they becomes popular. Fast fashion brands actually start making clothing in these styles. Normies buy them, and hipsters ditch them for something new.

Came and went. Think you missed it.

love that essay about Russia
that guy must be eating his own words

about 5 years late minimum