>slavery lasted for THOUSANDS of years
>expecting wageslavery to go away anytime soon
Who else here on Veeky Forums is part of the NEET master race?
>slavery lasted for THOUSANDS of years
>expecting wageslavery to go away anytime soon
Who else here on Veeky Forums is part of the NEET master race?
You're a couple weeks late I think. This ain't even a meme anymore. Sorry.
The term "wageslavery" triggers me beyond believe. The very definition of slavery is that you DON'T get a wage.
Except the main diffdrence is that slaves were generally well fed and housed to make them productive.
Wageslaves on the other hand are forced to work under constant duress as otherwise they'll be homeless, and also have to pay over 50% in taxes, rent, food and alimony payments.
Here senpai.
I love being a NEET, I'm a virgin with no friends who does nothing but go on Veeky Forums all day, and I wouldn't have it any other way. NEET MASTER RACE!!!
My parents are ashamed of me
I have no friends or gf
I have no hobbies
I have no money
I have no idea what to do when my parents kick me out
I think about suicide every single day
LMAO KEEP FUNDING MY "NEETBUX"(aka my parents' wages and generosity) WAGESLAVES
>Wageslaves on the other hand are forced to work under constant duress as otherwise they'll be homeless, and also have to pay over 50% in taxes, rent, food and alimony payments
But that's life, you don't get something for nothing.
I have to eat 2000+ calories every single day and sleep 8 hours a day to function. Am I a sleep-slave and a food/nutrition-slave as well?
>you don't get something for nothing
>what are virtual particles
But really though, if being a NEET is so good then why are there so many threads about suicide and crippling depression on /r9k/?
I was a NEET for a while and it fucking sucks, much worse than working in a mine or something. You have time but you have no money and your parents get mad and you can't really relate to people because everyone has a job
>neets are the source of vacuum energy
that picture though... pure delusions or just bait?
i refuse to believe anyone would be that happy to be forcefully woken up by an alarm at 6 am and commence the dreaded commute to your cage.
you have to be insane to believe that!!! unless you're purposefully pumped full of jewish anti-depressants(yes good goyim) to not see how wretched you are.
NEET life is far from perfect, but it's miles above wageslavery.
>i refuse to believe anyone would be that happy to be forcefully woken up by an alarm at 6 am and commence the dreaded commute to your cage.
I've been both a NEET for years and a "wageslave". I'll say that wageslavery is far better.
Being a NEET sounds great in theory: "Lots of freetime, no one to answer to, complete freedom, can't get fired, etc" but that image is actually very accurate.
At least working gives you money and a purpose. Being a NEET is just playing the same videogames over and over again or watching dumb youtube videos all day after waking up at 2pm because you have nothing to get up for.
>slavery lasted THOUSANDS of years
Lol maybe in Egypt. Slavery in America only lasted like 50 years from 1776 to the 1820s
do you take anti-depressants? be honest. dont lie now.
No I do not
What if you've been a wageslave and a NEET and have been depressed through both?
I'm looking to get antidepressants under the table desu because you get blacklisted from certain jobs if you take them on the record.
you must be crazy then, i'd rather die than go back to wageslavery, i feel much much better here in my room, parents have accepted it, thae want what's best for me, and i made it perfectly that this is what's best for me, i dont give a fuck what society expects of me, i do what i feel is best for me, not for society that doesnt give a damn about me, i get welfare, its enough for me and my hobbies.
>I'm looking to get antidepressants
good slave, so you can block reality of your wretchedness and go back to slavery, good goy slave, exactly as the cattle farmers planned.
What if I wanted the antidepressants to just be a happier NEET?
You can quit at any time and go live in the woods if you want. If you don't want a job you don't want society
you will not be yourself anymore, chemical lobotomy, and if taken for a long period it can be permanent.
if you can handle the the truth...
>fact is: all mental illnesses are a hoax
why lose your soul to satan?
>you must be crazy then, i'd rather die than go back to wageslavery
Ah I don't agree.
I kind of like my job actually and the money I make. Back when I was a NEET I had no friends, no social interaction except for videogames/Veeky Forums and I was a virgin, I barely had money - which didn't matter too much since I had no reason to spend it on anything like clothes or anything else because I never went outside anyway.
Being a NEET downright sucked, made me feel awful knowing my past-friends were now working on their careers and actually enjoying their lives.
Idk man it just really sucked. My parents always got mad at me for not having a job and threatened to kick me out, I couldn't make any friends because I had no social skills and couldn't relate to anyone due to not knowing anything more than the latest Veeky Forums memes and how to play whatever videogame I was into that month.
I'd wake up at past noon usually, and even though I slept over 10 hours I barely felt refreshed, even though I hadn't worked at all.
At least when I got a job I could make some friends, buy some new clothes and such and actually feel like I was moving up in the world slowly but surely.
>i get welfare, its enough for me and my hobbies.
How much do you get BTW? I don't have any mental or physical illness so I can't really get any.
>this is what's best for me
I'm sure you really do believe that right now.
You'll probably see things differently at some point, though, and you might kick yourself for the years you wasted fucking off in between.
>I'm sure you really do believe that right now.
>You'll probably see things differently at some point, though, and you might kick yourself for the years you wasted fucking off in between.
Yeah this was one of the main turning points for me too.
I thought, yeah haha it's cool to be a NEET now but then I realized that after like 5 or more years of being a NEET it's going to be nearly impossible to get back into working a job and then you'd be stuck if your parents kicked you out or they died and you couldn't get welfare. Seems like if you're a 30+ year old NEET you have no option but suicide really.
I'm a wageslave at a government (public utility) job in America. It's a really nice place to work. You can work basically as hard as you want as long as you're there for the full 40 hours. When I feel like being productive, I go work on stuff that various other departments have asked for; I work maybe twenty hours a week total. I do just enough to feel good about myself because it's a government job and no one cares. The rest of the time, I spend talking with coworkers, been going on runs on my "lunch break" a few days a week with the office cutie, trading stocks on my phone, following news and different youtube videos on philosophy, personal finance, and I've been looking into some SEO and online software sales lately. Pay is currently good enough that I can afford to split a house with a few homies in a major city, own a car, and pay child support because I knocked some women up when I was on antidepressants.
I've given up all drugs and even alcohol since working here. Haven't been on antidepressants in years.
I recommend that any NEET apply for a government job like this; it's fantastic and easy. Private sector is just a little tough/competitive right now (thanks Obama) - though it's true you can make a ton more money. I'd be all for it if I wasn't SUPER interested in working at something on the side until it can be my main bitch, you know what I'm sayin?
>5 or more years
Might not even take that long.
Some of the milestones people you know are passing tends to do it too.
Like when all the girls in porn are younger than you, and people you went to school with are running for Congress.
That gets ya right in the nards.
Well I mean more that it seems great from age 18-23/24 or so, but after that point it seems to just go drastically downhill.
At that point you're kind of too out of touch with the world to be able to get a job nor do you have any work capacity to work for 4+ hours actively doing shit when all you've done for the last half decade is play videogames and other instant gratification like fapping to CP or whatever.
I guess what made me wake up the most was the realization that you're pretty much dependent on someone else for survival, if your parents cut you off(in my case) or if the government for some reason cut off your benefits you'd be stuck between a rock and a hard place, with very little to do.
NEET life really isn't all it's cracked up to be. The "good morning wageslave" threads are just satire used to mask your depression and keep your mind off the thoughts of suicide and loneliness.
This is why I oppose socialism. The inefficiency of governmental services are a drain on monetary resources. I'd rather take the money I pay in taxes and give it to people who actually try to make the best with the money spent on their service.
No offense user, can't blame you for doing as little as you're permitted - I'd probably do the same.
No offense taken! I think that libertarianism would be the best thing for society. Stefan Molyneux is seriously one of my heroes, and I voted Trump. But fuck it, this is too easy.
That's all true, but some people would never figure it out without a reference point.
Must suck balls for those who live where they grew up.
Yeah I dunno how I coped with being a NEET not too long ago haha.
I remember looking up the twitter and instagrams of (mostly girls) people I went to highschool with to see all the cool shit they'd be up to and how the people I was right next to not long ago are now miles ahead of me. I'd browse their twitter feeds for hours, checking out everything they've done, i didn't even think much of it when i was doing it, just a "Haha let's see what my old highschool classmates are up to these days".
being a neet really is a meme, shit fucking sucks
Is this how wagecucks cope nowadays?
i'm 27, married, and trust me, i wont change my mind, you have no idea what i know, my friend...no idea. i'm not a weak minded person like yourself, please dont compare yourself to me. thanks. enjoy your life(which i consider miserable) and have a nice day.
1400$ for me and my wife, and eventually our own subsidized apartment in a few years.
>inb4 have fun while it lasts u can lose it anyday bla bla
please don't, child, you dont know how the system works. end of discussion.
one last tip before i go... there is a storm coming, if you think you;re safe, you;re a fool. get right with God, because your false worldy gods will not save you from what coming in a few months. peace.
This shall be your downfall, sheeple.
Thou shall not covet, yet they covet what other have, so they go on to be slaves to the idol of money.
Wretched slaves.
> $1400/ month
I really don't know how people can live on that. That wouldn't even take care of my rent. Why do people settle for substandard living so easily? Don't you ever want to know what it feels like to be wealthy?
I always thought the takeaway from slavery was:
>being forced to do something unrewarding/degrading because you have no choice in the matter and will die if you refuse
>they go on to be slaves to the idol of money
Not me, I work in the finance industry.
Do you get that much because you're loopers?
I dunno, man, I've lost all joy in life and my smile an optimism are gone. I don't know how to get out of it, so what good is knowing it's wrong if I can't fix it?
I dropped out of college last year and became a neet for six months. Worst / best decision of my life. It was great at first. I smoked weed and played vidya. Then the boredom set in. Then the depression. Then the anxiety. I had convinced myself I had some horrible disease and spent thousands on doctors. I finally came out of this when My cousin pushed me to apply to college again. I was accepted and got a 3.8 last semester. (Best ever). Those were the worst months of my life but they finally gave me the motivation I needed to take my education seriously.
>i wont change my mind
God, I hope not.
There's enough competition as it is without people like you fucking everything up.
Tbh $700/person is fucking nothing. you're fine living like that?