other one nearing 𝟛𝟘𝟘


Other urls found in this thread: denim jeans mens outfit&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS757US757&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjC6eeV4IrWAhVQ9WMKHfXmAbUQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=694#imgrc=TfO86JarKpxMLM:

do not cop unless you want to pay $200 for a fucking gildan hoodie with gosha's name & "soccer" under it

That doesn't say soccer

Not sure about the hoodies but I'm like 90% sure the tees are Gildan so yeah don't buy that shit

Should I get this HP backpack with my laptop?


all the good colors are sold out and these are the only decent colors that would work with my outfits help a boy out



Damn, what about this one then?

Which ones?

It says russia

ye thats better, why not just get an actual backpack that has a laptop hole?

where are you finding these backpacks
when I see pages full of bags, my eyes automatically pass over this garbage

if buying for skating buy the suede ones
if buying for casual wear but the orange nylons

Idk my parents are about to let me get a $1000+ laptop for college, I figured I could just add a bag to the bill. Plus the second bag has a battery in it

isn't gosha manufactured by cdg?

It's not hard, the second bag is one of their "flagship" bags. It's $170 rn tho

Yes, they used gildan for PACCBET, not gosha

if you're under 21
blue or neither
just get a normal backpack with a laptop slot, second one if it has to be only between these two
i don't like vans

which one for fall/winter?

They don't even ship to you town

Reebok Workout Plus

none, save your money for something nicer x

if you have money to spend i guess
no there are way better bags out there
not sure desu
why dont you just get old skools my dude


also this si for a dude fyi

no Lol
no looks bad
i always buy from this store on amazon, quality is nice and prices are low. ive had 2 bags and one's lasted me about 2.5 years and could go indefinitely. the drawstring just got annoying so i bought a clasp one instead.
top right
top, good colors
if u want yeah but reebok hype kinda dead
is cool

>reebok hype

lol. reebok is a timeless brand.

Looks pretty boring.
Awkward looking
Only interesting one is the orange and that'll be hard to off

Cop or not?

>Versace Collection

Are you 16, black, or an arab?

Good call

Looking for a grail: Speedies or Oreos?
350s are much more played, but I also feel like they'd be a lot easier to work with than the speed socks.

Not really feeling either. Don't try to talk yourself into something you're not sold on, just wait for the better colorways to restock

Bags a lot nicer than the other one, I'd say go for it


Seems a bit loud, not really something I'd fuck with.

Oreos it's between these two

Both are hypebeast trash, but yeezys for the comfort and balenciagas for the flexing


Yay or Nay?



Not hard to find, man

>that price
okay nevermind

What are you going to wear them with? Maybe with some brown, khaki, or black jogger pants or shorts of the same color? I cant see them working with much else.

Shit the euro rebounded
Buying from Eastern European boutiques is over =(
Last year I got two Ark Air jackets for like 400 bucks

Could this not work with say... light colored jeans and a white/bright colored shirt?

always a cop

to wear oversized

no wtf

damn these are stupid fire

I'm looking for some simple black sneakers. These are pretty good right?

Everlane makes some good ass backpacks


def cop


my gf got me the blue ones, kinda wanted the 2nd one too

both or 2nd
get some new balances

IDK. It's iffy. denim jeans mens outfit&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS757US757&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjC6eeV4IrWAhVQ9WMKHfXmAbUQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=694#imgrc=TfO86JarKpxMLM:

I was thinking about New Balance. Which pair did you have in mind?




These NB 345s look like a good casual shoe to me

If you're gonna buy think about sizing up. I skated the nb# 533 and they were still pretty snug even with 1/2 a size up

thats missquoted
"we are here to kill the humans and save the forest"


looks nice but idk how much its gonna hold
memey af stop
those clean
literally just buy a black hoodie why do u need the meme text on it

you have actual autism

which one?

left more combat like, works with goth/streetwear, right slightly sleeker/smarter, whatever you like

should i cop?




no. That is gay


only if you can pull it off i.e. you play in a band or your style is post-hipster
don't listen to this plebs

Opinions on jacket?

Looks a little boring but Y if that's ur style. Also can anyone recommend some Russian clothing 4 me? want to rep my Russian heritage in America. Considering this




Should i?
I'd cop Y-3 but they're a little too much on my wallet.

That's sick. Do it.
Well memed, my friend

They look like any model from nike sb. Why nb?
Very nice light colours and the pattern is alright.
I can't see what you can combine with it to make the fit work, but if you have something on your mind - go for it.
>that shitty camo
>camo that comes with patches
>anything from alpha industries
nice bait ;^)

you're going to look like an idiot with the balanciagas unless you have an equally as weird and high end outfit as the shoes. Can't really rock a flannel, t shirt, and jeans with those.

The yeezys will make you look like a tool but go with almost anything, and if you don't try to talk about your shoes to anyone it might work. Yeezys became a target once people who had them never stopped talking about them

Please dont

Right if you wanna go for a more minimalistic look

used for about 60 dollars. I think they're 200 bucks retail. Is the red too obnoxious?

With shipping it's $70

The red is fine. It's the fur that's obnoxious.
Dear god

those are classic, id cop in a heartbeat

nah man

Please believe me I typed out a response for everyone here but misclicked and refreshed the page. If it's any consolation almost all were dncs.
Please help me - not sure if NB made in UK/US are worth it and if so which ones?

I really like the our legacy collab but they are expensive and i have no steady income rn :,(

These look great, but I think there are better shoes you can find for less that mimic this aesthetic.

look worse than regular old skools desu
looks nice but I have no clue how to order from sputnik1985
do not

Cop or Not?

Not if you're a lanklet

looks like something santa would wear.

Cop or not?

in white or grey maybe.

If not I'm looking for a winter jacket around ~$100


or this


Which one?

Mostly as a midlayer.