Has Tesla ever made a profit?
Has it ever paid dividends?
Is its share price too high?
Has Tesla ever made a profit?
Has it ever paid dividends?
Is its share price too high?
its over valued as fuck mainly thanks to Elon's meme magic
wait for it to actually deliver on some of its outlandish targets first and then buy the dip
Or just short it.
Elon Musk has, if I'm correct, stated that investors are not his first priority. He is a driven individual looking to change the world, not drive profits. But those game changers can make fucking bank.
>To not answer your question.
Elon Musk is a snake oil salesman.
Don't believe his lies. He's just trying to line his own pockets.
I timed it, in 7 seconds I can tank 5 litters of diesel fuel. This means in 7 seconds I can tank 100 kilometers (62 miles)
Not sure how long it takes with an electric car but it must be a lot slower.
How the fuck did you come to a conclusion that its money hes after? He has more than he could ever spend in his lifetime, yet he keeps going.
Snek oil? Check out the news, the guy delivers. Not fucking cryptocurrency, real world shit, man.
Has he delivered an affordable personal car? No.
Has he delivered a financially viable and commercially succesful space venture? No.
Has he delivered his stupid hyperloop concept? No.
He's all hype and idiots buy into it. I hope TSLA crashes like a mother fucker.
>Has Tesla ever made a profit?
No the company has never been profitable, never paid dividends, and is way over valued.
>How the fuck did you come to a conclusion that its money hes after?
Because he got his buddies in the government to give him 5 billion to start up 3 companies to which he paid himself billions.
>the guy delivers
Your just ill inform if you think musk is doing anything worth while.
Solar City - repackage shit solar panel tech from a decade ago and is heading for bankruptcy because china can make more efficient and less expensive cells
Tesla - repackage motor from Nikola Tesla's designs from a hundred years ago with a new lithium battery and their only profitable item is scamming carbon credits from the government
Space X - Barely able to shoot repackage 70s apollo rocket tech into space
the reusable rocket tho
TSLA is going to bomb when the Model 3 launches. They have terrible quality control on a $100k+ car that they produce in very limited numbers. How are they going to produce 10 times as many cars for $35k that are acceptable to customers?
>Terrible quality control
Will the gigafactory save Tesla?
They also have a habit of releasing cars that don't work as well as they say, then suing the people who review them. Their more of a cult than anything, they only get a probably because god knows how large their cult will become or what it's followers will push it's value to.
Look at that stupid plastic beehive. An idiotic idea from any beekeepers perspective but it's one of the highest crowdfunded idea to date.
Musk is a memeperson. Put a Republican in office for the last 8 years and you never would have heard if him.
>SolarCity never gets stimulus check
>Tesla never gets subsidized
>NASA never gets canned by Obama
>SpaceX never gets paid billions to reinvent 1950s rocket technology
He had all the money in the world after paypal and he put it all back into companies when he could have easily relaxed
CEO of company and their drive and views are integral to a company
What the hell are you talking about? Do you not realize that things like scaling up production lines for a mass market car or doing R&D for a reusable rocket take time? Has he delivered those things you mentioned? No, because you moved the goalposts.
His companies have done more to make EVs and commercial spaceflight viable than almost any other players on the market.
TSLA is overpriced, but of course the company will be in the red when every penny they make is spent reinvesting in new infrastructure. When they don't have to keep scaling production for things like the gigafactory, those numbers will be a lot different.
Did Elon bang your mother or something?
>Repackage motor from Nikola Tesla's designs...
Yeah, all electric motors run on pretty much the same principle. Magnetic fields produce a force on moving charges. That's just how motors work, and how literally every one is made. I bet you think Boeing is "just repackaging the Wright Brothers' basic airplane designs."
>Republicans would have funded NASA
I must have missed the part where NASA landed the Saturn V first stage to use in the next mission.
As somebody in the aerospace industry, Elon is actually doing really important stuff with Spacex. They're set to reduce the cost per pound to geosynchonous orbit from 10000$ to like 500$. That's gonna be hugely important with the next crop of space missions, which are planning to interface with and mine asteroids as well as the refueling station concept that we'll need to develop to set the infrastructure in place for more involved space operations.
I like tesla too, I think they showed the auto industry that there was a huge market in electric cars.
Source on that $500 number?
>Tesla - repackage motor from Nikola Tesla's designs from a hundred years ago
what a fucking retard
i bet that tesla didn't even knew what rare earth magnets were, not to mention electric cars don't use alternating current (of which tesla tried to push) but dc.
>Uses DC
What a disgrace
yeah i just googled it they do use inverters and ac induction wtf.
Elon Musk is literally read it: the person.
You're an idiot.
Also, he released Tesla Powerwall, which is an amazing home battery solution which was released at a FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR lower price than its competitors, pushing down battery tech for everyone.
Fuckin hero. I just got a full system installed and am now living off the grid entirely.
>Doesn't know that Tesla simply advocated transmission using AC
Stop being dumb.
>Did Elon bang your mother or something?
hehe seriously. I don't get where all the hate is coming from, maybe one of you guys can clue me in. Elon Musk seems like a pretty cool guy to me, for a billionaire anyway.
So what's the deal? Is it cause he's all about renewable stuff and you guys like fossil fuels, or what, exactly?
>Or just short it.
Imagine shorting 20 shares and meme magic shoots it amazon high...
being this poor.
Tesla is the norm in Norway at the moment, get rich fagget.
>Barely able to shoot repackage 70s apollo rocket tech into space
They contract out to various companies and government agencies. They have also been making great strides in their R&D.
Reusable rockets would greatly cut down the cost of launching payloads into space and they have already successfully tested a landing system.
I don't know either.
I haven't looked into Tesla, but I checked the math of his plans for SpaceX and it all checks out. I have not seen any serious criticism, just accusations of being a snake oil salesman.
>i bet that tesla didn't even knew what rare earth magnets were, not to mention electric cars don't use alternating current (of which tesla tried to push) but dc.
TSLA uses Nikola Tesla's ACIM design you faggot, but since you're an american, fuck it, retards have to live somewhere.
>using the same type of motor means they have not made any improvements
ACIM just means the motor uses electromagnetic induction to generate torque. Do you really their design is exactly the same as anything Nikola Tesla built?
>His companies have done more to make EVs and commercial spaceflight
That remains to be seen but the real leaders are Toyota in EV, Lockheed martin and Boeing are king of commercial space flight.
>all electric motors run on pretty much the same principle
In PRINCIPLE yes, but they didn't nothing to new except paired it up with a lithium battery. It wasn't until 2012 when Toyota shared its electric engine design did Tesla take off.
>I don't get where all the hate is coming from
It's not so much hate as much as it being not sold on HYPE, HOPE, and DREAMS.
what makes Toyota the leader in electric vehicles when Toyota wouldn't ve making any without Tesla? how many EV's do they have on the market again?
SpaceX is doing what Lockheed and Boeing are doing better and for a fraction of the price
tesla was a gigantic delusional faggot who practiced pseudoscience and had no fucking clue about how anything he played with worked.
if you look up his thoughts on how the universe worked you would find creationist dino riders enlightened.
but okay i admit i was wrong it surprised me anyone would use an ac motor in an electric car. dc would be simpler and more efficient (just less torque apparently)
This however isnt relevant unless you drive over 400km often without stopping in between for an hour.
Which you shouldnt do anyways for safety purposes.
Conveniently left out spaceX and the fact that the tesla S is just as affordable as a vw golf in a lot of countres in lease.
Why would a company which is still in rapid growth stage pay dividends?
Terrible quality control.
Top reliability all over the world.
>tesla was a gigantic delusional faggot who practiced pseudoscience and had no fucking clue about how anything he played with worked.
This is the most retarded thing I have ever read on Veeky Forums.
Congrats user you have reached a new height in faggotry not likely to be matched for many years to come.
>Implying I haven't drove 1,000 miles only making 2 stops for gasoline which lasted not even 5 minutes each.
You eurotrash have no concept of driving long distances.
wait you actually believe he was a real scientist?
do you have any idea how retarded his theories were?
Enough of your idiotic bait, go away.
Do you realize he wasthe inventor of alrernating current, the method of electricity transportation that all of society relys on? Go kill yourself.
that is a fucking myth that was busted a hundred times so far yet idiots believe it still.
he invented free energy out of nothing and a death ray machine among other funky thing but he failed to convince anyone that either of them worked.
>he thinks i'm trolling
oh sweet innocent child.
educate yourself maybe about the life and work of tesla.
he was a fanatic proponent of ac and was about as right of it's superiority as edison of dc.
aside from this it's all fucking retarded pseudo and pop science that came out of his demented brain. he was more off a showman and con artist than scientist.
He did go mad in his later years, but that does not take away from his life's accomplishments which were astounding.
So why is it we use AC and not DC in power transmission?
Is this nigga serious? Ever heard of a Prius?
What did I enter /redit general thread/? I've never seen so much dicksucking for a guy that lives off government cheese. He's Tyrone in a hipster suit, only he steals thousands times more straight out of our pockets.
>rich people will still pay $80k for a Tesla, we dont have to give Elon $20k in tax dollars every time he sells a car
>So why is it we use AC and not DC in power transmission?
less loss duh
but we use dc in almost all modern electronics some motors run on ac usually the high power ones but that's it
I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or are just an absolute retard.
Either way I'm abandoning this fucking ship.
What do you think your computer uses?
What do you think most modern electronics use?
he seem to think because you plug them into an outlet they must work on ac kek.
not quite. The lower loss comes from high voltage. AC was used because transformers were the only viable technology to get high voltage back in the day.
Nowadays we have efficient tech to make high voltage DC, which works great for long distance power transmission. It's in use in various places across the globe.
The Prius is a HYBRID. The Prius EV goes 10 MILES on electric power. Yes, the battery helps with the MPG for awhile longer, but guess what? Chevy did that better, and first.
See . Reddit likes Musk, so clearly him making the highest rated car in consumer reports history, and SpaceX landing a rocket upright on a platform in the middle of the ocean doesn't mean anything, and they're all just meme companies making meme products because only reddit hipsters buy them. MSM does exaggerate this problem a bit, but I expect the entirety of Veeky Forums, and especially Veeky Forums to not get their news from Good Morning America.
What the fuck are you talking about? Toyota doesn't even produce an EV. ULA might have a leg up for now, but as soon as SpaceX starts to refurbish and reuse their first stages, it'll be impossible to compete on price.
Tesla might not be some orgasmic revelation of technology, but they did something no one else on the market can do. Even today, EVs other than Tesla have shit range and look like pic related. The hype shows a market that until Tesla was left untapped. Tesla manages a range above 250 miles, and has a network of fast-charging stations along all major highways. Everyone else is hardly able to break 100, and your "real leader" can go maybe 25 miles before its gasoline engine has to kick in. They do something nobody else does well.
Lol this is what you have to put against a Tesla? Prius is a hybrid, you couldn't even make it past the city limits without kicking in the gas engine. It looks like shit and got completely ridiculed when it went on the market. Tesla saw an untapped market previously seen negatively and made it desirable. They aren't the second coming of christ, but this is Veeky Forums. If you don't appreciate someone tapping an untapped market and trying to push it into the mainstream, you shouldn't be on a board about business.
It shouldn't but OP ask if they do to which the answer is no.
>what makes Toyota the leader in electric vehicles
Because pretty much all the electric engines on the market, regardless of brand, is usually derived from joint ventures with toyota
>how many EV's do they have
i-road, iq ev, and the rav4 ev but because they're unprofitable so Toyota shied away
Is there any real info on that because if they can do that then space x might be their only golden goose.
He was a virgin unto death and his best friend was a pigeon but then again the us government did raid his lab and stole all his work and edison was scared shitless by tesla's work.
Muskologist may even be more insane then Scientologist now
Yes, they look like shit, don't have the range of a Tesla, and lack a supercharger-like network to recharge quickly. Tesla still produces the best looking, most practical EV on the market.
Okay, I was never talking about overall lifespan... 2 billion miles is driving at highway speed for 3+ millennia. Completely irrelevant statistic. Basically what you're saying is that Toyota could make an attractive, well-marketed EV but chose not to? Love it or hate it, marketing is a part of how business functions. I never even knew Toyota made an electric Rav4 and my family was considering a Rav4 a few years back. You can't move product if no one knows it exists.
Okay. First off the 2 billion miles is still a worthless factoid. Second of all, it still looks like shit, because apparently that's how "green cars are supposed to look." Third, no supercharging or autopilot. Cost won't be significantly less; it will arrive earlier, but lacks the hype of the Model 3.
You do realize these are EV and environmental credits, right, not some kind of magic MUSKBUX(tm)? Every car manufacturer is eligible for the $7500 tax rebate per vehicle up to the first 200k vehicles. Tesla is actually about to grow out of that. Ford got federal loans to build out the infrastructure to produce more efficient vehicles. And every major company can get tax incentives to place new factories because every state wants to compete to bring in more jobs. Except now companies like Ford are building new factories in Mexico instead of stateside.
You ignored all of my points and started cherrypicking. Try harder next time.
Buying the stock of a company that is all over the news is a pretty good way of paying too much.
Where there is hype there is rarely value.
the delta IV heavy is the 'world's highest capacity rocket in operation'
low earth orbit capacity: 63k lbs
cost per launch: $375mm
the falcon heavy is spacex largest capacity rocket, launching later this year
low earth orbit capacity: 119k lbs
cost per launch: $90mm
same guy from earlier btw, my id changed
check out Elon's biography. it's p gud
Consumer Reports, the most trustworthy, data-driven outlet for reliability ratings on cars and everything else, just released its annual report naming the most and least reliable cars on the U.S. market today. And in a rather surprising twist, the Tesla Model S that Consumer Reports gave a better-than-perfect 103-point rating less than two months ago gets a "not recommended" thanks to what CR calls "declining reliability."
Also, good problems with the Model X. The fucking doors didn't work on a ton of peoples' cars and people had to wait more than two weeks to get them fixed because the repair centers were overloaded. There was also a recall on the rear seat latch and numerous climate control problems.
Look it up.
honestly, from everything in this thread, I'd invest heavily in TSLA for the 3-5 year range asap
the very new company, which is able to achieve lol a better than perfect rating, is going to be working hard as hell to right these wrongs and update their design & manufacturing
How much room for growth is there, though?
I see two major hurdles:
>200 mile range
>long recharge time
You can't have anything near the current gas station set up due to the traffic jams from the long charge times. Also, range is too low to make it an only vehicle. EVs on their current form can only be a second vehicle.
The range issue will likely get better as technology progresses, but will charge times ever reflect gas pump times?
hotswap battery technology.
maybe nuclear fuel cells.
yes it can get a hell of a lot better.
also some folks experiment with charged electrolyte fluid which would work pretty much like a gas station except they have to drain the tired electrolyte first then fill the tank with new.
Gatorade has electrolytes. Can they use Gatorade?
sure but only if there is a nigger inside driving the car flintstone style.
Superchargers aren't a perfect solution, but think of it less as a dedicated gas station and more an amenity of the nearby businesses. You're on a road trip, just drove 3-4 hours, you should probably stop, go to the restroom, maybe sit down and have a meal... Half an hour for 75%+ charge isn't bad at all, frankly. Hell, maybe it'll spark some better habits than trying to endure like a spartan on a cross-country journey with only Mountain Dew for caffeine and shitty McDonald's drive-through food that you eat on the road.
No it won't crash.
or you use electric cars innacity and gas guzzlers interstate until better comes along.
they swap or are going to swap batteries and it'll be automated
So i'm still learning, why are companies like this and amazon that have never made a profit worth buying shares in? If they are so expensive to buy and you cant sell the shares for more? Why does the price go up if they aren't making any money?
>Waiting 30 minutes every four hours
Oh no, you could have been thirty whole miles farther down the road. I don't get it, this is a total non-issue. Go eat a burger or something and get back on the road.
Oh right, the Burger King right off the highway has Tesla chargers. Silly me.
>which was released at a FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR lower price than its competitors
You're completely uninformed if you believe this. Just about any lead acid battery setup is more affordable than the powerwall. It's nothing more than a shiny plastic thing for people to fawn over.
Every single vehicle they have sold has had a recall or more.
AMZN makes profit - its P/E ratio is what is fucked up. (Nearly 300x earnings.)
TSLA doesn't make money.
Either way, TSLA is echoing Worldcom, Enron, etc. Growing on promises and getting enough through announcements, offers and grants to squeak by.
Timing for shorting purposes is where the fun happens.
They may not be making money now but people are buying because it's assumed they will in the future. They also have assets.
>Either way, TSLA is echoing Worldcom, Enron, etc. Growing on promises and getting enough through announcements, offers and grants to squeak by.
You anti-musk fags are delusional.
I like Musk, but I don't see Tesla being a going concern without producing profit and having to dilute shares to raise funds, etc.
Being able to step back and look at the actual numbers is not delusional - it just helps one from going over the cliff like other lemmings.
to be honest 3 hours of driving is maddeningly boring to me.
i guess you could put your car on a train (electric train) to go between cities. it would charge on the train even and you can relax and eat and sleep.
Autorail was tried and failed badly.
it failed because it did not reach 700mph
i guess musk will see to that too
i'm not trusting my life on that shit tho
i will wait 10 years until a couple of sad fuck die horribly and they debug the shit thoroughly.
Retard, you don't go to the Burger King right off the highway and find a supercharger, you go to the supercharger right off the highway and find one of the many businesses located next to the supercharger. Even the center console will help you navigate to the superchargers when it's time to come in and charge.
Autopilot then. And if you're not driving more than 3 hours at a time, there's literally no argument against EVs.
It also is going to come with a dry shampoo dispenser.
Model S and X are awesome cars
Model 3 shipping next year
Snake oil my ass
Holy shit that's next level bait