hello boys
Hello boys
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but who will build the roads?
Not an argument
hello my property
Fuck off my property
She is truly evil incarnate. If he she ever had wielded any power, she would be remembered in the same way Hitler is.
If she wielded any power whatever godforsaken country that was unlucky enough to carry such a burden would have imploded and would probably still be in some state of civil war to this day.
Have any of you actually read her books? No, not the internet forums, actual books.
I watched the movies.
B-b-but if all the rich CEOs left in protest our society would collapse into chaos!
I read the Fountainhead.
Whilst it was mildly entertaining and made some good points about society stifling individualism on the whole the philosophy espoused by it is absolutely fucked up and charged with female sexual frustration.
The Virtue of Selfishness had some intriguing points, but overall the same naive objectivism crap.
Got through about 50 pages of Atlas Shrugged. The horrendous writing was a cross too great to bear.
Overall, I think she performed better speaking publicly. Never, not once did she fail to make her points perfectly clear.
I live in Canada, the government here can barely build roads, having random business owners build them would almost certainly be better
>tfw someone in my hometown got charged with vandalism for filling a pothole with gravel after the city refused to fix it
>having random business owners build them would almost certainly be better
I assure you, it wouldn't.
A lot of people don't realize it but in the US there actually are a lot of private roads, particularly in areas used for logging. And they are an absolute and total mess.
A democracy is only as good as its people, Nanook.
what an absolutely pointless post
Ayn Rand is the bravest man in America.
Is it weird I'd fuck her? She's a total qt, something about those lips.
she'd use you to cuckher husband, then she'd cuckyou and find a moral justification for it
She would only agree to peg you
t.Nathaniel Branden
[spoiler]what if she had a secret lovechild?[/spoiler]
Na, I'd give the dog a bone too
Much like the OP.
In the United States private organizations built roads. It was a disaster they decided to fix with the national highway system.
If her books are so terrible, why have they sold so well?
What is "Hello boys" a reference to? Was she a slut or something?
She most certainly was.
>hello goys
Middle-class sociopaths and edgelords seeking justification for hating poor people
>I assure you, it wouldn't.
With what evidence?
>inb4 muh common sense based on nothing
((((Von Mises)))
forgot about (((Hayek)))
Ayn Rand, Rand Paul, and Paul Ryan walk into a bar. The barmaid served them tainted liquor because there are no regulations. They die.
The USA already has privately owned publically accessible highways and they are a total disaster. They're not profitable at all.
I was more referring however to the network of smaller private roads in areas used for logging in the US. They are also a mess not just in that they're crudely constructed and poorly maintained, but that since they go over a lot of property belonging to many different people and entities they're a nightmare of gates and paperwork.
>on a history board
>doesn't know common history
I want /pol/ to stay home.
Why would someone go to a bar that serves tainted liquor? Any reasonably intelligent person would avoid establishments that sell such dangerous products. Besides, the US gov literally poisoned liquor during prohibition, so you can't even claim that the government alternative is better.
Because people need to die first so they know not to go there.
The first roads were built by merchants,not goverments retard. Maybe if you opened a book you will know this
They also exist in my country and are better preserved than the publicly owned ones. Goverments make shitty roads too.
Its almost like privately or goverment owned doesent matter and its all about how much the owner is willing to put money into it instead.
Basically. Privatly owned roads can be of high quality,if the public alternative is garbage. If you just give monopolies to companies,the result will just be the same with a fee. A competition between national roads and private high ways or roads would provably give the best results
Thats the point
Which one? I thought that you were calling me out. If you mean about the quality,then yes they were worse,but technology was yrash back then,so not much of a point
Quite possibly the only thing worse than reading "Atlas Shrugged" is watching the movie. British Rail had more entertaining training videos.
I'm not kidding. youtube.com
Maybe I'll just bring testing equipment to every bar and then post the results on a website with ads on it. I'd also tell the readers if any of the bars refused me.
Naw, Blood
She looks too much like Buscemi.
Come to think of it I remember my grandma and I were talking once and she joked that she always thought Steve Buscemi was hot, but couldn't for the life of her put her finger on why.
Maybe you and my grandma have the same bizarre crush on insectoid features.
Yeah I can just imagine all the well to do business owners out spending cash and time on public infrastructure. Goddamn ancap
Very succinct and accurate
What's it like living in the third world?
Human beings don't have perfect and complete information of the market. And little someone else says, someone is going to have to be the first to die.
Your point about the is govt poisoning booze is so stupid too. Certainly you're pulling this out your ass, and the government was not attempting to serve the free market, directly the opposite, because religious zealots crusaded against alcohol. It was quickly repealed.
Troll. 3/10 bait at best but..
If you really are this crazy of an ancap.. Impressive