What are the biggest differences and similarities between Ramaden and Lent?

What are the biggest differences and similarities between Ramaden and Lent?

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People actually practice Ramadan.

People actually practice lent too. I know a guy that every year during lent he only drinks a bottle of Gatorade and one bowl of broth a day.

Muslims give up food and drink from sunrise and eat again at sunset. In lent you just give up something and most people just stick to giving it up in a half assed manner.

Lent actually means giving up something. Muslims in ramadan eat overall more than they do when it's not ramadan, albeit they stuff themselves until they explode in specific hours

In Orthodox lent you can't even eat meat, with the exception of some seafood.

Imagine doing that for 40 days.

I rarely ever eat meat, or even dairy. It's not that hard.

In lent Christians 'give up' something, which most of them don't try to even commit to.
Ramadan is just giving up food and water for some "purifying" your soul even though most Muslims don't even try to be a better person.

It's not that hard if you have an existing habit of not eating meat.
When meat is a staple of your diet, cutting it out abruptly for over a month isn't a walk in the park.


yeah, I guess you're right.

Ramadan is only about food. Then they stuff themselves. Lent is about giving something up you love and reflecting on it.

Ramadan isn't very practiced and the ones who practice it eat like pigs in the night.

>only food

They have to give up water and sex too.

They're also supposed to give up all violence and fighting but that one never happens KEK.

The biggest similarity is that both are practiced only by retards

Catholics here do that.
If you work at a restaurant, you get sick of preparing fish and want them all to fuck off.

I met a rich Saudi back in 2012 who claimed he was a relative of the former royal family. He said the best parties he had ever been to were during Ramadan and that (at least in Riyadh) they just go apeshit once the sun sets after sleeping most of the day.

What do they do at the parties? Drugs and hookers?

One is in a religious book
The other is a Catholic invention that is not necessary

>Can't even eat meat for 40 days
Why do people think vegans are pansies again?

Cocaine alcohol and prostitutes involved yeah. A friend of mine from Kuwait said the same about alcohol being about as common as weed in the US. He (the Kuwaiti) still didn't drink that often but the Saudi didn't see any issue with it.

Lent you lose weight
Ramadan you gain weight

Lent you help people
Ramadan you kill people


Technically Ramadan is one of the four months wherein Muslims must abstain from making war, but terrorist groups tend to ignore these facets of religion because it suits their own needs.

Kek Persians. I wish I could hang out with Persians.

>He said the best parties he had ever been to were during Ramadan and that (at least in Riyadh) they just go apeshit once the sun sets after sleeping most of the day.
Pretty much. Ramadan is supposed to be a fast, but they Muslims eat until they're fat once the sun sets, resulting in many health risks including obesity and diabetes.


It actually has the opposite effect of most fasts. What is supposed to be a ritual of purification turns into a rite of indulgement.

>Ramadan you kill people
You can't wage war during Ramadan.
This is correct.