/baldinghg/ - Balding Hair General

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But muh gains. Muh sex drive. What will become of them?!


I've officially started my finasteride journey tonight. i would be forever ecstatic if my hair thickens back up on top, im not even worried about my hairline at this point. at the very least i'd like to at least keep the mess i have now.

I've been on fin since 2014. It doesn't regrow, nor "thicken" hair, just maintains what you've got. So if what you've got is thin, it will remain thin, but shouldn't deteriorate any further for as long as you take it. All the anecdotes about regrowth are from people who weren't going bald in the first place


TL:DR going for .1mg+ of fin turns you into a eunuch. Between .03-.05mg (1/20th of a pill) seems to be a sweet spot of nearly no sides but the same effect on scalp DHT as higher doses. Tricky part is splitting the pills in small enough portions. You're welcome friends.

why can't you stop caring..

Don't read into the finasteride fear mongers here; most guys get on the drug and no problem. Only guys with beta genes/low T get sides.

Pic related; my hair line after being finasteride for close to 2 years.

I would debate this, I think that finasteride can help slightly thicken up some hairs that were getting fucked by DHT, as long as they aren't too far along in the process. Although the average person, like you said, can just expect maintenance of their hair. It 100% won't regrow hair on slick bald areas.

>start fin
>first couple weeks get sides
>nothing since
>now getting raging hardons and enlarged prostate symptoms
idk what happened but i should probably see a doctor

i guess thats good enough, at least til im not 20 and bald. im already chock full of T and jerk off daily so im not worried about side effects.

Might be a silly question but how do you get on finasteride?

do what i did. go to your doc and be like "yo doc, i heard theres this stuff thats supposed to help your hair called finasteride," and he'll probably be like "it wont grow your hair back, but i can prescribe you anyways."
then you go on GoodRx and you find a cuopon to make it like $20 for three months of the stuff.

thats not side effects work you fucking mongoloids. The cause is not well studied. It's practically random. If you go on finasteride, you are taking the chance on experiencing permanent sexual dysfunction. No one even knows what the chances of that are. 3-14% of patients report sexual dysfunction, but its not specified if they're permanent.

ive heard a variety of side effects at varying levels of severity at varying rates. out of all the sources ive looked at, none have mentioned any permanent sexual dysfunction.




does anyone else have really thin hairs at their temples? I'm 21 and my hairline seems okay but if this is a sign of recession I want to do something about it asap. they are very short compared to the rest of my hair.

now im starting to feel spooked. i mean, it honestly doesnt sound like it's affected that many people, but the possibility is still there. doesnt help that the one chart lists all sorts of things for sexual symptoms ranging from loss of morning wood to impotence.
i just wanna try a hail mary before i give up and buy a toupe.

I was going baldy hardcore at the tender age of 23 so i decided to embrace it. did I make the right move senpai?

I'm 20 years old, I've been taking fin since january and I have no problem with getting a boner but my desire for masturbation has lowered a bit, should I worry? I think it's psychological

holy crooked nose batman.
you look fine.

uhhhh i was dropped on my schnoz as a child. or something. have been trying to work this mystery out for the last several years with no luck.

You would look better with a tan and a thicker neck


There's a chance you will go permanently impotent if you take finasteride. It's not ah uge chance, but the literature and governmental drug administration boards recognize it, meaning it is still significant.

Just shave your head man. Things like height/face/physical fitness/wealth/social skills/social status are 1000 times more important to your attractiveness than your hair. If your dick never works again, then what then you have nothing.

Do you have any peer reviewed papers backing up these claims? Seems like it would be easy enough to study, seeing as fin has been on the market for almost 20 years now. I wonder how many of these anecdotal "sexual sides" reports are in fact just confirmation bias due to the constant fear mongering on internet forums?

I simply don't get guys like this one, just fucking cut your hair god damn it, it'll look great short


you look great dude!

fuck that is bad lol

thank you my angel. time to start selling druggos and ascend to walty white levels.


sell dem druggos but don't use it,that's the smart move.

how does zach have such pronounced recession when his hair is short but it looks great when its long, which is like the exact opposite for most balding guys

I think most of the photos of him with long hair are from 7-8 years ago so it makes since that he's receded since then. Recent photos with medium lenthed hair really show off his receding hairline


coming up on 2 months of Dustateride
Hope it does something

Respect. I'm this guy adding in dut once a week for extra protection. I'm not losing ground but I just want to make sure that I never do.

>tfw i fell for the "there's no such thing as permanent sides" meme
>even my doctor who prescribed it said he doesnt believe in that
>said he never had a single patient who experienced sexual side effects
>go back and tell him i was hit suddenly by sexual side effects at about the 5th month
>he tells me it's probably psychological
>still barely any libido after 3 years
>tried both viagra, cialis, and various generics of each with almost no success since all they do is increase blood flow, not make up for missing DHT, so if you're not turned on enough they do nothing
>talked to another lawfirm yesterday about a lawsuit against Merck, but most aren't interested due to the state where I reside having no history of successful suits against Merck and because many states allow generic substitutions of the drug, which you can't sue for (and I even insisted on taking the brand Propecia, never used the generic)
>haven't had a good erection in 3 years
>people on the internet still insisting it's in my head

who else knows this feel?

oh and i forgot to mention

>never used the full 1mg because i was aware of pic related
>only lost more hair due to Propecia's shedding, which never recovered
>never even slowed the progress of hair loss
>hair loss continues and side effects havent even improved
>have actually missed out on sex due to not being able to get it up when my entire life the problem was the opposite
>worst of all worlds
>suddenly understand why people have killed themselves over this

The world is a beautiful and cruel place; some guys can go on full HRT routines and have no sides yet cucks like you get sides on .5 mg of Fin

that juxtaposition of the world being both beautiful and cruel at the same time was really profound. bonus for using cuck in a way that made no sense at all.

by the way, people who increase testosterone and still dont experience hairloss simply don't have the gene and will never lose hair, dumbass. no idea what your point was, but you sound like youre on the spectrum so i guess that's why.

Where did I talk about increasing testosterone?

Don't be mad I can still get an erection m8.

>some guys can go on full HRT routines and have no sides

if you weren't referring to an increase in testosterone then you might as well have told me that people can suck priest dick and have no sides, which youve probably tested, or anything else that has nothing to do with side effects. no one has any idea why the fuck someone gets side effects and others dont, theres no literature on it at all...are you the same idiot who above tried to say that people with low T get side effects? completely made up for this thread.

enjoy your shit while it lasts, because the internet is rife with stories of people whose sex drives took a nosedive over a weekend after 1 year, 5 years, 10 years on Propecia. Mine came at 5 months, who knows when yours will.

I was referring to how guys can be on dutasteride, RU58841, and MtF drugs (like oral spiro) with nuked DHT levels and have no sides. Although I feel bad for your situation, you are in the minority and most people who take finasteride will not experience those kind of sides.

And no I'm not that "idiot."

The outcrying minority is always the loudest

he needs a buzz

A 3000 graft FUE would fix him right up

Looks like a young Nic Cage. He just has a mature hairline, not balding at all.

lmaoo these arnt bad hairlines, theyre just not the hairlines of a 13 yr old twink like everyone on this sight.




t.insecure propecia popper

Nah they are adult hairlines.

The truth is that like 90 percent of white guys go essentially bald over their life and over half have receeded to some extent by 30. As a northern european this is much higher. Having a high hairline is different to actually balding because people can have the same.level for years bht its still part of thr balding process.

>tfw hairline so bad people think im past my 30s
>i'm only 26

I have like 3 cm before I'm like pic related

Shave or get a transplant

Get the follicle tattoo thing in the front and then grow a very very slight stubble so you don't look like eggman. But otherwise you actually pull it pretty well.

Lower to the lowest dose you can administer. 0.05mg is enough. 0.03-0.04 seems ideal. The pills are 1mg. So just go as low as you can split the pill. Should reduce sides a little. But I think that as soon as these studies are spread and confirmed some brand will launch 0.03-5 mg strength pills.

Could be something else. No massive varicocele or something on your balls? Did you get blood and hormone checks? Could be thyroid, could adrenergic could be anything really

oral spiro will kill most peoples sex drives. XY+female test=no sex drive.

I was 10/10 but had bad acne and shit hairstyle and clothes and everything. Then I got rid of the acne, got Veeky Forums, got Veeky Forums, and then my gigantic north germanic forehead decided to say hi as my hair retreated making me a 6/10 unless I have a comb over.

lads, i recommend the shave. i know it's hard to hear but never having to worry about styling/treatment/balding again is so nice. i spent my first two years of college somewhat anxious around ppl cuz i was self confident about my hair loss (had long gorgeous curls), now im shaved and things are already way better. it's really not so bad.

Did I make the right decision?

I know this is my destiny eventually

looks great man, your hairline looks fine. is it your hair that's thinning?

Your hairline looks fine dude, are you even balding? You should enjoy having hair while you still can.

name of the shades?

you look good.

nah those are just baby hairs

this looks fucked up
his hair looked the best in young pope. i would aim for that look if i had his mooney. fuck, imagine bald jude law, ironically he might look much better and younger than now

is Nav balding?

Anyone have any experience with Saw Palmetto? I just bought a bottle but it says to take it 3 times a day at 500mg per pill.... I feel like I may as well just castrate myself.

I started balding at 17. Im 38 now.

Did it regrow your temples/stimulate regrowth on the hairline? Or did it only maintain your current hair?

You're Guaranteed to have a similar hairline by the time youre 30 unless your body is packed full of estrogen

>have an extremely handsome face

Grow it back you dip. Also get a base tan (tan very little but daily for a month) so you don't look sickly and anglian. Also shave the beard it's got grey hairs in it.

Don't. Too unreliable. You might end up a eunuch. Try fin 0.04mg (that's less than 1/20th of a pill).

Already done on that point mfrendo. That's not his secret though. It's his very short forehead.


anyone who accepts natural ageing makes the right move

why fight it? we're all gonna go bald at one point anyway, just go with it

I love how at least 70% of this board refers to themselves as handsome or cute.


Anglian north atlantics (mixed celtic briton origin, the angles themselves were pretty hot) have a recessive gene that inhibits their capacity to adaptively produce melanin at the same rate as continental mainlanders. The evolution of adaptive melanin was a way to get sunblock in the summer but vitamin D in the winter. Near the atlantic coast, this was not important due to the lack of sunny inland summers as you would find in say Poland or Sweden. Later, the britons mixed with romans giving them quite often both this and dark, gray-ish hair. Hence, inhabitants of the british isles tend to look somewhat sickly.

The poster has that sickly english look due to his temporary and harsh sunburn coupled with the gray-ish hair. The solution is to avoid a too long stubble, and to maintain a base tan (ergo not burnt/dead melanin rich cells but living melanin producing cells, achieved by cautiously but very frequently tanning. A 'living' tan can last for more than half a year in my personal experience, although I tan well and am of Swedish origin)

>swearing it over going bald

I always thought I was 9/10 in the face department, I got a lot of pussy, then I went bald and thought I was fucked for life.

Well I was wrong, I get more attention and pussy than when I had a full head of hair.

As long as your face isn't fucked, you'll be fine. Women know and dig the baldness, at least in their 30s.

Oh and just to be clear, shave that shit. I'm not talking about the Karl Pilkington look or anything here. You still gotta put in the effort.

And get a fucking tan

I get my gf to buzz my head and she has fun. She also does my beard. Good bonding/balding experience desu

> TFW start balding at 15-16

Current age is 19 and I'm scared, none of my old relatives are bald (Even the ones in their 50's just have a small bald spot or something) neither is my dad

Stop masturbating immediately
Keep your hair short as fuck

It looks like the man in the OP pic is doing a middle part, while a side part would suit him better, I think. Or, he could just go much shorter with his hair, and do the Caesar crop.

I have it short, but it's not super noticeable because it's mainly thinning now I think my hairline kind of stopped currently.
My barber says I have super thick hair for some reason though

>tfw balding from crown

is buzz my only option?

Jah is balding?

When will this "mature hairline" meme ends?

when you finally turn 18 and eventually start to see it happen to the majority of guys around you

i should probably just buzz and lift until no one can defeat me in single combat but im comfy being a 120lb manlet

my hairline has always been about this bad but i got alopecia in my bard recently, its been a bit rough. once i grow it out as long as rick owens i will cut it off and braid a rope with which to hang myself

You look like you have good eyebrows, beard and jawline. As long as your skull shape isn't freakishly ugly you could actually look great.

And lift ofc