Ask a communist anything.
Ask a communist anything
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How's it going
Sad because non-revolutionary conditions.
Otherwise fine though.
Would Lenin have killed Luxemburg?
Of all the interesting Bolsheviks you chose Stalin?
do something faggot, Stalin robbed banks to fund the cause and you shitpost here to no effect
Communists nowadays are either literal niggers in literally who countries or limp wristed faggots in the First World
Why communism always fails, regardless of the country it is tried, regardless of the race of the people, regardless of religion, geographic position, climate, culture, history, it invariably turns a country INTO A FUCKING SHITHOLE?
And why is it that when a society adopts capitalism, individual freedom, economy, political freedom, living standards, science, art etc all SKYROCKET?
Fucking piece of shit.
Stalinism is just ML taken one step forward.
Capitalist influence/infiltration in the 60's is to blame for the limp wristed faggots. No need to rob a bank at the moment.
Shut up and read this.
What's it like being 15 again?
not op, tl;dr me
>Capitalist influence/infiltration in the 60's is to blame for the limp wristed faggots.
right, it isn't because your ideology seems to be naturally attractive to university students who are famous for being slacktivists
>No need to rob a bank at the moment.
you don't need money for arms when the uprising comes? you think the government which you so despise will simply hand over the reigns to you? what exactly are your plans?
>No need to rob a bank at the moment.
world wide socialist revolution isn't currently happening, so there is. Get on it pussy
Might read but post a tldr first.
How am I supposed to answer to this 'question'?
USSR succeeded initially but individual politician mistakes fucked the whole thing.
Any ideology will prosper when USA pumps enough money in it. Don't forget capitalism is needed to evolve in a country before it can go communist.
Was /pol/fag around that age.
You are not from eastern europe arent you?
>right, it isn't because your ideology seems to be naturally attractive to university students who are famous for being slacktivists
Usually the /pol/ crowd points at SJWs and feminists when trying ad hominem, you're so special man.
>you don't need money for arms when the uprising comes? you think the government which you so despise will simply hand over the reigns to you? what exactly are your plans?
Oh you want a realistic answer? Fine, it's counterproductive to rob a bank and there's no need for arms AT THE MOMENT, the focus today is on going forward with the subjective conditions for revolution. (objective conditions are met)
What do you think of Commie academics? Are they hypocrites for not actively instigating the revolution?
>Don't forget capitalism is needed to evolve in a country before it can go communist.
then why does Maoism seem to work far better than Stalinism/MLism?
"Commie academics" are, most of the time, trash.
If they are not, then they are important for the revolution, students are to be focused, we can't have old people revolute. We are not in the stage where we pick up weapons, I repeat.
Explain? I have nothing to add to this.
>USSR succeeded initially but individual politician mistakes fucked the whole thing.
Many things can work "initially".
What about capitalism that worked "initially" up until the present?
That's no excuse, in all systems individuals exist and the more concentrated the power (like it is in the State) the easier is to fuck up things.
>Any ideology will prosper when USA pumps enough money in it.
It can pump money BECAUSE it is working.
> Don't forget capitalism is needed to evolve in a country before it can go communist.
What? How brainwashed are you?
>Usually the /pol/ crowd points at SJWs and feminists when trying ad hominem, you're so special man.
you're really dug in to the /pol/ boogeyman hysteria that pinkos on this board are famous for, none of that refutes what I said, the majority of "communists" today are those sorts of people and they certainly won't be forming the nucleus of any revolutions to come
>Fine, it's counterproductive to rob a bank and there's no need for arms AT THE MOMENT,
you probably couldn't shoot a gun without breaking your shoulder pal, do you know how to shoot or own any guns AT THE MOMENT?
are you waiting for the majority of people to want communism or what? very democratic of you, but I thought you people were all about 'breaking the shackles of the proletariat'
>it's counterproductive to rob a bank
you don't need funding? aren't banks the figurehead of capitalist oppression? blow something up at least you boring faggot
But the students are all limp dicked kids who'll never so much as touch a rifle. Marx said the revolution must come through violent means. We can't have the capitalists surviving to overthrow it.
Initially, I mean when they followed the theory, but mistakes have been done, and we acknowledge and learn from them.
I'll just add a point here: USSR was against the whole world, if USA was the only capitalist country and the rest of the world was communist and had closed their markets to USA, how would USA fare? Especially if it still was a feudal shithole like the Russian Empire.
>It can pump money BECAUSE it is working.
I never said capitalism doesn't work, but it's flawed and we can surpass it.
>What? How brainwashed are you
The fuck are you talking about? Communism is by definition what follows capitalism, it's post-capitalism, as capitalism can be said to be post-feudalism.
>he thinks communism is its post-revolutionary sublation as stalinism in the role of capitalist industrialization in the 20th century
China has fared far better through a transition from Mao's agrarian communism to Deng Xiaoping's market socialism than any state founded on MList post-capitalism has, indicating that capitalism is not a requirement for communism to function, and possibly that attempting to have capitalism wither away to communism is not the best way to achieve it
>the majority of "communists" today are those sorts of people and they certainly won't be forming the nucleus of any revolutions to come
Empirical knowledge, your gender theory course doesn't count as communists. Still you can't judge an ideology by its followers, even if they were. If you find it to be correct then it's your duty to clean the trash.
I happen to have served in the special forces of my country so you're very unlucky with this gun thing.
The organisation I belong to doesn't have a funding problem at the moment faggot I might do so If I need.
Read what I typed just above about limp wrists.
>Initially, I mean when they followed the theory, but mistakes have been done, and we acknowledge and learn from them.
Why learn mistakes from something broken?
Why not learn "mistakes" from monarchy or other systems?
Because they is no reason to, it's not a "mistake".
When you give state absolute power it will collapse.
All communist states (even in germany) you had policing of every aspect of your life, how you dress how you speak etc.
It always devolved into that like clockwork.
>I never said capitalism doesn't work, but it's flawed and we can surpass it.
No one said it isn't flawed.
We can surpass it, but nothing something that can't even fucking start working decently, communism isn't "flawed", you wish it was, it is outright broken beyond repair.
>The fuck are you talking about? Communism is by definition what follows capitalism, it's post-capitalism, as capitalism can be said to be post-feudalism.
1.Not an argument or justification.
2.It's not some natural law, many things "came" after other things not necessarily for best.
>by definition
That's not what that means.
natural selection of politics chose capitalism, that's why it "came" after feudalism.
Communism was constructed and collapsed, again and again and again.
Are you a new or oldworldler?
What the fuck is this shit. Stay in reddit like the rest of you counterrevolutionary maoists belong.
>The organisation I belong to doesn't have a funding problem at the moment faggot
I'm sure it has a large arsenal of weaponry yes
or does all the funding get spent on wages for shitposting warriors like yourself
>I happen to have served in the special forces of my country so you're very unlucky with this gun thing.
post proofs, why would a commie serve in the army of capitalists and imperialists?
>your gender theory course doesn't count as communists.
no true scotsman
>Still you can't judge an ideology by its followers, even if they were.
of course I can, the sort of people it attracts generally gives me a hint of its nature
>ideology matters more than pragmatics based on empirical data
kill yourself
To put it simply, we learn from the mistakes of monarchy too and capitalism too and everything, all according to dialectical materialism.
>We can surpass it, but nothing something that can't even fucking start working decently, communism isn't "flawed", you wish it was, it is outright broken beyond repair.
Amazing argument, please stop bothering you tire me.
>natural selection of politics chose capitalism, that's why it "came" after feudalism.
>Communism was constructed and collapsed, again and again and again.
Wrong, read more, communism is historical necessity.
>The organisation I belong to doesn't have a funding problem at the moment faggot I might do so If I need.
>i-i'm gonna do it g-guys i swear
I do it for free.
Mandatory conscription, I might need the experience when the time comes, too.
No true scotsman on what, your ad hominem?
Most fascists/nazis are truly trash though.
inb4 muh true national socialism not nazi skinheadism.
I'll repeat one last time: WE'RE NOT IN A REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD.
Why are you an ML?
>And why is it that when a society adopts capitalism, individual freedom, economy, political freedom, living standards, science, art etc all SKYROCKET?
Someone actually believes this lel
Only correct reply. I bet OP is a parliamentary cretin too.
I am undecided between most branches of communism. (this also goes to the maoist guy I didn't bother to respond)
Reformists/revisionists/opportunists are all trash, Trotsky is trash too, anything other than ML doesn't exist where I live so I joined this train and I'll see how it goes.
>To put it simply, we learn from the mistakes of monarchy too and capitalism too and everything, all according to dialectical materialism.
>To put it simply
Negro, there is nothing to put simply, it is simply, you just dont' get it.
Ofcourse we learn from past politics, including communism, we should learn that is dysfunctional to its core.
With your reasoning why not "learn" from the mistakes of capitalism and make it better?
Yeah we could say the same for communism, which in facts raped to death its own people.
At least capitalism is functional and provides you the LUXURY of this retarded reasoning you have.
>Amazing argument, please stop bothering you tire me.
You say "we can surpass it," how do you surpass capitalism with something that is evidently, intercontinental, repeatedly, invariantly wrong?
We can surpass everything, how about with something better and a trash system you fucking broken record.
>Wrong, read more, communism is historical necessity.
Cut the "read more" anyone can throw that around arbitrarily.
Historical necessity?
Are you high?
History and politics aren't physics, there are patterns but nothing like hard sciences.
You dumbo.
I bet you have 0 proof or reasoning on WHY it is a necessity.
Oh yeah I almost forgot, go read a fucking book.
>Mandatory conscription, I might need the experience when the time comes, too.
people don't get conscripted into the speshul forces
of course it is, if they claim to be Marxists and you claim they aren't
it's a no true scotsman by its very definition
>making an appeal to purity
>Most fascists/nazis are truly trash though.
same with pinkos through my own anecdotal experiences, what's your point?
>inb4 muh true national socialism not nazi skinheadism.
oh the ironing
>I'll repeat one last time: WE'RE NOT IN A REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD.
you just sound like a pussy to me honestly
I'm not even against your ideology since I don't take much interest in politics but you're all just slacktivists, do something nigger
>Counter revolutionaries are so asshurt there's literally a useful idiot tripfag now.
Loving Every Laugh.
Capitalism has innate flaws that cannot be fixed unless it is overthrown.
Again you assert with no argument that communism is dysfunctional to its core.
Cut it out with this 'at least capitalism lets u argue about communism on the internet' thing it's retarded, I told you to go read a book.
Fuck, even more assertions, I'll just leave this pic. And this
>calling anti-communists useful idiots when the average leftist Veeky Forumstrionic is the literal definition of a useful idiot
this is truly a dank meme
I want reddit to leave
Useful idiots
>In political jargon, useful idiot is a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.
Sounds like it fits pro-capitalist zealots to a T.
>anything other than ML doesn't exist where I live so I joined this train and I'll see how it goes.
Serious question, do you have any learning disabilities?
Stop doing that. Read Marx. Read Engels. Read the revolutionary social-democrats and communists like Luxemburg, Anton Pannekoek, read Amadeo Bordiga and Paul Mattick. Read. You don't understand shit if your understanding is basically "oooh communism is just a game, I gotta choose my favorite character wisely".
Don't let that get in the eventually understanding the world, because believe me, you really don't know shit, and you are either going to end as some vehement utter fuckwit like most posters replying to you, or a Marxist
In my country they can.
I can claim to be a nazi and wave swastikas but that doesn't make me a nazi, marxism has very specific tenets and if you disagree with them you are not a marxist, waving sickles and hammers and calling yourself communist doesn't change this. On the other hand, your average, say, nazi actually accepts the ideology put forward by Hitler, and is a fucking clown.
I am active, I do something, but it's not the time for guns. I know my priorities.
I do not browse reddit.
I was just bored to make 2 posts for 2 pics.
Bootlickers out.
No learning disabilities.
Yes I have planned to read moar, but I have limited time. Good post, noted.
What's the point?
Use anonmgur.
The injustice of the capitalist system makes me very upset and I don't think it has to be like this.
>I do not browse reddit.
right, you just had that imgur image on hand to post
>In my country they can.
which country may I ask? none that I know of, all conscription goes towards the regular forces
>marxism has very specific tenets and if you disagree with them you are not a marxist,
>christianity has very specific tenets and it you disagree with them you are not a christian
>proddies aren't christian, orthos aren't christian, coptics aren't christian, etc.
it IS a no true scotsman fallacy, use google
>I am active, I do something
yes, shitposting
what do you do? you don't seem to have 'awakened' anyone thus far with your reasoning
>but it's not the time for guns.
it is always the time for guns when a violent revolution to overthrow something is expected
I'll keep an eye on the news to see if you people actually fucking do something one of these days
>christianity has very specific tenets and it you disagree with them you are not a christian
This is true though.
There's certain things that would disqualify you from being a Christian. Like not believing in the resurrection.
>There's certain things that would disqualify you from being a Christian. Like not believing in the resurrection.
tell Arians that
tell proddies that
tell all the other denominations that
they all believe the other is going to hell
>waaa the injustice in the capitalist system
Life isn't fair, get over it. Or, move to a country that isn't capitalist.
How would you respond to an accusation that Marxist analysis of class is inferior in predictive value and accuracy to Machiavelli's analysis of class some centuries earlier?
You must be a joke. Please be a joke.
name ONE thing you think it's wrong and I'll answer it.
If you reply dismissively then we both know who's the joke.
If they don't believe in the resurrection they're not Christian. This has been accepted for near 2000 years now.
>right, you just had that imgur image on hand to post
>which country may I ask? none that I know of, all conscription goes towards the regular forces
Won't say, we get to pick where we want to serve, of course spec forces have requirements/tests.
Okay I won't continue with this scotsman thing, do you support communism? If yes then help us remove faggotry from it?
>I am active, I do something
I won't disclose IRL activities, trying to debate on 4chin when having insomnia is the most revolutionary thing I can do tonight after midnight.
>these days
Don't fucking stress me man.
Violence AT THIS MOMENT can only make us look bad with no much gain, converting people is the priority, when we have enough people at every workplace shit gets bad.
I should have made a tripcode for this thread, I already replied to that bootlicker please disregard him.
>Life isn't fair.
That's true. But we don't have to accept it as being this way and in identifying the ways in which life is unfair capitalism is a very clear one.
Are you implying it's impossible to make life fair? Well there's only one way to find out.
>If they don't believe in the resurrection they're not Christian
heeeey maaaan that's just like your opinion
are Arians not true Christians? they don't believe Christ is the son of god
>He actually thinks capitalism isn't working atm.
If you do not believe Christ triumphed over death by rising from the grave then no, you don't truly believe Jesus is God.
it's a little thing called interpretation my nigga, I'm sure Arius would have a few choice words for you
you're really going out of your way to defend such an obvious fallacy so let me just post the definition
>No true Scotsman is an informal fallacy, an ad hoc attempt to retain an unreasoned assertion.[1] When faced with a counterexample to a universal claim ("no Scotsman would do such a thing"), rather than denying the counterexample or rejecting the original claim, this fallacy modifies the subject of the assertion to exclude the specific case or others like it by rhetoric, without reference to any specific objective rule ("no true Scotsman would do such a thing"; i.e., those who perform that action are not part of our group and thus criticism of that action is not criticism of the group).[
Arius got killed by his own ass, m8.
Maybe it was jealous for all the time he spent spewing shit out his mouth instead.
Yes, life is inherently unfair. Quit crying about it and try to make the best of it. Bitching about it and making other people suffer for the benefit of those on the bottom isn't going to help anything.
go back to your tomb Athanasius
I'm trying to make the best out of it by making the planet a fairer place to live.
If you're suggesting I just give into the cruelty of it and take advantage of the system to advance myself then I'd like to direct you to some of Aloysha's closing words of the Brothers Karamazov
>Perhaps we may even grow wicked later on, may be unable to refrain from a bad action, may laugh at men’s tears and may even jeer spitefully at such people. But however bad we may become, yet, when we recall how we buried Ilusha, how we loved him in his last days, and how we have been talking like friends all together, the cruelest and most mocking of us won’t dare to laugh inwardly at having been kind and good at this moment! And, perhaps, that one memory may keep him from great evil and he will reflect and say, ‘Yes, I was good and brave and honest then!’ I say this in case we become bad, but there’s no reason why we should become bad. Let us be, first and above all, kind; then, honest; and then, let us never forget each other!
This is a modern advanced industrial city under full capitalism.
>North Korea
>Not communist
>Naturally is a shithole
>Naturally putting American pseudo-Korea to shame.
>making it fairer
God, I'm so tired of this. In order to make society a fair place, you must treat many people very unfairly. If you are on the bottom of the food chain, economically speaking, you will probably never achieve enormous financial success. You can, however, achieve a level of financial success to better off your children so that they can achieve more than you did, financially speaking. My point is that wealth is not achieved in one generation (typically), and often takes a couple generations to really create reach upper the echelons of society (i.e. Upper middle class).
Bitching and moaning that "rich people ruin everything" and "life isn't fair because this kid starts out with financial backing and I didn't" is not going to help you climb the social ladder. Also, every single society in human history has established a social hierarchy, so you have to learn to deal with it.
Yes, I'm aware that's how it works in the capitalist system the thing is the capitalist system is far from fair.
> Also, every single society in human history has established a social hierarchy, so you have to learn to deal with it.
Every single society thus far.
nigger what
even if it was I'd not want to live in dog-eating baby-kicking smogland
Why aren't you posting this on /pol/ where it belongs?
China is the natural conclusion of Soviet Marxist-theory. If we accept them as communist there's no reasn not to accept China.
>the title matters
N.Korea functions like a communist/fascist state, means of production controlled by the state, everything by the state with nationalistic tendencies.
China was communist decades ago, famines and deaths.
In the last decades it started using capitalism, instant economy boost in all manners.
Dude you literally have 0 understanding or knowledge in this, why bother?
>N.Korea functions like a communist/fascist state
>Communism and fascism are interchangeable
Not to mention North Korea don't even describe themselves as communist.
Also China is communist, at least as communist as the USSR.
You seem to be absolutely set that a society NEEDS to be fair. That is an impossibility. Nowhere in history has life been fair. What makes you think it's going to change? The problem is that the mentality that 'everyone in a society should be treated fairly and everyone needs to be on the same level' fails to account for human nature.
1) Sidestepping the proven point that capitalism necessarily, all by itself, creates shitholes.
2) Sanctions, embargo, and strong-arm politics from the USA have prevented the DPRK from developing, thus crippling its economy and in many cases forcing rationing of electricity.
Capitalism is prove the number one creator of shitholes and number one enemy of freedom.
I explicitly explained the fascist bit.
>Not to mention North Korea don't even describe themselves as communist.
Man you're stupid, who cares how it describes itself when it economically functions as communism and social policy is fascist.
>Also China is communist, at least as communist as the USSR.
Tell that to any person above 18 and they will laugh in your face, including 1.4 chinese people.
You cant make up that retardation level.
>Dude you literally have 0 understanding or knowledge in this
Actually you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Like every anitcommie ideologue.
The thing is they're also mutually exclusive.
>Man you're stupid, who cares how it describes itself when it economically functions as communism and social policy is fascist.
Okay, remind me what exactly about North Korea is communist with reference to Marx.
>Tell that to any person above 18 and they will laugh in your face, including 1.4 chinese people.
Assuming the USSR is communist what isn't communist about China?
>responds to a post with arguments
>"ur shit"
>"ehh I don't need arguments because you havne't REALLY made any"
I'm happy to respond if you provide information on how North Korea isn't communist/fascist or how China isn't capitalist.
>The thing is they're also mutually exclusive.
Complete retard alert.
I literally explained what I meant by that but you still post your stupidity.
>Okay, remind me what exactly about North Korea is communist with reference to Marx.
Motherfucker what do you think communism is?
>Assuming the USSR is communist what isn't communist about China?
USSR was communist and so was China decades ago.
Fucking christ how old are you?
Did you just got into politics and read couple of labels and think you understand shit?
>Complete retard alert.
Mate, I see you've been drinking the horseshit "theory" kool-aid but if you actually ever bothered to read any Marxist or fascist literature it should be obvious how something cannot be both.
Most glaringly communism is explicitly a-nationalist.
>Motherfucker what do you think communism is?
Not central planning, that's what.
>USSR was communist and so was China decades ago.
That doesn't answer my question. How is the USSR communist but China not?
To expand on that point. How is state ownership of everything justified according to Marxist-theory yet a mix of state and private ownership isn't? Ultimately both are just as removed from worker control as each other.
So, how do you reconcile the claim that the USSR is communist yet China is not?
>Fucking christ how old are you?
Old enough to read books that don't have pictures in them which I encourage you to start doing.
Maybe begin with the Communist Manifesto, it's probably shorter than the threads you're likely to read today combined so it might be easy for you.
At least two of those pictures resemble Borat.
>I don't know what I'm talking about either, but at least I think I'm less retarded than everyone else
Go fuck yourself.
>Wherever it may be, wherever there is the economic form of the market, capitalism is a social force. It is a class force. And it has the political state at its disposal
>And let us add the formula which, for us, expresses very well the most recent aspects of the world economy: “State capitalism is not a subjugation of capitalism to the state, but a firmer subjugation of the state to capital.”
>stop presenting the bureaucracy as an autonomous class, perfidiously warmed-up within the proletariat, and instead consider it as a huge apparatus linked to a given historical situation in the world-wide evolution of capitalism
"Capital can easily get rid of liberalism without changing its nature. And this is also clear: the direction of the degeneration, the degeneration of the revolution in Russia does not pass from the revolution for communism to the revolution for a developed kind of capitalism, but to a pure capitalist revolution. It runs in parallel with world-wide capitalist domination which, by successive steps, eliminates old feudal and Asiatic forms in various zones. While the historical situation in the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries caused the capitalist revolution to take liberal forms, in the twentieth century it must have totalitarian and bureaucratic ones."
Give me a percentage of everything you own because you have more than you need to get by. Anything you have that is not the bare minimum to get you through the day needs to be shared. I don't have any questions.
Twisted view of communism.
We're not trying to 'get by', we can 'get by' in capitalism, the thing is how will we achieve a fine life for the majority of the population, taking advantage of the advanced technology that exists in the year 2k and 16.
K but you have a spare bedroom and Jamal needs it.
All communist parties were against immigration because it works against the benefits of the workers, this changed when capitalist elements infiltrated most of the western european communist parties. Only capitalist benefit from immigration.
Wait why the fuck did I try to answer seriously, go back to your cuck porn fucking retard.
You're failing to understand the fundamental flaw in Communism. That being, yes, it does put "everyone" on an equal plane. "everyone" meaning the lower and middle class. If you think the uber wealthy are just going to say "okay, guess I'll just take an enormous pay cut and a downgrade in how I live" you're out of your fucking mind. They leave, and with them, all of that money that you thought was going to go to the people. You don't want communism. You want the limp wristed faggot idea of communism that's so popular with young adults disillusioned with the system.
I never expected rich people to stay, and their bank credits are useless, what we need is the means of production, which they can't put on their private jet and leave. And of course they won't give them up freely, force will be used to get them.
What are you doing on Veeky Forums? Anyone who is a communist is obviously not educated on 20th century history, or else they wouldn't be a communist.
How does it feel to be irrelevant?
20th century history proved that communism works
You haven't known irrelevance until you've read about the Left Communists.
>implying communism has ever worked ever