how was the republic able to win? didnt the communists vastly outnumber them? did they actually fight each other or did they team up against the 2nd reich?
Tell me about the German revolution of 1919
Ubermench vs untermensche
15 second read of wikipedia could've answered these question but I would like to add we should discuss the war in Poland Coinciding with this war.
literally just read the Wikipedia page on that war you retard
They fought each other more than they fought against the empire.
>WWI map
>Germany's borders are always the ugliest and most inaccurate
Every time.
>there's literally a country called monte negro
>mountain negro
I feel like when you click on Veeky Forums it should just redirect you to Wikipedia. It's the only thing fucking people know about around here. Also fuck you.
>(((German))) Revolution of 1919
I'm pretty sure this leaves out a couple of revolutionary leaders who weren't Jews.
>Italy owning Trieste
>Jews aren't German
Don't you have to assume the person you're showing this to is already anti-semitic for it to have any persuasive power?
The lesson from the (((German))) revolution is not that all revolutionaries were Jews. The revolution started with the Kiel mutiny, after all.
The lesson is that all Jews are revolutionaries. There were plenty of Jews in the spartacists, but no Jews in the Freikorps.
You can see that little spot for nationality right above religion.
nigger, how about you read what Rosa Luxemburg wrote?
If Jews were Germans, why did they stab it in the back at it's hour of greatest need?
Black mountain, you don't just pick which words you want to translate.
>"The proletarian revolution had degenerated to the Stalinist phenomenom. Germany was nearly going to transform to a bastion of communism which would have eventually paved way for a communist world society free of class, the state, and money."
>nazifags are actually triggered by this
Reading Jewish revolutionary literature is spiritual subjugation.
Why don't YOU read Guido von List?
Because as socialists, they felt that they weren't stabbing German people in the back, but rather the German government and elite.
They saw World War I as an imperialist war serving no one but the capitalists on both sides, and thought by fomenting revolution which would then spread across the world, they would be helping the German proletariat and poor (the vast majority of the country), along with all other workers on the planet.
I'm not even a Communist nor in agreement with Luxemburg/Liebknecht, but they legitimately thought they were doing a good thing for Germans and everyone else, it wasn't some evil Jewish plot to subjugate Germany.
>"the revolution that failed would be the one that would bring TRUE COMMUNISM"
Why are communists always like this?
If there ever was one that had a real shot, it was the German revolution.
No, it wouldn't. It would be just more Judeo-Bolshevik tyranny over the goyim. We know it because that's exactly what happened in Bavaria, where the communists actually won for a while.
>the proletariat could only really establish its political domination in one country, and even this would inevitably be undermined by the isolation of the revolution.
If by 'the goyim' you mean aristocrats and the bourgeoisie, sure. No problem there.
Communist Jews tend to hate Judaism as much as all other religions too, anyway, they rarely have any sense of Jewish identity.
>what about my bourgeois hurt feelings :((
>I wonder who's behind this post.
The "i hate all bourgeois" attitude that most kiddie-commies have is so amusing.
Tell me, if you are a communist, what is your excuse for contributing to the capitalist world?
"i hate all bourgeois and they should be killed"*
also define bourgeois, that should be amusing too.
To be honest, I find secular Jews worse than religious Jews, since they secularize all the worst traits of Jewish religion in political revolutionary fanaticism.
Religious Jews are content with being left alone, waiting for the Messiah to come and enslave all goyim. Secular Jews know that this will never happen, so they take the task of enslaving the goyim upon themselves and begin agitating for communist revolution.
I'd say Hitler killed the wrong Jews. He should have spared the poor shetl folk of Poland and slaughtered Viennese intellectuals, instead of letting them escape.
>what is your excuse for contributing to the capitalist world?
Because the MAN is FORCING me into his capitalist SLAVERY, sheeple.
I mean everyone. Trotsky, for example, wanted to collectivize agriculture in a way that even Stalin found too harsh, and his plans for militarization of industrial labour was tantamount to slavery.
>it would of worked this time guys seriously!
Top kek
Fuck off leftypoltard
>Communist Jews tend to hate Judaism
The person who wrote Communist Manifesto was a son of a Jewish rabbi.
>communist Jews tend to hate Judaism
because they're effectively a religious movement
more specifically, an extreme heretical deviation from protestantism
What the fuck do you think it was for? Shits and giggles? Soviet collectivisation was industrialisation.
Its brutality was not unnoticed by other Bolshevik statesmen but it was recognised as a necessary evil in the absence of a pro-Bolshevik Germany/Europe in order to deal with the underdeveloped peasant hellhole Russia was then..
also worth noting that it was directly inspired by the revolution in Russia, which was to them a completely world changing event and proved that a successful revolution was possible
many major revolutions or periods of political unrest spread beyond their borders and inspire partisans in other countries as we saw with the french revolution, unrest of 1848, and more recently with the arab spring.
>openly admitting that you're talking out of your ass and willfully refuse to educate yourself on the people you're talking about because of their religion
someone call Hiroshima and tell him to delete this board, its not worth saving
The Freikorps? Cucked?! Nothing is safe from the Jews, isn't it?????
While I do believe that executing the Communists of the 1919 revolution was a good thing, I think Ludendorff did just as much to damage Germany as they did.
>Secular Jews know that this will never happen, so they take the task of enslaving the goyim upon themselves and begin agitating for communist revolution.
No. You don't have to be a Communist (I'm not), but the fact is most committed revolutionaries really did believe they were fighting for a better world for everyone (regardless of the fact that it tended to turn into a dystopian nightmare every time). They didn't spend years underground dodging the authorities and risking death or imprisonment on the off-chance they'd get some cushy party job or 'enslave the goyim' down the line.
And an atheist who was not a fan of Judaism.
Cool argument, retard.
Look up the way early Soviet authorities viewed Judaism. It was just another 'opiate of the people' to be destroyed along with Christianity and Islam.