Are they really Gods chosen people?
>implying god
All I know is that /pol/ doesn't want to admit they and Slavs are the rightful master race by Hitler's logic.
*Every race and nation has tried to destroy them
>end up dominating all the other races
*Banned from all the good jobs
>Somehow ended up controlling every nation's money supply, practically 100% of the media
*Less than 1% of the world population
>Controls 80% of the world's wealth, responsible for half of all scientific achievenments
Sounds pretty chosen to me
You kikes need to make up your mind.
When goyim suggests Jews control the media, you shame goyim for being tinfoil.
But when the question of Khazars being the chosen ones from God, you boast about controlling everything.
Which is it?
>dumb ass goy can't comprehend it.
Just for you I'll explain it. When saying something is true makes us stronger we say it is true. When saying something is false makes us stronger we say it is false. There are two messages one for the Goy and one for the Chosen.
Now I'm sorry I can't answer anymore questions. I have a meeting with the Elders of Zion.
I am a rabbi and I can confirm this post.
actually I'm god's chosen person
Has anyone else noticed Ted Cruz makes this exact same face?
Not any more
15 When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”
16 Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. 17 At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’
18 “But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’
19 “Another said, ‘I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.’
20 “Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I can’t come.’
21 “The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’
22 “‘Sir,’ the servant said, ‘what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.’
23 “Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full. 24 I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”
>responsible for half of all scientific achievements
(citation needed).
>Slavs came out of the Aryan urheimat and took over half of Europe
>ended up winning against Germany in their fight over Lebensraum and expelled German colonists from their lands, later they flocked en masse to Germanic countries
>Dominate half the continent from the Baltic and Black Seas to the Pacific
Jews are pretty self-explanatory, they are wealthier, more intelligent, more influential, more loyal to their nation and their homeland than any other group on Earth.
You know what Voltaire thought about Jews.
Anyone who says this has never read the NT.
Oh also Slavs ended up leading the great bloc opposing Western liberalism and capitalism, which was basically the position Germany and Japan were dying to be in.
And controlled the Pivot of History and the Heartland.
At the same time though, the entire testimony of the old testament serves as an example of the mistakes that ALL people make during their journey. The complaining in the wilderness and lack of faith, to all the episodes of falling out of the faith. We're all susceptible to the same problems.
So it's like you're not supposed to think you're below Jewish people, but at the same time you're definitely not to think you're above them either.
They're in a tough spot right now though, they don't even know their messiah has already come.
It's like white people and slavery, not one white person alive right now owned a slave, the same way not one Jewish person alive right now contributed to the death of Jesus, yet if you say some Jewish people killed Jesus, all the Jewish people get blamed or will take offense. It's just a total lack of perspective. It's like Jewish people get pushed away from Christ before they get the chance to hear His word. Plus talking about Christ can lead to assumptions of antisemitism just because of the story, which is ridiculous. But this is also due to the fact that you have Christians who know nothing, like the KKK, and the Christians of the past who actually persecuted Jews, because they feel they're above Jews, further pushing Jews away from Christ.
It's insane. Now you have non believers looking in from the outside...and they blame God for all this. It's a mess. And I havent even talked about Zionism and how that further disrupts all this coming to a head of truth and general peace.
All in all, people in general are broken.
>All in all, people in general are broken.
Well, that much is obvious, Genesis teaches us this.
True, that's what the old testament is for in my opinion. To paint a broader picture of what mankind has to deal with.
It's just sometimes it's like the problems are so obvious but no one ever bothers to chill the f#$% out and properly examine them.
Once you've been tamed though, you have to remember all the times prior, when you were drunk with anger and rage and lost all rational thinking...that's when you realize how truly difficult it is for man to get tamed. Man would rather listen to himself and go crazy in any direction. Every man wants to be king of something, even if it's delusional territory that only spans their personal space.
You try to imagine this from God's perspective and it's seriously like trying to break a bunch of horses.
Gods love seems to be much worse than his hate, it seems
yes Christians are God chosen people - the new Israel, today jews are just a cult - has no relation with God.
Someone post the curtis lemay strongly advocating nuclear holocaust pic pl0x
No. However, they're an admirable community that I respect a lot.
I'm not Jewish (I have some Sephardic ancestry but hardly anything identifiable), but I respect them because they came to the United States with nothing and became the most successful ethnic group in its history
Who the fuck is that?
If you believe they are they must be.
You can't argue with success.
>they came to the United States with nothing
No support from the International Jewry?
>That pic
You're not even trying
Considering the German Jews who lived in the US prior to the early 20th century looked down on them, no.
u rite
God's chosen people now means all who come to him
>God's elect
Yes, but it is an evil and incomplete god.
Being servants of a demiurge they are rewarded with temporary materialist power but are cursed with aimlessness, false prophecies, and moral corruption.
It's hard for my mortal mind to comprehend. I mean what if God really exists? It can't be all just a coincidence. Jews, /pol/ memes or no, are pretty goddamned fucking influential.
I'm not sure god exists, and Christians and muslims are way more common anyway, so probably not.
What with all those american chirstians who do think the jews are gods chosen? doesn't that defeat the point of chistianity?
And thus /pol/ shall never succeed.
I always wondered if maybe Jews control the world not just for personal gain, but because they believe it to be their religious duty. I know they often get lumped in to conspiracies with the Freemasons, and if they actually did collaborate for "illuminati-esque" reasons, it would be pretty interesting since the Freemasons consider their purpose to be "rebuilding the temple/building the kingdom of God on Earth."
I think it would be an interesting setting for a sci-fi novel if ancient alien shit was true, and Jews were the chosen servants of some alien named Yahweh, influencing global events secretly for alien goals. Then you could have the Nazis actually fighting for the destiny of Man being in the hands of Men and not subject to the manipulations of extraterrestrials. But maybe the alien agenda is very far-sighted and ultimately benevolent, and all the apparent malevolence of globalism is actually to prepare humans to enter galactic society.
>they believe it to be their religious duty.
What else do you think being G-D's CHOSEN PEOPLE means?!
>Khazar hypothesis
that could be pretty sick
What the hell is going on?
I thought stormfront used /pol/
I am a Jew and the previous post, and this one are valid.
>Banned from all the good jobs
Christians weren't allowed to practice usury, so no.