Does Veeky Forums lift?
Personally I lift 3-4 times a week and do cardio 2-3 times per week.
Does Veeky Forums lift?
Personally I lift 3-4 times a week and do cardio 2-3 times per week.
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yes, I lift my dick every day.
I don't know how to start.
Went through Veeky Forums sticky and know every theoretical aspext.
But how the fuck should I go about this?
Just walk into a gym and grab one of the bells?
I'm Auschwitz-tier skinny, I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
And I have no one to show me.
Lifting is for boys
>But how the fuck should I go about this?
>Just walk into a gym and grab one of the bells?
What do you think?
Yes you pay for a gym membership and then start using the equipment, are you autistic by any chance?
>And I have no one to show me.
You don't need anyone. Just look up a routine online and look up how to do exercises on YouTube
>I'm Auschwitz-tier skinny, I'm not sure if that's a good idea.
If you don't work at it you will be "Auschiwitz-tier skinny" 3 months from now, 6 months from now, 2 years from now and so on. If you're unhappy with how you look it's not going to change magically if you just avoid it.
yes, but...
eh well, ok, I'll try it.
There's no but's here user. If you want to improve you need to do something, if you're a skinny you're going to be skinny forever if you don't get into the gym and embarass yourself
Just go, no one cares what you do or look like
I do go to the gym, 5 days a week, mostly to get Veeky Forums enough to apply for the police.
>no one cares what you do or look like
yeah, that was my problem actually. The only gym that's near me is the one from my uni, where literally everyone I probably know would see me.
I'm just too autistic and have 0 self-confidence.
But yes, as you said, it's not gonna change by itself.
Might aswell just go for it
I started lifting 3 months ago, and here is how I started. First, I found out about something called the 100 pushup program, which basically tries to get you to do 100 pushups in one sitting by like 2 months. I started it, and then after two weeks, I didn't like it because I wasn't gaining as much progress as much as I would have liked. This is because pushups really aren't that intensive.
So I bought one of these.
It's a piece of shit barbell, but it works. I did it because I can then work out at home by myself. I started doing a bit of upper body stuff, since that's what everybody wants, like barbell curls, bent over rows, overhead press. Once I started randomly lifting without a plan, I started to make a plan, which is lift 3 times a week.
Also, if you want to read a book on this, go check out
Use to everyday for about 5 years until about last year shit just got lame I still go 1-2 days a week
>yeah, that was my problem actually. The only gym that's near me is the one from my uni, where literally everyone I probably know would see me.
>I'm just too autistic and have 0 self-confidence.
Yeah but no one is going to care.
Like what do you think people are going to say? "hahahaha user is such a faggot trying to improve himself, LMAO what a loser!"
Bro just do it. No matter what happens, you'll end up always have an opportunity to workout.
Started taking workout serious at my uni gym. Was skinny like you. Squats, benchpress, and other isolation things. After about two weeks I couldn't get bitches off me.
Now, I do squats, bench press, and deadlifts with dumb bells at home and I still look good. If you don't do anything else, SQUAT MAN. it makes you look better overall as a person. Makes your Dick bigger too.
>After about two weeks I couldn't get bitches off me.
my fear was that I'll do it wrong and look ridiculous.
But I'll learn it, I guess.
That's good motivation, thanks. but still
>after about two weeks I couldn't get bitches off me
why do you lie on a kenian stockbroker board?
Yeah, I've read that book.
Thanks for the barbell recommendation.
I used to, now I just do pushups a couple of times a week.
i used to, but not so much anymore.
I was to cheap to purchase a membership, so I just bought some weights and a bench and went to work.
Yes, I have drunk deeply of the cup that is starting strength. It's a nice hobby but I'm not great at it
I used to be king of manlets, 5'9 and 85kg without a shred of bodyfat.
Then I discovered drink and cocaine.
I still lift a few times a week, but not half as much as I used to.
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I'm not lying to you. I made that post to motivate you. Girls like skinny buff guys and they literally could not stop checking me out at uni.
It takes about two weeks for you to look like you've been working out.
Not the "right after a workout" pump of muscle that goes away...
In two weeks you will start to look pumped as you do right after a workout. Try it.
>It takes about two weeks for you to look like you've been working out.
No it doesn't
You're literally not going to gain any muscle in two weeks lmao, unless you're taking dbol or some shit
I've heard that you can gain 0.5kg muscle mass in 2 weeks.
and that's only if you do it perfectly right and eat well, which I won't as a newbie, I guess.
And 0.5kg is almost nothing, won't even be visible.
If you're really checked out by girls that's probably because you're 6'3 and have a pretty face.