Which college degrees are memes as of 2016?
Which college degrees are memes as of 2016?
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Woman's Studies. kekle.
all of them
everything is memes
mechanical engineering
Anything STEM
none of them/all of them
degree doesnt matter, name of the school does
Any degree where you can't find good internships. Very few of them basically. You can get a fine arts degree in feminist African American studies and if you get 3 summers of internships at increasingly more legit firms, you're getting a good job. Alternatively, you can major in electrical engineering or CS (or fucking both at once) top of your class but if you didn't do internships, gets experience, and make connections, you're likely fucked.
Work hard at what you try for and try to transfer into a non-shit tier school if you didn't get in one early enough.
why ppl calling higher education memes now? they aren't memes...
a lot of sour grapes
>i was too retarded to get into college. ALL COLLEGE KIDS GOT MEMED AHAHAHA
oh, yea thats stupid, even if the person is retarded they should still TRY to get some type of degree, they aren't going to just stumble into a high paying salary without some education
This. Especially petroleum engineering
Basically all of them. Unless you've got
a masters degree, multiple specializations, a GPA of *minimum* 3.50, multiple internships, and an achievement award of distinction, you won't get hired anywhere.
At this point, the market is so fucked up that you might as well not try, get a shitty little apartment, work a joke job, and be a welfare queen on the side, as that's probably simply a better way to live life than try and stay on the hamster wheel to "get ahead".
Jesus, youre pathetic.
I got a bachelor's in international business. I feel like I'm living in a meme now because I can't find any decent internships where I am.
Now just milking an easy part time job while looking for better alternatives.
Unless you want to be a doctor, you're better off teaching yourself whatever you want to learn.
You know what's more impressive than a masters in electrical engineering? Having your own completed projects and company.
yep. No debt and all the skills. A good portfolio will take you farther than a degree.
Are you meming or for real?
if you're in college and haven't realized that networking is the only option for a decent future you dun goofed
What's the meaning of " X being a meme"?
Out of curiosity anyone struggling to get a job in your field: did you ever work part time throughout school?
So many idiots I know decided to not work during high school/uni so they could get perfect grades, volunteer, study abroad etc to get the perfect resume to gain a competitive edge, and have been unemployed for years. The people I know who got mediocre grades but worked retail/hospitality are the ones who are getting grad roles.
>having your own completed projects and company
No one will fund some high school grad's projects. This only works if you're a genius coder or very wealthy, otherwise it's a terrible idea.
Maybe for S&T but not for IB, PE, or Corp Dev.
>Student loans to go to "CAWLEDGE" when you could be buying Trumpcoins and driving lambos in WEEKS user.
The answer, is all of them.
Not memeing. Should've gotten out while I had the chance but I'm in too deep to change majors.
I'm an a&mfag and internship placement is 35% while job placement is 20%. Shit will still be like this unless oil magically goes back to 90/bbl.
Shit is cyclical so it will get better eventually. No one really knows how long till we get there.
Bottom line, if you are gonna bother with engineering just go for something else and stay away from this meme degree.
>no one will fund
I think he means that a portfolio of completed projects are more likely to get you hired than a degree
business mgmt/administration
You probably masturbate with cheeto dust on your hands for lube
It's portrayed as great but its shit
If you go to a shit school maybe.
School is 75% of the degree
25% is you, your grades and connections
Looking into mechanical, it doesn't look super enticing to me as you would most likely do factory maintenance or building factory machines, not a very great job at least it seems from up close
most MEs become CAD monkeys.
anyways the true meme is
>choosing major by the salary
Major in something you want to learn about and can't learn anywhere online or anywhere else, and something you like and will be grateful to have studied.
Or be motivated by serving a greater cause you truly believe in, that will motivate you to do a boring or difficult major.
You can major in anything and make money. You don't need a specific degree in order to become an entrepreneur. If you want to be a high-wage wagecuck, then get a high-wage wagecuck degree. But don't choose your major on the idea that such a degree will help you get into entrepreneurship.
Do remember that you will be competing in the high-wage wagecuck fields(or any field for that matter) with people who do not actually care about the money, but find it to be their passion. How will you compete?
I'm not in ME, I'm currently between accounting and MIS. Currently I work at a factory doing maintenance for the summer (pays well for no experience), and I see the people there who I believe have ME degrees or something related and it looks like hell. One of my friends there goes to my school for ME and that's where he said he will most likely work.
Seriously, being a factory worker seems horrible for me, so atleast I didn't choose that
Are you retarded?
What should I do next year, become a TA or do an Honours Program for my degree?
Have the same degree. Big Ag is hiring if you're motivated to do something that is
A meme librarian degree of course.
That's a pretty comfy place to work though.
whats a&m?
Texas A&M. It allegedly has the #1 bachelors program in the nation for petroleum engineering. At least last I checked.
Clarify, the name of the school in relationship to the degree does.
A good degree from a great school can do wonders. Example:
>I got my MBA from Harvard/Wharton/Emory/Northwestern
Good! We have an entry level management position for you. When can you start?
>I got my MBA from University of Phoenix
Good! We have an entry level custodial maintenance position just for you. When can you start?
Alternately, even good schools can produce shit majors that will get you looked at strangely.
>I got my BA in Nuclear Science from MIT!
Good, once your background check clears we'll get you into the labs.
>I got my BA in Literature from MIT!
But, I thought MIT was an engineering school. Why do you lie like this?
And if not a degree, at least some functional certs. The BI team (6 SQL developers, a few web developers, a project manager and an operational manager,) has a grand total of ONE degree among them (a BS-CIS from ITT Tech, lololololol,) but an assload of certs. Average pay for the team is just under $70k a year, and the managers both pull six figures.
Acquiring any degree is literally a matter of acquiring memes. You explicitly go to college to bask in beneficial memes and internalize them along with relevant information to the particular memes you are internalizing and being exposed to.
Seriously though, you NEET faggots and STEMlords need to stop trying to get impressionable youngsters on board with your shilling.
I agree with you here but going into debt for a lowpaying degree is still a meme. Whenever I hear another sob story about taking on $100k+ of debt to study a non-professional major at a mediocre school, I flip shit internally. If you pass up on your cheaper in-state school options, you forfeit the right to complain about debt.
Just remember that, at least for STEMlords, it's not in our best interest to push more people into STEM. Half the "STEM is a meme" crowd is probably insecure STEM students who know that they won't be able to stand out above the rest of the crowd and have to eliminate competition to get a leg up.
> t. engineeringfag
Don't be ridiculous, this isn't the 80s.
Came here to post this
Got a bachelors in criminal justice now I'm slotted for my local police academy sometime in fall. Not gonna make big bucks but I hope to go fed after 10 years of local experience. If you want to work in that field criminal justice is where it's at.
It means rampant idea. Not bad till you get tired of it.
>tired of this meme senpai
Here Carl the Normie goes again with the networking meme. Networking is merely one component of a large puzzle needed -- good grades, good university and good degree are more important factors.
Being in the FBI or Cia would be tight, never finished college and I am too scared tho ;(
Only the STEM degrees that don't have demand out the ass in the industry.
Finance and Econ double major here, should I pursue an MBA or a MS in Finance after I graduate?
It's more like
>I got my BA in Art History from Harvard
Great! Google and Goldman Sachs both called and wanted to schedule an interview with you.
Most MEs become CAD monkeys, which is why I got an AAS in CAD for 1/6th the price to get the same job in a field I knew was hiring. Plus, all my school work became a portfolio to show off during my application.
is an online computer science degree a meme ?
Yeah, if you're paying for it. There's enough free material out there to learn from that if you're truly dedicated and put as much work into personal projects as you would a degree, you'll be just as well off in a given time period without the debt
electrical engineering
nah, idk. my ex gf is going to missouri s&t next year to major in ee. I hope she fails hard. The world is a bitch, bitch.
MBA by itself won't be worth nearly as much as a MS in finance. MBA is a degree your employer pays for so you can advance once you're in
Everyone knows that
>liberal arts is bad you will never get a job
>STEM you will get a job as a cleaner to competitive / not enough work
>law is fucked you probably wont even get an internship
>med is competition up the ass you need to be in the top 0.1%
>if you dont get a degree you will never be hired because everyone has a degree these days
>you cant start a business without capital and experience you have neither and no learning to program online isn't experience and your web site designs / apps suck
if Veeky Forums is to be believed jobs don't actually exist besides floor sweeping and McDonalds employee and everyone is either a millionaire stock trader or is on welfare
College education is a sham unless you're stem or finance. Even then the stem has to be specialized towards either medicine or CS.
This college meme needs to die. Went downhill once they started letting all the nigs and idiots in and now the education is for my worthless. That and the way society is continually pushing towards automation and tech jobs the liberal arts education is essentially obsolete.
If you know you're not that smart go do heating and air conditioning or start a business that you would have wasted on college anyways.
Took me a master's degree and 60k in the whole to realize this.
Top MBA programs have a waaay higher starting salary than MSF programs. Typical MBA salary is 150k, MSF is IB analyst salaries, which can admittedly be high though.
Except it's true. The middle class is vanishing and all that will be left are extremely rich elites and a mass of poor. This is why you see populists movements like the alt right, Bernie shit, and basic income.
The government has to be lying about the actual unemployment/underemployment stats.
Fucking kikes every time
This. Unemployment stats delivered by government do not take into underemployment. A Bachelor's Degree holder working at Target is considered employed.
elaborate on finance? interested in double majoring in finance and econ since i hate accounting and i see that a lot of people are mixed on the whole "finance" degree. I'd be attending a top 20 school for undergrad finance (UC Lindner)
do MIT opencourseware for free
I could not agree more with this. I have no idea why the fuck I am going next year, I could literally become autodidact and learn all this shit myself.
Fucking jew college meme
When has that not been a meme though
basic income is the biggest fucking joke I've ever heard, its not even worth mentioning, its reddit delusional tier
>Ctrl F
>"Math" "Stats"
>No results
No wonder you fucking plebs can't get a job.
Math major reporting in and damn it feels fucking good holy shit.
Best thread ever.
Is my econ degree just a meme?
The post
Holy shit why is that even being discussed?
Those fucking "degrees" are almost as useless as psychology.
How dumb do you have to be to not just spend four years in the field rather than pay for 4 years of useless memes?
I always come here to laugh at you non stem fags trying to justify why you got meme tier degrees.
Its so pathetic that it's actually glorious.
without a masters or phd what kind of fucking job will you do?
Imagine stealing 10 kilo's of cocaine from a druglord. That is instantly 300k.
im not 100% sure but I usually see Econ degrees becoming basic desk jobs for the most part. I am not the most knowledgable on the degree but it seems that you end up in an average life which isn't the worst when you can be a janitor
I want to work in japan
All I need is any meme degree.
What should I get?
calculate the number of strokes it takes to edge optimally
Easiest degree? Communications or history
Basically anything other than STEM, neckbeards are often wrong but this is the one thing they got right. Degrees outside of STEM that certify a technical skill like accounting are also worth it. Degrees like finance, marketing, business are useless. You won't get a job. As well the harder the math or science, the more valuable the degree is.
could not sit through
I did linguistics (non-technical) and I got a job. What now?