Why are right-wingers manly and left-wingers girly?
Why are right-wingers manly and left-wingers girly?
Right praises masculinity and Femininity as virtues, the left hates them
Because being an obese, unshaven oestrogen filled manlet makes you manly
I don't think it's that easy to generalize. For instance there are plenty of baby faced overweight /pol/fags on this board.
Veeky Forums edgelords aren't representative of the right-wing.
It's pretty evident that left-wing men are more effeminate than right-wing men. I'm not trolling I'm asking why because it's a fact.
He doesn't look too girly tb h.
The left are weaklings who despise people that are of a better quality then them. Instead of trying to better themselves they try to tear down others who are superior to them.
Why are there no manly left-wingers today?
Stalin killed them.
Right wing men
>self reliant
>mistrustful of strangers
>probably engage in manual labor
>traditional views about gender roles
>eager to put down dangerous threats
Left wing men
>coddled their whole lives
>dependent personalities
>not very assertive
>blindly trusting of everyone
>no sense of tradition
>work soft jobs and live in cozy homes away from harsh reality
Because leftist views are more common in urban centers, and conservative views are more common among rural people.
Urban life tends to soften people up.
I wouldn't call left-wingers girly. They're not classically masculine, but that doesn't necessarily mean girly
Also why is this thread here instead of /pol/?
>tfw mainly fit the left wing description but not left wing
the cognitive dissonance I experience is immense
That stereotype is quite a modern phenomenom. In the late XIXth century and early 20th century, for example, it was more common for right-wing people to be dandy aristocrats and left-wing activists to be rugged working class men.
I can generalize too :^)
Is there like some group of people who are doing this to Veeky Forums? What's going on?
Leftists marching after the cologne incident
No, like an organized attack on Veeky Forums
I think it is pretty manly for me to take care of my wife's son while she hits the town with her ex?
>Also why is this thread here instead of /pol/?
Here there might be less circlejerking about le cucks.
The left-wingers being "girly" is a relatively recent trend and really only apparent in the West.
It's only really the libertarian left that could be called effeminate or girly.
Authoritarian leftists tend to be much manlier than authoritarian right-wingers (see: Communists, Islamists, Fascist Italy etc).
t. cuck
Men who are competant enough to do well in life and value their own independance tend to be right wing because right wing policies allow them to suceed and persue their interests.
Weak dependant men desire a system that will support them and provide for them.
It's not that hard to figure out op.
"Because /pol/ sucks" isn't a good answer. It just brings the suck here as evidenced by
>In line with their hypotheses, the data revealed that wealthy men with high upper-body strength were less likely to support redistribution, while less wealthy men of the same strength were more likely to support it.
It's not 'strong men are more likely to be conservative' it's 'strong men are more likely to be self-interested'. If Conservative policies will work in their favor, then yeah they'll be conservative, if leftist policies will work in their favor, then they'll be leftists.
The overwhelming majority of the Right-wingers I've met where pale skinny lanklets and a minority of autistic (and creepy) morbidly obese MGTOW types.
All the Left-wingers I've met were manly and intimidating: my own ex-boyfriend was an ardent Antifa and militant atheist who looked like a neo-Nazi on steroids and was often confused for a Hell's Angel.
>on Veeky Forums
See, master morality and slave morality
Tits or gtfo
This. I also inject heroin every day before my $200k/year job at wendy's and im absolutely fine.
The right wing/left wing paradigm in America is all some media invented, hype driven bullshit.....
There is absolutely nothing manly about being anti gay marriage(real men don't give a damn) anti abortion(see above) or in being afraid of muslims(I thought you were a man fagot?)
Political correctness is definately a plague but hey us real men know how to be polite and be soft when there are intellectual babies around
I'm right wing as fuck but also a crossdressing gay dude. Generalizations are bad.
that's a fairly bad post
Who said I'm a female?
Well conscientiousness is a predictor of supporting right-wing positions, and it's also a predictor of the likelihood of someone working out.
I think you could probably get most anyone to support any ideology if you emphasize specific principles.
If you frame Fascism as supporting a close-knit community with firm values and people taking care of each other, then you could probably get classically 'left-wing', collectivist minded people to support it.
If you present Communism as 'the capitalists are stealing YOUR money that YOU rightfully earned', then you could probably get classically 'right-wing' minded people into individualism and competition to sign up.
The Right wants to be macho, they're little boys wearing their daddies pants.
The left is secure in its masculinity.
>authoritarian right
your typical normie wagecuck who goes to church/mosque, follows his cultural traditions, and is generally oblivious to everyone around him
>libertarian right
your autistic creepy basement dwelling bitter virgin who probably is part of MGTOW, looks down on everyone else, and has "read" Ayn Rand (i.e. read her Wikipedia page)
>libertarian left
SJW cucks and their enablers, feminists, BlackLivesMatter, etc
>authoritarian left
Slavoj Zizek *sniff*
actual honest-to-God Commies and their ilk (Naxalites in India, Cubans, North Koreans)
>it has a boyfriend therefore it's a girl
It's still an imageboard. Chances are threads will be complete shit because some people think being right-wing or whatever is funnier or against the status quo more than anything else, even though this isn't the case.
Show us your boipussy
I thought this board wasn't supposed to be blue /pol/
OP here.
I didn't intend for this to be a /pol/ circlejerk.
I would just like to hear genuine theories, not 'because they r pussies'.
>Why are right-wingers manly and left-wingers girly?
>picture of Pepe in a questioning manner
You asked for it, nigger
>I didn't intend for this to be a /pol/ circlejerk.
whatever u say bud
Andrea Dworkin isn't very girly.
To be fair he looks like a normal guy with a shitty haircut.
She was abused pretty bad, desu, I don't blame her.
What the fuck is that?
Left-wingers tend to take more nurturing/empathetic philosophies, the ones you'd get from ma, while right-wingers tend to have more "toughen-up"/merit-based philosophies, the ones you'd get from your pa.
it is natural for men like him to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible.
The best way for a man to cater his need for approval is to serve some woman (and some of her children) through emotional&financial support.
Men are pleased to contribute to someone else life, to support their family.
Why women are a good way to feel relevant? Because women love to be provided for and each woman will always find a man ready to please her.
[for most men, the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy]
THe problem for men is that they are disposable in the eyes of each woman, since all men wish to serve the few women who talk to them.
Men must thus invent several ways to please women, invention and creativity which strengthen their feeling of being worthy, relevant, in touch with reality.
Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Once that the a woman replaces a man by another provider, the man gets very upset and depressed.
THis leads men to think that they are better than women, stronger, smarter and that they must built a life outside women. Some men manage to indeed built an empire, but they will always loose it for some women.
Women give meaning to men and betas, no matter how successful outside women, will always give up everything for some relationship with some woman who claim to fancy them.
She is the greatest feminist of our times.
And I'm not even being ironic, Dworkin is the GOAT.
Get out.
Stay mad.
Is she a feminist along the lines of Julie "hide your boys in a concentration camp" Bindel or is she more equal and rational?
I don't get it.
No seriously get the fuck out, go back to tumblr, shoo.
Gay people are a tiny minority of the population, it'd be silly to assume someone is gay when other more likely possibilities exist.
If you're asking if she's one of those feminists that disowns feminism for being too hard on men then no. She is however hardcore 2nd wave anti-porn and anti-prostitution which is why I like her.
If you're asking if she's Valarie Solanas level militant then also no.
>mfw this makes perfect sense.
Feminism was never about equality, it's a gynocentric word to start with.
And women are a tiny minority of Veeky Forums's population.
I'd say someone being a gay dude on here is more likely.
>anti-porn and anti-prostitution
>which is why I like her
Holy shit, go fuck yourself. Btw, the 2nd wave is only slightly less garbage than the 3rd.
>feminism isn't about equality because etymology.
>He doesn't know that porn and prostitution are the height of capitalist objectification of women.
>He probably doesn't even believe women are objectifed
>He probably doesn't even think capitalism is a problem
Get learnt, kid.
No, it's not about equality because of feminist's unequal fucking actions. Feminists, fuck outta this board and go back to tumblr. Only feminists that are halfway decent are CH Sommers and Cammile Paglia.
Nope, not falling for the bait just fuck off.
Epic buzzwords friend
Porn is shit but prostitution has been around longer than >le ebil capitalism
>implying that fags are a minority on Veeky Forums
>Get learnt
>No, it's not about equality because of feminist's unequal fucking actions. Feminists, fuck outta this board and go back to tumblr. Only feminists that are halfway decent are CH Sommers and Cammile Paglia.
Like what exactly? Did some mean old feminist tell you to check your privilege on the internet?
>CH Sommers
Into the trash.
>Nope, not falling for the bait just fuck off.
Shitlord till the end.
Yes, and it's been adopted by capitalism very well. No less it's still the height of objectification.
>Like what exactly?
Shutting down men's rights events. Now stop baiting and fuck off
>Men's rights events.
That's because MRM is a massive front for misogyny under the guise of """""equality""""".
user, you're cool. don't get jaded by memes.
Not an argument.
Thanks, m8.
>Veeky Forums is being raided by unironic feminists now
>not even fucking Veeky Forums is safe
I've been on Veeky Forums for longer than I've been a feminist.
I just, you know, stopped being an insecure teenager. Well maybe not completely since I'm still here.
Fuck off then. Please.
No, you fuck off to eightchan with the rest of the misogynistic weenies.
>Yes, and it's been adopted by capitalism very well.
Then why is prostitution illegal in many capitalist countries?
No, fuck off. You feminists hate women way more than I ever could or have.
Basically this.
See: motherfucking putin
That's quite a bitter self-acknowledgement of character if I've ever seen one. Hopefully the implication is that you will grow out of it somewhat one day.
Because capitalist countries are also often extremely religious. Tho props to Jesus for being fully sympathetic to prostitutes despite generally being against the practice.
How exactly?
yeah sure nice try hombre
>All feminists are sex positives
This is quite possibly the biggest internal debate of feminism.
has very little to do with sex. Prostitution was the first job that allowed women to make wages that competed with male earners. Discounting pimps, which seem to be fading out of existence, prostitution is a female dominated industry, which is great for feminism.
>fascist italy
I thought this place was different from /pol/ but i was wrong
It isn't. This is like saying 19th century chimney sweeps were dominated by children therefore it's great for child rights.
Prostitution ultimately is a means of exploition and male domination and ultimately is a result of patriarchal capitalist society that reinforces the objectification of women as sex objects to be bought and sold by men. This is not to say that prostitution ought to be outlawed, but that it's a symptom of larger societal ills and injustices that need to be rectified.
well I think you could argue that fascist italy was moving toward socio-capitalism
Because of a certain unwillingness to show or enforce any cohesiveness as a movement. Bigots moonlight as genuine egalitarians through the feminist movements.
There's a certain kneejerk reaction I see time and time again, where when a woman commits a moral faux paus in the feminist movement, or doesn't agree with them on literally every point; she's out. It's a defense commonly used for ideology that says "if you aren't with us, you're obviously against us". But anyone with a brain knows that's just an ideological shill unless you're literally in a life-or-death situation.
And literally everyone and anyone can call themselves a feminist. Which is good! ...and bad. It means its difficult for them to have well-defined central tenets as a movement, because of the cowboyish nature that people associate with feminism. Anyone can call themselves a feminist, and have their own concept of feminism. And you'll never know what that means until they do it. So the modern platform is nebulous and ill defined. And that isn't a hard concept. Societal issues facing women in the west are very clearly more nuanced and intersectional. There aren't many more big goals like suffrage, domestic protection, and anti-discrimination rights. In just about any situation that isn't the most interpersonal, there are laws for that. About all I can think of is getting 50/50 representation in government. And we're moving forward on that, if slowly. But please, correct me if I'm wrong. (cont)
>Left wing in the slightest
Are you retarded?
Using socialist rethoric is not socialism, see: nazi germany
Who are you to say what another human being may do or not do with their body to make money?
I find trapeze artists titillating, let's say. In your world, would my objectivizing of trapeze artists suggest that trapeze artistry should be outlawed?
Then how do you validate "capitalist countries are excellent at prostitution" while also saying "capitalist countries are extremely religious and balk at prostitution"?
Could it perhaps be that things aren't as childishly simple as you think and there's far more complexity to the issue?
>people think SJWs are libertarian left
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
And most commies are anarcho-coms so they are the libertarian ones.
Fucking retarded dumbfucks. Kill yourselves.
As I say I'm not saying prostitution should be banned, I'm saying prostitution is a symptom of larger societal ills namely patriarchy and capitalism.
>I find trapeze artists titillating, let's say. In your world, would my objectivizing of trapeze artists suggest that trapeze artistry should be outlawed?
No because I explicitly said prostitution shouldn't be outlawed.
However you are a weirdo and a bit of a shitlord.