Have you noticed that every job these days is either menial shit (done by dumb betas), technical and underpaid and overworked (booksmart betas), or relationship based and social skills requiring and bullshitty ( women and alpha males)?
Have you noticed that every job these days is either menial shit (done by dumb betas)...
It's so disappointing when I meet guys like that comic. So many guys think exactly like that. Literally:
>I can't wait to get sloppy seconds, provide for her while she withholds sex, and then get cheated on
>I sure showed the alphas
Being in electrical engineering (graduating in two weeks, thank god) I see this mentality every fucking day.
God damn I hate betas.
Pull an Elon Musk and start fucking nineteen year old pussy bro.
Hold on, what? Hasn't he been married for like 15 years?
>Get a degree level phone sales job
I make £45k a year on recruitment and my friend makes similar selling oil on the phone, super easy for him, literally rings up, ask if they need more stock, and takes their details, then collects the commission.
For a second I thought you were referring to misogynistic assholes. Nope, typical blame anybody except the bitter white fucking men who cause at least 90% of society's problems. I don't know why I expect anyone to ever use their brain on this site desu.
Oh lord, just so glad I didn't marry her.
>whites cause 90% of problems
>Blacks take up 14% of the population and commit 52% of the murders
Sure is cuck in here
>ROTC kiddie here
>Literally get paid to go to college
>Job lined up when I get out
>Expect upwards of 50k starting accounting for BAH and other special pay
>If I hit captain by year 2 I'm raking in upwards of 70k
>It only goes up from there with promotions actually offered to my by the system along with regular pay raises
>Special tax exemptions and extra pay if I'm deployed
Being a non-STEM civilian must fucking suck ass.
never marry
problem solved
99% of your problems in fact