Never took econ in high school, so what books does Veeky Forums recommend?
Never took econ in high school, so what books does Veeky Forums recommend?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Macroeconomics by Gregory Mankiw.
>Microeconomics by goolsby Levitt and syverson.
>Money and banking by Mish kinzel
>Financial Economics by Fabozzi
This is a good start. The first three are very easy to understand. They are college level though. The fourth book is a little more involved, but not too bad. I would recommend having a decent grasp of calculus and statistics, but as long as the theories are making sense you will probably understand everything.
I hope this helps.
I'm a ChemE student in University. How do I study business on my own and use it post-uni?
The textbooks above, supplemented by publicly released (professional) lectures online and befriending an Econ major on your campus to give you someone to hash out concepts with or bounce questions off of.
Might even be able to get a professor's ear from time to time.
How will I show employers that I can use this knowledge if I don't have a degree in it?
What aspect of business? If you are going broad. I would say you need to be able to know the basics of financial and managerial accounting. The basics of forecasting. Being able to read a financial statement. Decent at excel (pivot tables, vlookup, etc.)
That's a good question. I'd also like to know that
why does she look like a man wtf
i feel like a stupid horny teen, but... who is she?
After you finish a course you can print a certificate. Bind them all in a PDF file.
>falling for the "she can't be a girl if she has a penis" meme
legit question: how do you fuckers know so quick that it's a boy?
s/he doesn't have an adam's apple, that's about all I know about spotting traps.
join ISIS
not gay, but i don't think it would stop me from hitting that
Its a woman, Veeky Forums just loves dicks too much, so everything remotely attractive must be a trap.
but, not having an adam's apple means it's a woman. or am i missing something here?
nah look at the shoulders and cheekbones, something is off
cause it is
The Art of The Deal
Trump, Donald J. - The Art of the Deal
Trash. May as well recommend "the little engine that could" if we're going with empty feel-good books.
this chick legit looks like a man or something in between and to the general knowledge no tricks are involved.
I'm reading AOTD at the moment it is pretty good.
Age has not been kind to her.
Anna Christine Speckhart
in quintus veritas
hes trolling
or an idiot
but the thing is, that girl has great bones, while everyone in here has recessed maxilas and jawlines. good looking people are out living life instead of browsing Veeky Forums.
Listen to EconTalk and pick random episodes that sound interesting.
For intro textbook, Macroeconomics by Mankiw, see first post.
For popular economics and less textbook style theory, read books from economists/academics e.g. Paul Krugman. Go on Goodreads and look at related books, you will become familiar with the most respected names. I can't think of them at the moment.
If you are a complete beginner start with Youtube videos and lectures - most are really interesting and not boring traditional classroom style lectures. It will be extremely hard to learn with no contextual knowledge of the economy and how anything works.