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Get a job and go to school
Just buy more money
Think about this, it is the 21 century, you can LITERALLY profit off memes. (Altcoins/cryptos). How lucky would our ancestors think we are? We can invest NEETBUX into MEMES and convert to GBP for chicken nuggets and lambos.
What a time to be alive.
>tfw sold some of my trumps and had steak for dinner
NEET life is behind me. I'm a full time Trump investor now.
Apparently you need to stop receiving help.
Do it just like me: start studying, get a side job.
Later on, start investing to gain more, but don't be greedy.
Oh and, start Veeky Forums. It helps alot with confidence and discipline.
no one can help you but yourself
Working sucks. Your time is undervalued. I started working and I got tired in no time. I went back to NEET and im much better. Jobs pay like shit in my country anyway (Spain) so I would rather just NEET it out. Im too old and can't focus to get a career so I can't aim for better jobs. And what's worse, there's lot of people with college degrees working in shitty call centers, it's a scam.
My life with 600€ with 0 % free time is worse than my life with 200€ (I make internet bucks) and 90% free time.
Working = death. There's just no point. It's impossible to move out from your parent's anyway, no matter how much I worked, since I couldn't pay a rent with the shitty wages you get. So id rather live with my parents and fuck 8/10+ escorts with the money I make off the internet. The alternative is working and sleeping because you are always fucking exhausted, all for no fucking reason, without 0 rewards.
wew lad
that is a lot of excuses! , whatever you have to do to rationalize it buddy
whatever you are doing now, expand on that. there is a lot of opportunity on the internet. i make 25k a year without not too much work and life a quasi-neet life. if i need more money, i work a little more. and i love my job too. would i trade it for a 75k job working at some company 9 hours a day??? probably not (i'm young tho. if i was old i'd cave in to the pressure).
What do you do?
try r9k
>My life with 600€ with 0 % free time
Ffs, i knew that Spain's economy isn't exactly booming, but 600 fucking euros in month... It's like Eastern Europe tier.
Even if it's only a minimum wage job.
>So id rather live with my parents and fuck 8/10+ escorts with the money I make
Wait, but you just said you make only 200 euros a month in internet. How can you afford escorts.
Am I being baited?
Go here:
That's a start. Instead of shitting on yourself, you can now work from home and do other stuff.
>How can you afford escorts.
>Go to college and graduate, then get a decent job
>do an apprenticeship, finish it and get a decent job
>Get a shitty job and work up to a decent job, if this doesn't work out, do one of the first two
This is literally all you can do, and no one can do it for you, so do it.
just incase anyone was wondering why the spanish economy is in the toilet
Thinking that I have excuses instead of admiting that im on a dead end is the way you rationalize that I don't have better options than what im doing already.
I have a Youtube channel, it's pretty hard to get more views than what I do now unless I want to dedicate myself 24 hours to it, which would make me burnt out. The channel grows by itself already at about 1 or 2 videos per month max.
It's even worse. A lot of people are getting paid less than minimum wage. Working is a scam trust me. Anyone not agreeing with this fact is deluded. Only if you make a good wage it's worth it.
I can fuck 2 hotties with 200 euros, for 1 hour. 4 if I split 30 min each girl.
It's better than getting no pussy while you work like an idiot or getting pussy from some sub7 girlfriend.
I would kill myself if I lived in USA where escort scene is dead due muh laws.
Yeah, it's in the toilet because some people wouldn't humiliate themselves for retarded wages.
This is exactly how muh libertarian autism look like.
Get a job fag