Is this a good business strategy?
Is this a good business strategy?
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Of course not you fucking moron, fuck off to /pol/, /news/ or some other board where refugee crap is actually allowed.
>people actually visiting your country and spending money in your economy is bad
>A bunch of parasites who will be on welfare and never contribute to society at the very least, or commit theft, rape and terrorist attacks are ok
I'll keep this as Veeky Forums as possible on this subject.
No. It can never be a good strategy. Even considering that would make you dumb as shit. Here's why:
>Tourists spend money into your local economy
>Tourists make you rich
>'Refugees' or let's call them what they are; economic immigrants leech money off your economy
>Economic immigrants make you poor
So any place that can have tourism and is against it is fucking retarded!
This is economic suicide.
If you are a keynesian.
He said everything.
Now the question is : Should we do anything or get doomed with our countries?
No, but I sincerely want to move to the US or lately I am literally thinking about Poland.
I am actually from Mallorca, where this was written. Refugees aren't welcome, but the tourist are making the island overcrowd. Roads are busy, hospitals are full and we are running out of water.
I would be really happy if they put a yearly cap on tourists. Moreover, we are seeing how hotel owners are getting richer and the average salary is going DOWN even that we have more tourists than ever because of terrorism in north Africa and Turkey.
Belive me, tourists have a huge impact on Balearic Islands.
wow an actual niggerkike in full flight!
fly you glorious winged faggot, fly!!
You wouldn't be able to survive without them. How else are you going to make revenue?
The problems you have are created by your government by not managing tourism correctly.
Agree, we only have one source of income and we aren't investing all the tourist money in other sectors. That's why I don't live in Mallorca anymore. Hopefully someone will realise before it's too late.
Now be a good hombre and go change that graffiti for us.
Huge impact, as in making up 80% of your revenue?
>Roads are busy, hospitals are full and we are running out of water
Well how is the public works situation over there? You can build more water treatment plants and put in public transportation
They aren't giving money to me, they're giving money to the people with property and capital, the ones who already have money.
On my end, I get shit on because the limitted housing gets rents out to tourists who will pay $$$ for a single night, and I have to compete with people from much wealthier countries to buy shit.
as for refugees, they can go to a safe country like Bulgaria, I don't like 3rd world immigrants either, but they are net contributors to the economy, fuck off with this "parasitic welfare stealers" lie. not that contributing to the economy makes something unquestionably good or parasitism is irredeemably bad, afterall tourists are contributors and the bourgeoisie are parasites.
>culture gap
>high healthcare costs
>0% job opportunity (RACISTS!)
>continue list
Does this sound like a sound economical situation? No it does no. Poor, uneducated, economic migrants are not net contributors.
Their job opportunity is poor unless heavily stimulated by the government (Subsidy! I chose you!)
They segragate themselves from Western society by clinging to their own culture and grouping together.
If they actually get jobs then you can bet your ass that it is something low end e.g. taxi driver, which would not even be a problem was it not that their income does not exist on paper (black market).
My neighbourhood has streets filled with these "net contributors" who are accepting welfare and work in some black circuit sending their income to their family in their homecountry.
Net contributors...don't make me laugh.
When your town is fucked and the local economy is even worse I'm sure you'll be glad.
How can people actually be this stupid?
Find a study or be quiet. This is the real world, where we use evidence to justify arguments, not your group therapy/cuddle session where you discuss how you feel about immigrants. Not like these folks are coming to my country anyway.
Yeah, We'll take control, and show you buckos how it's done.
>net contributors to the economy
>find a study or be quiet
Where's yours?
>they are net contributors to the economy,
Look we got a live one
>where is your study lefty?
I study both university level chemistry and finance (I know weird combo), so I understand and fully support the use of data in discussions.
That being said, the points I made are basically common knowledge and by that you can deduce the situation I am describing. As an example I give my close neighbourhood.
However, since you like apperantly like to dig your own grave, here are some studies I literally found in a few minutes adressing the labor particpation problem of economical migrants.
It also adresses the fact that these so called refugees are mostly just from definition economical migrants.
The final two links are two reports in Dutch. Now I understand that you're not Dutch but just because I want to make a point (I know, I know you're not Dutch) I included it.
Basically it describes that the situation is totally fucked up and that e.g. only 20% people from Iraq actually get a job, and that in general 65% of the migrants is still jobless after 10-15 years.
I bet you can find these reports in your own language for your own country as well. Humor me and try it.
Maybe then you understand why I don't use data when it seems obvious to me that there is a problem....
Explains migration flood from Africa
This one even has a nice report
Dutch labor market report regarding African migrants
Belguim labor market report regarding ethnicity
Now of course I understand that these few links do not yet show the bigger picture but I am not going to waste my time and write a PhD thesis about this on Veeky Forums.
It seems obvious to me that you should be able to use common knowledge to conclude that there is a problem, especially in combination with an aging population.
Now I know why people said Spaniard are lazy
Spaniard here.
The thing with the tourists is that we get lots of people who just come to get wasted, litter, puke and pee everywhere they can.
Things can get pretty nasty in certain areas and, while this kinda of thing brings a lot of money to hotels and bars and that kind of business, everything else kinda grinds to a halt because people don't want to wade through waves of drunkards to reach they shop they were looking for. Many small business suffer heavily in these days.
Still I'd say those two messages have been written by two different hands.
Yep "guiris" want to get drunk with cheap beer. Refugees only want to drain our resources, exterminate the white race and reconquer us
The ones that come are the ones who were already middle or at least low-middle class. They know there´s a good life to be had if they don´t chimp out.
The scum stays and dies fighting for whoever washes their brain first. Only a few come to Europe.
This is why we need History classes in school.
>Now I know why people said Spaniard are lazy
Fucking spanish don't produce shit... heavily dependent on foreigners who come and spend their $$$.
Fucking spaniards are so fucking lazy and entitled they bitch and whine about their main source of livelyhood.
Fucking lazy euopeans. PIGS countries deserve to go bankrupt.
When 95% of your GDP comes from tourism, and you are already in a recession with 25% unemployment and 50% youth unemployment, I'd say it's a pretty fucking horrific idea.
But cucks will be cucks.
Remember folks, have your cucks euthanized or neutered.
>best quality olive oil, and produced in such quantities that the UE imposes a limit so Italy and France can stay competitive
>high quality fruit and vegetables in general, again capped because Italy and France and going strong despite French farmers blaming Spaniards for the E.Coli infections and other shit
>huge fishing industry, again capped by UE because Nordic countries go muh fish
>leading in certain fields of Medicine research
>world best nurses, specifically those from the University of Malaga, which sadly is generally shit for everything else
>huge exportation of highly educated brains, mostly because of old people electing retarded politicians and crushing all hopes, but still
I mean, if someone has heard SOMETHING from Spain, is that both politics and the economy are fucked beyond belief. If the country hasn´t tanked yet it isn´t exactly because of the UE, but rather in spite of it. We´d be doing much better if the Euro and the UE limitations to exports didn´t crush every Spanish industry.
Fuck off faggot.
> one leftist faggot sprays his faggot writing on a wall
>cuck media immediately reports it
This just has to be bait, right?
here's hoping someone crushes your skull soon, faggot.
>net contributors to the economy
Someone has been smoking some really strong shit.
>Remember folks, have your cucks euthanized or neutered.
Their nature already does that