So since this looks shit on me, do you have amy recommendations for a new haircut I should try.
I need haircut advice
I also have this bigass nose.
A cut is not something you need right now. Grow it out
I understand that.But what style should I choose when I grow it out?
damn, are you a Slav, that's a pretty weak jawline
Yes I am lol.Bosnia.I am thinking of doing those jawline excercises.Do they work?
Speaking of Slavs, the northern Slavs have different face shapes than us south Slavs.They also tend to have lighter hair and eyes
What admixture might I have?
no idea, you have that oval face with weak jawline like Sharapova though, which makes chin fat more visible
Any hairstyle recommendations tho?
It's really hard to tell what a good haircut for you would be with these sideways mug shots. Just post a normal mirror pic
This better?
Start lifting, buzz the hair, and stop looking so sad.
This. Buzzcut is a good choice for you
Working on the lifting
Buzzing the hair won't really work since I already do that and it grows into this in a week.
Nobody ever told me I look sad, but thanks for pointing it out.
your head is straight up as long as the width of your shoulders.
I know I look like shit.That's why I came here.I am doing pushups to get wider shoulders.
I will consider going to the gym as well.
Pushups won't give you wider shoulders. Learn about proper exercise and proper eating, focus mainly on your daily protein intake. Also when doing a buzzcut cut it much shorter and keep it that way, these inbetween buzzcut stages are not appealing. Also your nose is fine.
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stop caring so much, you're insecure. literally any hairstyle would look good on your head, even that one.
your nose also is not big, it is your mouth and chin that are aback making it look proportionately big, but it's normal sized.
I just want to better myself.I am not really insecure.Thanks anyways.