What if God is not omnipotent?
What if God is not omnipotent?
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It would solve the problem of evil but would beg the question of then who was god's god?
He'd be a pretty pisspoor excuse for a god.
Another god.
They're not omnipotent either.
Also the same situation for that god's god's gods' god etc.
But with enough god, all the responsibilities gets covered. So hinduism wins.
Omnipotence is a nonsense concept anyway.
You can't fool me sonny.
It's turtles all the way down.
Then he can be killed
What if God is impotent?
he is already dead
Then Christ-cucks are wrong and it's time to go back to worshiping Teutatis.
He'd be unable to move iron chariots
Wake up Mr. Spinoza, it's time for your meds
Also, a god could be omniexistential without omnipotence.
>He'd be unable to move iron chario
What one of his traits is immortality?
By the very definition of God, God must be the greatest possible being. Similarly, God must be omniscient, omnibenevolent, and transcendental on an ontological level as that is what a god would have to be to be God.
That is the same as saying that an omnipotent being is greater than another omnipotent being, which makes no sense. This is the same reason why polytheism would not make sense with this definition of God, as it is illogical for multiple Omnipotent beings to exist or worse, for one omnipotent being to create another or for an omnipotent being to die.
>implying OP isn't 2300 years too late.
Or rather all the way up?
Most Abrahamic religions have a consensus on the nature of our universe being semi-determinist, i.e. God has laid out the beginning, end, and other important actions whilst we sort out the rest with free will. Though this is a topic of centuries-old theological debate
If that were the case, why do we have to even know about god, why do we have to worship him? What is the point of free will if you are forced to do things in order to get everything out of gods creation?
This shit is just so wrong. Why did Jesus die for our sins? Why did he intervene many times, if all he did was lay it out?
I think you are talking out your ass. As a way to keep your ignorance intact.
Guess it would solve the Inconsistent Triad, with the solution being God's a bitch. Able to love all but unable to do anything about it leaves just a pathetic specimen.
Quick... Don't let this thread fail.
this so much. "religion" starts to fall apart so everyone spergs out and changes it up to fit the times.
then by definition he isn't God
>greatest possible being
So not omnipotent.
Omnipotence for one being is just as illogical as it is for two.
>If that were the case, why do we have to even know about god, why do we have to worship him?
You don't have to. You can go your merry way and be separated from God forever, if that's what you want. He's already made the arrangements.
>What is the point of free will if you are forced to do things in order to get everything out of gods creation?
To make you a free will moral agent and not an automaton. If you had a real doll and she said "I love you" every time you touched her nose, would you feel loved?
>This shit is just so wrong.
God cursed everything so that you would know somethingis very wrong indeed.
>Why did Jesus die for our sins?
Our sins prevented us from living with Him forever. He loved us so much that He would rather die than live without us, so He did. And taking down the sin barrier, the free gift of God's salvation is offered to anyone who believes the truth.
>Why did he intervene many times, if all he did was lay it out?
History is His Story. He raises up kings and kingdoms, and knocks them back down again. He says what is going to happen in the future, and then He makes it happen.
Spotted the atheist.
>Unironically shitposting hedonism.
No, then by definition you're not talking about the real God, but a straw God you set up in order to talk shit about.
>You don't have to. You can go your merry way and be separated from God forever, if that's what you want.
>He's already made the arrangements.
These statements are mutually exclusive and cannot be true simultaneously.
uhh buddy, the christian god is defined specifically as omnipotent. so unless your 'real' god isn't the christian god, he is in fact talking about the 'real' god.
Say we were created by God1.
God1 were created by God2.
So who created God2?
Don't ask, God1 may or may not know the answer.
Why embarrass your God(1)?