Rate this Mexican Doink

Rate and hair cut suggestions

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Your body doesnt suit the style youre going for. Other than that you look fine hairs fine too

Hair's not fine. Cut it shorter on the sides. It just looks messy-

> belt and suspenders


You look filipino?

this, you don't wear belts with suspenders


I wonder somethign similar at burning man

What do you guys think about wearing this fit in everyday life

Get a third accessory to hold up your pants, like some kind of Dr. Suess spring-hat thing that attaches to your belt and suspenders at the same time.

Taper your hair at the bottom/back.


You'll look like a try-hard wanker from 5+ years ago. The throwback to the 20's type of look is already played out, and everyone will think you're a cosplayer. This applies no matter how fit/confident you are at this point.

alright thanks

That looks fucking ridiculous. Why are the pants so fucking huge? Did he lose 100 pounds?
>belt with suspenders


Pants too low +belt?
Looks like a little babyfaced gayboy
Looks like a virgin cosplayer
fix it now get stronger grow a beard if you even can.


Yea OP just stop now please

Was this the cringe thread? cus OP= Cringe

1: get fit
2: look older

>Using belt with suspenders

Get pants that fit, lose the belt or suspenders, get a trim

You're pretty muscular but with the warped standards today's media gives us you could aways go further

>Get Veeky Forums
>Your body doesnt suit the style youre going for.
it isnt because hes not fit, its because hes asian. ive seen scrawny white farm kids wear the same thing and look better, but then again they didnt have clip on suspenders attached to a belt

title literally says he's hispanic, like how dense can u be

also op, your hair is shit. and the fit doesn't fit. pants too big.

he's a white, not asian

mexicans are white

>mexicans are white

That's like saying Americans are white. Don't be dense. Most Mexicans are a mix of Spanish and indigenous. But anyone whose been to Mexico knows they have plenty of dark and light skinned people and even racism amongst themselves over ethnicity.

I'm Mexican and I call myself white. Because nothing else really applies.

Many Mexicans like me have almond eyes, straight noses, dark tan skin, etc.

I'm white, dude

Belt is too manly, effectively emasculating this very young man. Put a damn shirt on, I hope a drunk throws up on your try hard tee.

if you're OP, sorry m8 you're not white tho, maybe slightly racially ambigious but in any case just own that shit.
Change the hair, it's shit and the reason why most latinos go for the buzzcut is that that type of hair doesn't work if it's long, it become animu character-tier. I think if you go for a buzzcut, and dress smart or at least not like a latin king, gang member it could work.
Your current fit, needs improvement, first of all as other anons have pointed out you need to lose the belt, or the suspenders. If you want to keep the suspenders, consider getting button ons, and wearing them a little closer to the center of the pants. Also i think you should be more Veeky Forums if you want to pull off the rolled up sleeves.

Rollin up he sleeve for a look, thot based;

He belt to big for he got dam waist-eth